
I beg to differ. YOU may not care about it, but I sure as hell do. And, a few above posters who thought this through apparently decided that they would, too. I can assure you that the many, many others who work hard for thier money and then contribute it to UT also care a great deal. AND. . . .you know who else cares about it? The university that WAS getting it.
Right, because you know myself, my family, my colleagues, and so therefore you are certain that none of us are season ticket holders and therefore pay into the same system...
First, stop using the word "donate." A donation implies that one expects nothing in return...that is certainly not the case here. Also, people who pay less are not always further away. There are plenty of people who donate plenty of money who do not enjoy being in G-10. Most of them have moved to reserved spots on the strip, where they can in fact buy 2 and 3 spots, or to the lot next to Stokely, where they can set up on the lawn.

UT, I for one do not understand your indignation on this topic. I usually find you to be fair minded and level headed. It seems that you would be more upset about rules changing mid stream no matter if it affects Warren Buffet, or the bum on the street asking for spare change.
UT, I for one do not understand your indignation on this topic. I usually find you to be fair minded and level headed. It seems that you would be more upset about rules changing mid stream no matter if it affects Warren Buffet, or the bum on the street asking for spare change.
I just have a problem listening to spoiled people cry about how life is not fair. I understand that the rules changed midstream, however, that is life. I have been to my fair share of tailgates up there, and I can certainly see why the university is justified in taking such drastic action.
Right, because you know myself, my family, my colleagues, and so therefore you are certain that none of us are season ticket holders and therefore pay into the same system...

I never mentioned your family or colleagues. But, I'm surprised that a fellow UT fan would not be bothered when people just got screwed out of a $1000 tailgating spot.
I just have a problem listening to spoiled people cry about how life is not fair. I understand that the rules changed midstream, however, that is life. I have been to my fair share of tailgates up there, and I can certainly see why the university is justified in taking such drastic action.

Maybe the spoiled angle rubs me the wrong way a bit. You know as well as I do that money is hard earned. When someone like KD makes it through med school and establishes a practice to buy the finer things in life I call it hard work. I am in the health care industry and I assure you that primary care doctors really do have to work harder for cash than they did 20 years ago.

If it is a circus fix it next year, and give the donors (or consumers if you look at it that way) an opportunity to choose another spot.
I never mentioned your family or colleagues. But, I'm surprised that a fellow UT fan would not be bothered when people just got screwed out of a $1000 tailgating spot.
How did you get screwed out of it? You still have the spot. Also, there is going to be no Gestapo in the garage keeping you from setting up modest grills and smokers, sitting down in chairs, etc.

This is the easiest thing in the world to adhere to: back your truck in, leave a few extra feet and set up in your space behind your vehicle. It is not that hard.
Maybe the spoiled angle rubs me the wrong way a bit. You know as well as I do that money is hard earned. When someone like KD makes it through med school and establishes a practice to buy the finer things in life I call it hard work. I am in the health care industry and I assure you that primary care doctors really do have to work harder for cash than they did 20 years ago.

If it is a circus fix it next year, and give the donors (or consumers if you look at it that way) an opportunity to choose another spot.
I have never said that money is not hard earned. However, money does not entitle you to be a glutton.
"Many pass holders, despite arriving two hours before the game, found themselves boxed in among unruly crowds as they simply tried to find a parking spot," the letter to pass holders states. "On behalf of the entire University, we apologize for the problems that occurred Saturday.
"The situation that has arisen in the G-10 area simply cannot be tolerated."
Beginning Saturday, officers will "strictly enforce" a prohibition against tents and grills in the parking area.
Carpenter mentioned that traffic flow has at times been impeded and that there are concerns an ambulance or other emergency vehicle could have a hard time responding to a call in the garage.
All tailgating activities have to be limited to your specific parking space, with no spreading out to take up two or three spots. Authorities also will be looking for underage consumption of alcohol.
The parking pass must be prominently displayed on the rearview mirror, and people wanting shade are encouraged to park in one of the lower levels.
Honestly, nothing the university has put out on this, is in any way uncalled for.
I just have a problem listening to spoiled people cry about how life is not fair. I understand that the rules changed midstream, however, that is life. I have been to my fair share of tailgates up there, and I can certainly see why the university is justified in taking such drastic action.

Another nice post. "Spoiled???" Nice. No where have I cried. Nowhere did I say that "life is not fair."

This is a waste of time. You don't pay for a spot in G-10 but you are passionately defending a ridiculous move by the university. You cite NFL tailgating as an example of how it should be done, then say that we shouldn't complain if we can't do just the same. You say you've been to tailgates on the garage, and you should know that the ONLY REAL PROBLEMS are the number of outside fans that show up (and get drunk, climb on cars, etc.) and the old people demanding a primo spot just before kickoff. You know there's plenty of room down below.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I'll end by asking if you would want to pay a grand and not be able to tailgate at your spot?

I have never said that money is not hard earned. However, money does not entitle you to be a glutton.

Honestly, nothing the university has put out on this, is in any way uncalled for.

So someone woke up after the Florida game and decided it was time to put a stop to all this? The timing looks awfully suspicious to me. I would refrain from the judgements. I just don't see the use for "spoiled" and "gluttonous".
I just have a problem listening to spoiled people cry about how life is not fair. I understand that the rules changed midstream, however, that is life. I have been to my fair share of tailgates up there, and I can certainly see why the university is justified in taking such drastic action.

