Bombshell Documents Reveal Biden DHS Wants to Paint Christians, Conservatives as Nazis and Terrorists

How do explain the Biden family affinity for Chinese corporations and bank notifications of potential criminal suspicious activity?

There's other threads where you can guys can circle jerk to your hearts' content on your Biden conspiracies. Go ahead and answer my question.

If you have an answer, that is.
There's other threads where you can guys can circle jerk to your hearts' content on your Biden conspiracies. Go ahead and answer my question.

If you have an answer, that is.
I'm still waiting on your book title, what is it?
You won't find too many of them if they have 501(c)(3) pastors. They are not going to jeopardize their tax status.

I should have said congregations of seditionists - not meaning church sponsored/created - just that "normal" people eventually become irritable when constantly bombarded by radicalism pushed by others. Most of the people in those congregations are going to know how to tie their shoes and understand one sex has one purpose and functions bodily one way and the other a different purpose ...
There's other threads where you can guys can circle jerk to your hearts' content on your Biden conspiracies. Go ahead and answer my question.

If you have an answer, that is.
Why does Trump like an authoritarian that has military parades and likes to boast about his big missiles?

Is that your question?
I think it mostly has to do with the fact that Trump sees Putin as an authoritarian “strong man” that boasts about big missiles.

I think it also has to do with Putin stroking Trump’s ego. Donald likes people that like him.

Or it could be something else. Idk.
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Curious. How do you explain Trump's affinity for Putin?

Putin strokes his ego.

How do explain the Biden family affinity for Chinese corporations and bank notifications of potential criminal suspicious activity?

Bidens like to make money through political connections. Fifty years in politics, he has to make that money somehow.
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I think it mostly has to do with the fact that Trump sees Putin as an authoritarian “strong man” that boasts about big missiles.

I think it also has to do with Putin stroking Trump’s ego. Donald likes people that like him.

Or it could be something else. Idk.

I think you are right and that's a terrible comment on Trump, that he is so easily manipulated like that.

Forget collusion.

It's his enormous yet incredibly fragile ego that has ALWAYS been the problem.
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I think you are right and that's a terrible comment on Trump, that he is so easily manipulated like that.

Forget collusion.

It's his enormous yet incredibly fragile ego that has ALWAYS been the problem.
Trying to backdoor collusion back in? You were so close to letting it go.

There is plenty to hate about Trump, dare I say… “in plain sight”.

There is no need to manufacture anything here.
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Trying to backdoor collusion back in? You were so close to letting it go.

There is plenty to hate about Trump, dare I say… “in plain sight”.

There is no need to manufacture anything here.

Well, the current chapter of this saga has actual collusion off the table. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with how Trump seems to yield to Putin so easily.
Well, the current chapter of this saga has actual collusion off the table. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with how Trump seems to yield to Putin so easily.
The current chapter has actual collusion off the table? What does that mean?
and bank notifications of potential criminal suspicious activity?
I can answer this one ... Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR's) are so common, that in my branch on Downtown West Blvd and Kingston Pike in west Knox, we referred to them as "TPS Reports" (Office Space) as a description for tedious over-documentation mandated by The Patriot Act.

The odds are pretty much everyone on here has had one filled out concerning bank activity, but you don't realize it. In most cases, they involve benign activity, such as cash deposits and withdrawals over $5K (not uncommon at all for wealthy people) or making multiple deposits at different locations on the same day - which can give the appearance of structuring activity to avoid such filings.
The current chapter has actual collusion off the table? What does that mean?
I don't know what he means by that either ... but as I've mentioned before, and as Robert Mueller pointed out in testimony before Congress, collusion is not a specific crime. You are too hung up on the word.
How in the hell does anyone here make some connection that Trump was complicit with Putin? stupid and 6 years later nothing. Y'all make such an assumption without any executive intelligence that is beyond stupid and has been investigated to death. Absolutely moronic.
I don't know what he means by that either ... but as I've mentioned before, and as Robert Mueller pointed out in testimony before Congress, collusion is not a specific crime. You are too hung up on the word.
And as I said repeatedly - I’m not interested in the legal aspect of collusion being a prosecutable crime.

My question was always one of simple, personal opinion.
I think you are right and that's a terrible comment on Trump, that he is so easily manipulated like that.

Forget collusion.

It's his enormous yet incredibly fragile ego that has ALWAYS been the problem.
Well, Joe's dementia hasn't ALWAYS been a problem, but it's currently a pretty damn big problem. Neither side is giving us appropriate candidates, but only one person currently sits in the Oval Office. We need better, but I doubt either side gives it to us.
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How in the hell does anyone here make some connection that Trump was complicit with Putin? stupid and 6 years later nothing. Y'all make such an assumption without any executive intelligence that is beyond stupid and has been investigated to death. Absolutely moronic.
We cover this all the time ...

It is hard to understand why Trump would become so defensive and refuse to believe that Russian-based actors had been responsible for cyberattacks against American targets. One of Trump's last acts as President, was to publicly side with Putin's denial of Russian involvement in the SolarWinds breach, which was very damaging to American interests. Trump's denial was in contradiction to the publicly stated conclusions of his own hand-picked Attorney General (Barr) and his Secretary of State (Pompeo).

There is some reason as to why Trump has Russian sympathies. We just don't know what that reason is.
Well, Joe's dementia hasn't ALWAYS been a problem, but it's currently a pretty damn big problem. Neither side is giving us appropriate candidates, but only one person currently sits in the Oval Office. We need better, but I doubt either side gives it to us.

I agree with this.
I don't know what he means by that either ... but as I've mentioned before, and as Robert Mueller pointed out in testimony before Congress, collusion is not a specific crime. You are too hung up on the word.

I think you’re too hung up on the Trump Russia connection, in general.

4+ years the country was put through a drama that fractured it in parts. The accusation was a traitor was sitting in the Oval Office.

It’s now very clear this was a stunt perpetrated for political gain. The people responsible for it were the Hillary campaign along with their deep state bureaucrats whose allegiance was to the party over the best interests of the country.

What happened should be criminal. It’s sad that those who got carried away with the lies and invested in the story cannot admit they were wrong and were part of a nasty smear that was carried on for years. These people deserve mockery and scorn, IMO, because they are just as nasty as the ones who perpetrated the fraud.

You are a supporter of an abusive federal government. A person with a working moral compass would realize how amoral this was and speak up.

I would like to think that the more idealistic college Democrat version of BB would have looked at something like this years ago with disgust. Instead, you just look for ways to justify continuing to carry it forward.
We cover this all the time ...

It is hard to understand why Trump would become so defensive and refuse to believe that Russian-based actors had been responsible for cyberattacks against American targets. One of Trump's last acts as President, was to publicly side with Putin's denial of Russian involvement in the SolarWinds breach, which was very damaging to American interests. Trump's denial was in contradiction to the publicly stated conclusions of his own hand-picked Attorney General (Barr) and his Secretary of State (Pompeo).

There is some reason as to why Trump has Russian sympathies. We just don't know what that reason is.

You or I don't know squat. His actions against Putin interests were just as profound. No Nordstream II, NATO spending.
It is nothing but internal US politics.. and the Dems have played it to nothing but lies.
It is frankly embarrassing at this point.
You or I don't know squat. His actions against Putin interests were just as profound. No Nordstream II, NATO spending.
It is nothing but internal US politics.. and the Dems have played it to nothing but lies.
It is frankly embarrassing at this point.

The leap from “he’s not hard enough on Putin” to he’s a foreign agent is mind boggling stupid.

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