Bombshell Documents Reveal Biden DHS Wants to Paint Christians, Conservatives as Nazis and Terrorists

Yeah, reminds me of most of your posts in the Russiagate threads.

LG was a “the walls are closing in” guy…breathlessly regurgitating the latest bombshell from Maddow each day.

For years this went on. It was Qanon for the left. I am humored each time I see LG shake his finger at someone else. Shows a huge lack of self awareness.

The Biden Administration has been caught weaponizing its power to paint Christians and conservatives as evil, comparing them to Nazis.

According to newly uncovered documents released by the Media Research Center (MRC), Biden's Department of Homeland Security revealed that the woke agency has been using federal funds to destroy the reputations of prominent Christian organizations, several conservative public policy groups such as Turning Point USA, the National Rifle Association, Breitbart News, Fox News, and the Republican National Committee.

The DHS gave a University of Dayton, Ohio, anti-terrorism grant program $352,109 to a group whose findings claim that conservatives are just inches away from being Nazis and terrorists.

It is worth noting that the seminars often include lectures by members of Antifa who want to "infiltrate and surveil" conservative groups.

Bombshell Documents Reveal Biden DHS Wants to Paint Christians, Conservatives as Nazis and Terrorists
Is this "Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization" the only proof that the Department of Homeland Security has been weaponized?
LG was a “the walls are closing in” guy…breathlessly regurgitating the latest bombshell from Maddow each day.

For years this went on. It was Qanon for the left. I am humored each time I see LG shake his finger at someone else. Shows a huge lack of self awareness.

No. Pretty much anything labeled "bombshell" is going to be right wing hyperbole click bait bs
No. Pretty much anything labeled "bombshell" is going to be right wing hyperbole click bait bs
When the right-wingers start comparing a story to Watergate? That's when you know the looney libs are screwed.

Why The Press Needs To Stop Comparing Everything To Watergate

^^^^ Mark Hemingway from The Federalist in January of 2017 ^^^^

Hemingway: Durham Reveals Spying On Trump Worse Than Watergate

^^^^ Mollie Hemingway from The Federalist in February of 2022 - Mark's own wife ^^^^
Obviously you can't hold free and fair elections with Christian conservatives roaming the streets ... not to mention all those evil churches being used voting locations. You just never know when seditionist congregations might have stashed weapons there for the Great Insurrection and begin slaughtering libs at the polls. You can just hear the need for expanded mail in voting blowing in the wind.
You won't find too many of them if they have 501(c)(3) pastors. They are not going to jeopardize their tax status.
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If I was McCarthy, I would get on TV and offer $250B debt ceiling strings..I would do that every few months and the American people would get an idea of how quickly DC is running thru cash. Biden would have to take the offer, or default is his.
It would be perpetual crisis.
Tough choices would have to be made. We've semt close to half of that amount to Ukraine. So do we keep ourselves afloat or keep Ukraine afloat?
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LG was a “the walls are closing in” guy…breathlessly regurgitating the latest bombshell from Maddow each day.

For years this went on. It was Qanon for the left. I am humored each time I see LG shake his finger at someone else. Shows a huge lack of self awareness.
The right seems to have a problem with self-awareness as well. Fox News ran a story last week which claimed that the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, had evicted homeless veterans from hotels to make room for undocumented migrants. It was a lie.

You can read their retraction below ....

No evidence supporting claim that New York hotels kicked out veterans to make room for migrants
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The right seems to have a problem with self-awareness as well. Fox News ran a story last week which claimed that the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, had evicted homeless veterans from hotels to make room for undocumented migrants. It was a lie.

You can read their retraction below ....

No evidence supporting claim that New York hotels kicked out veterans to make room for migrants

🤣 I can see why you’re a little sensitive about the topic. You are one of the few who were worse than LG.

You lapped up the Trump Putin stories and never questioned them, even the ones a common thinking person would recognize as ludicrous. Always yapping about Maddow’s most recent lie.

It was Qanon stuff for Democrats. And I think you were their AJ. Congratulations!!

🤣 I can see why you’re a little sensitive about the topic. You are one of the few who were worse than LG.

You lapped up the Trump Putin stories and never questioned them, even the ones a common thinking person would recognize as ludicrous. Always yapping about Maddow’s most recent lie.

It was Qanon stuff for Democrats. And I think you were their AJ. Congratulations!!

If by "lapped up the Trump Putin" stories you mean I pointed out the peculiarities of Trump siding with Putin's denials of cyber-aggression against American targets time and time again ... even against the conclusions of his own Attorney General and Secretary of State?

Yes ... I did. It's weird.
If by "lapped up the Trump Putin" stories you mean I pointed out the peculiarities of Trump siding with Putin's denials of cyber-aggression against American targets time and time again ... even against the conclusions of his own Attorney General and Secretary of State?

Yes ... I did. It's weird.

Oh were all in on the Dossier, and after it was discredited you said it was insignificant. Fast forward to today. Everything you have spouted for years is a lie.
Oh were all in on the Dossier, and after it was discredited you said it was insignificant. Fast forward to today. Everything you have spouted for years is a lie.
That is not true. I have been critical of the Steele Dossier and of how it was funded.

Whenever I'm critical of Trump over Russia, it's primarily over his siding with Putin's denials and the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower ... which he lied about.
That is not true. I have been critical of the Steele Dossier and of how it was funded.

Whenever I'm critical of Trump over Russia, it's primarily over his siding with Putin's denials and the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower ... which he lied about.

I just looked up some posts to affirm my statement. You were all in the Dossier BEFORE it was discredited. And even after that you said Crossfire Hurricane was justified and according to Durham it wasn't. They ****ing lied to the FISA court for Pete's sake.
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I just looked up some posts to affirm my statement. You were all in the Dossier BEFORE it was discredited. And even after that you said Crossfire Hurricane was justified and according to Durham it wasn't. They ****ing lied to the FISA court for Pete's sake.
That is not true. Post something which shows that I "was all in on the Steele Dossier."

You are lying.
That is not true. Post something which shows that I "was all in on the Steele Dossier."

You are lying.

The Steele dossier has not been discredited at all... to the contrary, 70% of it has been confirmed as accurate. Comey said no such thing in his testimony about the dossier. As for my IQ? I'm not sure. However, I am a proud graduate of the University of Tennessee (class of 1996) and also a VERY STABLE GENIUS. :)

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