Bombshell Documents Reveal Biden DHS Wants to Paint Christians, Conservatives as Nazis and Terrorists

You or I don't know squat. His actions against Putin interests were just as profound. No Nordstream II, NATO spending.
It is nothing but internal US politics.. and the Dems have played it to nothing but lies.
It is frankly embarrassing at this point.
Trump's public defense of Russia's cyber-attacks against American targets, over the conclusions of his own Attorney General and Secretary of State, is bizarre. PERIOD.
Trump's public defense of Russia's cyber-attacks against American targets, over the conclusions of his own Attorney General and Secretary of State, is bizarre. PERIOD.

You seen the intelligence? Obviously not. Speculate away with your 6 year media preformed opine. It is not fact based and frankly stupid.
We could do this with any President.
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The leap from “he’s not hard enough on Putin” to he’s a foreign agent is mind boggling stupid.
I'm not calling him a foreign agent, but Trump would become very defensive whenever the subject of Russian cyber-aggression came up. Mike Pompeo said that Trump would not even look at the evidence which pointed to Russia being responsible for the SolarWinds hack. Why? That is strange.
I'm not calling him a foreign agent, but Trump would become very defensive whenever the subject of Russian cyber-aggression came up. Mike Pompeo said that Trump would not even look at the evidence which pointed to Russia being responsible for the SolarWinds hack. Why? That is strange.

So what? You or I haven't seen ****.
You seen the intelligence? Obviously not. Speculate away with your 6 year media preformed opine. It is not fact based and frankly stupid.
We could do this with any President.
It is fact-based that Donald Trump sided with Vladimir Putin's denial of Russian involvement in the SolarWinds breach over the conclusions of his own Attorney General and Secretary of State ... and we can't point towards something like that with any President.
You seen the intelligence? Obviously not. Speculate away with your 6 year media preformed opine. It is not fact based and frankly stupid.
We could do this with any President.

Obama gets high marks on his handling of Putin.

Despite his very public overtures to reset relations with the country (recall the infamous overcharge button).

Despite his telling Putin’s government he “would have more flexibility after the election.”

Despite the fact that all this supposed Russian interference went on under the nose of his government. I believe Obama’s own words were “I told him to cut it out.”

It’s all rather bizarre.
Pee tapes? Other compromising Intel? A scandalous secret Santa incident?

What’s your best guess?
I don't know .... but it really shouldn't be that hard for you to understand why Trump's public posture towards Russian cyber-aggression seems suspicious to people who aren't pre-disposed to unconditionally liking the guy.
I don't know .... but it really shouldn't be that hard for you to understand why Trump's public posture towards Russian cyber-aggression seems suspicious to people who aren't pre-disposed to unconditionally liking the guy.
I’ve had nothing but venom for Trump since day one.

I’m not in the Russia threads.
I’m not in the Capitol threads.

About the only place you can find me talking about him is way back in the Wall Street thread railing against his stupid tariffs.

Put your brush away.
Let's just say in the past 6 years..there has been more proven lies than truth. But keep believing
Putin very publicly proclaimed Trump as incredible. Trump has too much vanity to think the guy who says he's the best, is in fact a shatbag, and then publicly change course.
If that's all it is, then that makes Trump seem incredibly easy to manipulate with flattery. I tend to think there must be more to it ... but who knows? Trump is definitely egotistical to an extreme.
If that's all it is, then that makes Trump seem incredibly easy to manipulate with flattery. I tend to think there must be more to it ... but who knows? Trump is definitely egotistical to an extreme.
Yes it does. Trump is that susceptible to ass kissing
If that's all it is, then that makes Trump seem incredibly easy to manipulate with flattery. I tend to think there must be more to it ... but who knows? Trump is definitely egotistical to an extreme.
Trump is shallow and insecure, and loves anyone that praises him. But you’re convinced there just must be something more?
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Why does Trump like an authoritarian that has military parades and likes to boast about his big missiles?

Is that your question?
I think it mostly has to do with the fact that Trump sees Putin as an authoritarian “strong man” that boasts about big missiles.

I think it also has to do with Putin stroking Trump’s ego. Donald likes people that like him.

Or it could be something else. Idk.

I think maybe Pootin and Trump both have an admiration for cylindrical objects that can get them in trouble. Probably why they "understand" each other. Trump even pretended to like Rocket Man for a while. The thing is they are all so false that you pretty much know the "mutual admiration" isn't real ... none of them can really like anybody but himself.
I think you are right and that's a terrible comment on Trump, that he is so easily manipulated like that.

Forget collusion.

It's his enormous yet incredibly fragile ego that has ALWAYS been the problem.

You really think any egomaniac that likes running things doesn't have a fragile ego? I'd bet the most extreme Type A personalities have the most fragile egos if anybody really did the honest research. @Orangeburst just popped up this little gem in the biden thread.

Antagonistic narcissism and psychopathic tendencies predict left-wing antihierarchical aggression, study finds

I'd bet a real honest dive into the research would show that the narcissism aspect is strongly bound to authoritarianism and that it's not tied to the political spectrum, but that those with strong political beliefs manifest their behaviors and authoritarian drives in different ways ... none of them generally beneficial to the rest of society.
Well, Joe's dementia hasn't ALWAYS been a problem, but it's currently a pretty damn big problem. Neither side is giving us appropriate candidates, but only one person currently sits in the Oval Office. We need better, but I doubt either side gives it to us.

Joe was always stupid and with a mouth that he could never seem to control. Now he's stupid with a mouth he can't control and it's made even worse by his dementia.
Trump is shallow and insecure, and loves anyone that praises him. But you’re convinced there just must be something more?

An Trump is willing to publicly praise those who praise him ... mutual admiration society at the public level. In private Trump probably despises anyone he sees as a competitor in any aspect of the word.

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