It sounds to me like you were someone who wished they had a G-10 pass and are now trying to tweak the people who actually have a pass. I agree that the people who took up more than one space should have been taken care of. But a lot of those people actually had two passes and had every right to take up the spots because they showed up early enough to get them, unlike the idiots who think they can show up 1 hour before the game and park on the top level. The UT police had the right idea during the Florida game. They blocked the entrance to the top level for anyone coming in off Neyland, but the idiots failed to block it on the other entrance, and that was your problem. Bottom line is whenever the time for donations come around next year, people are going to think about this ridiculous rule enforcement before writing the check. Thats just my two cents. And save me the boo hoo posts, I think everyone is adults in here and should not talk like 5 year olds.
It sounds to me like you were someone who wished they had a G-10 pass and are now trying to tweak the people who actually have a pass. I agree that the people who took up more than one space should have been taken care of. But a lot of those people actually had two passes and had every right to take up the spots because they showed up early enough to get them, unlike the idiots who think they can show up 1 hour before the game and park on the top level. The UT police had the right idea during the Florida game. They blocked the entrance to the top level for anyone coming in off Neyland, but the idiots failed to block it on the other entrance, and that was your problem. Bottom line is whenever the time for donations come around next year, people are going to think about this ridiculous rule enforcement before writing the check. Thats just my two cents. And save me the boo hoo posts, I think everyone is adults in here and should not talk like 5 year olds.
Are you trying to say that people that have G-10 passes shouldn't be allowed to even park in the garage if they only show up 1 hour before kickoff? That's the way your post reads. As much as UT sells more passes than they have spots for commuters, I doubt that is the case with G-10. I think even KD who is so upset about not being able to use his grill (that is the only thing I see you complain about now, and I think THAT is valid) would
say that anyone with a G-10 pass has a right to park in the garage, just not necessarily on the top deck. ???
So someone woke up after the Florida game and decided it was time to put a stop to all this? The timing looks awfully suspicious to me. I would refrain from the judgements. I just don't see the use for "spoiled" and "gluttonous".
After the Florida game was when they decided they needed to step up the enforcement. The rule of no tents or awnings has been in effect for a very long time. It is printed clearly on the back of all the hang tags. Also, there is no prohibition against grills as long as they are not in someone elses parking space or in the road, potentially blocking traffic.
Are you trying to say that people that have G-10 passes shouldn't be allowed to even park in the garage if they only show up 1 hour before kickoff? That's the way your post reads. As much as UT sells more passes than they have spots for commuters, I doubt that is the case with G-10. I think even KD who is so upset about not being able to use his grill (that is the only thing I see you complain about now, and I think THAT is valid) would
say that anyone with a G-10 pass has a right to park in the garage, just not necessarily on the top deck. ???

Sorry about the way that read. What I was trying to say is that when the top gets full, like it was 1 hour before the Florida game, then they should not let anyone else park on top.
Sorry about the way that read. What I was trying to say is that when the top gets full, like it was 1 hour before the Florida game, then they should not let anyone else park on top.
OOOOOH! I see. :good!:
After the Florida game was when they decided they needed to step up the enforcement. The rule of no tents or awnings has been in effect for a very long time. It is printed clearly on the back of all the hang tags. Also, there is no prohibition against grills as long as they are not in someone elses parking space or in the road, potentially blocking traffic.

You are wrong. The policeman in G-10 on Sat. stated that if you had tents, chairs, or GRILLS you would have to leave them in your car.
After the Florida game was when they decided they needed to step up the enforcement.

There were massive groups on the roof that bordered on drunken riots. That was the problem and was the only thing different or worse than every other game, every other year.
Also, there is going to be no Gestapo in the garage keeping you from setting up modest grills and smokers, sitting down in chairs, etc.

Anyone who was in the garage on Saturday will tell you that there WAS DEFINITELY a "Gestapo." I actually asked one of the cops if everything was OK. It looked like they were searching for terrorists, and that is NOT an exaggeration.

Oh, and your quoted post even says "grills." Read again.
There were massive groups on the roof that bordered on drunken riots. That was the problem and was the only thing different or worse than every other game, every other year.

The exact same thing happened @ 1999 Notre Dame and there was nothing said then. Thats what make me think it was a top donor that just made the call because he was pissed he did not get the spot he wanted. Actually 1999 was worse because most of the cars that got to the game late parked in the isles and nobody could have left or gotten emergency vehicles through if they wanted to.
You are wrong. The policeman in G-10 on Sat. stated that if you had tents, chairs, or GRILLS you would have to leave them in your car.
Or what? They would catch you and tell you to put it back in your car...No UT police officer in his right mind is about to arrest a season ticket holder for modestly grilling out behind his vehicle in his own parking spot.

The parking passes themselves have stated, for years, that tents are not allowed. That never stopped anyone from erecting them. If you did not grill out because Barney, at the entrance to G-10, told you not to, then that is your own fault.

Further, UT is a dry campus. That has never stopped anyone on here from drinking on gameday, or smuggling bourbon into the stadium...Of course, the police are going to tell you not to take your grills out...they are only going to enforce it if it gets disorderly.
Officers have started cracking down on the whole liquor thing. They are actually walking the street in front of the stadium and confiscating drinks.
I just park off of the strip and have a nice stroll to the game. Glad I dont have yall's problems lol
I just park off of the strip and have a nice stroll to the game. Glad I dont have yall's problems lol
Amen. I pay $10 bucks to park in a parking garage that almost no one parks in. The $10 goes to Children's Hospital, and I can have as many tents and grills as I want.

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