Bomb threat in DC; predictions?

I've seen the footage. Hell, I posted a still shot a few posts ago. The building is collapsing somewhere in the midst of that debris scattering across several acres that you claim was brought down by a demolition team in its own footprint.

Just go here...assuming you've got the time (and brain cells) to kill.

9/11 Conspiracy Thread
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Also, his FB follows/likes has Trump and Fox News.

EL is rarely wrong.


stop… breathe…


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This is all Pelosi's fault. If she'd have put some velvet ropes on the sidewalk, he would have stayed inside them and mainly peacefully livestreamed his threats... I mean petitioned the government. Then everything would have been okay.
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Can the Trumpers at least admit that Trump was toxic AF for this country?
Trump did a great job and the country was humming before Covid. He did fairly well at handling that crisis too. Even though the liberal news media still displayed him as a monster because of political bias and a extreme personal dislike of Trumps brazen , shoot from the hip style. Also Trump did win that election with 74/75 million votes. Obama’s previous record was 69 million. No way Biden received 81 million votes staying in his house all year long. That’s not how you get out the vote. Biden’s rallies consisted of a couple hundred cars blowing car horns. Trump’s rallies would bring in 10 to 50 thousand. It cannot be proven because checks and balances were not in place but the mail-in voting was no doubt fraudulent on a massive scale. We are now the most populated banana republic in history.
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Trump did a great job and the country was humming before Covid. He did fairly well at handling that crisis too.

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His response to covid was a complete clown show. It's why we have Fauci dictating policy and why Biden is now president. He was completely incompetent as a leader
Explain how the response was a clown show. I doubt anyone else could have put the pressure on the medial/scientific community to get the vaccine developed as quickly as it was.

He declared a National emergency early on. He enacted travel bans from China early even though Biden and the liberal left hounded him on the decision at the time. He was correct in blaming China for creating the Covid mess through incompetence or deliberate intentions and that obviously has turned out to be true that even the Dems are now acknowledging it. Face it , the criticism against Trump was all political.
Explain how the response was a clown show. I doubt anyone else could have put the pressure on the medial/scientific community to get the vaccine developed as quickly as it was.

He declared a National emergency early on. He enacted travel bans from China early even though Biden and the liberal left hounded him on the decision at the time. He was correct in blaming China for creating the Covid mess through incompetence or deliberate intentions and that obviously has turned out to be true that even the Dems are now acknowledging it. Face it , the criticism against Trump was all political.
He didn't really "shut down" travel. The only thing he did was get the vaccine pushed through. Then he didn't actually push for it to his followers after almost dying from covid. He had no consistent message and allowed the narrative to be controlled by Fauci/Birx. He was on tv every night and just babbled then stopped going one he didn't get the praise he required.

The criticism is because he was a completely incompetent leader and failed in a crisis
He didn't really "shut down" travel. The only thing he did was get the vaccine pushed through. Then he didn't actually push for it to his followers after almost dying from covid. He had no consistent message and allowed the narrative to be controlled by Fauci/Birx. He was on tv every night and just babbled then stopped going one he didn't get the praise he required.

The criticism is because he was a completely incompetent leader and failed in a crisis
I disagree completely on every point you made. The incompetent one was Fauci. He is a long serving bureaucrat that changes his opinion almost daily and dismisses alternative treatments just because it doesn’t match the government line. One mistake Trump made is not firing that poser by the fall of last year.
BTW, he did enact travel bans against China and was slammed by the Dems at the time. He saved untold thousands of lives by doing this early on. Face it, you criticize Trump on his brazen personality not on the merits of the job he did.
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