
Or what? They would catch you and tell you to put it back in your car...No UT police officer in his right mind is about to arrest a season ticket holder for modestly grilling out behind his vehicle in his own parking spot.

The parking passes themselves have stated, for years, that tents are not allowed. That never stopped anyone from erecting them. If you did not grill out because Barney, at the entrance to G-10, told you not to, then that is your own fault.

Further, UT is a dry campus. That has never stopped anyone on here from drinking on gameday, or smuggling bourbon into the stadium...Of course, the police are going to tell you not to take your grills out...they are only going to enforce it if it gets disorderly.

There were over 30 cops on the top level that were constantly patroling for those items. I don't think your comments hold much weight because were not there and are just throwing out false assumptions.
Barney, at the entrance to G-10

Actually, I estimated 30-40 "Barney's," and they were patrolling all levels of the garage non-stop -- on foot, in squad cars, and even in silly golf-carts. There were consistently 7 (SEVEN) near where we parked, in the middle of the 3rd floor (not even a busy area). There was actually even a dedicated beverage cart that was driving around keeping them all hydrated. It must have been serious work keeping a bunch of middle-to-upper class businessmen and professionals from enjoying the one moment they got away from the house or work for the week.
Actually, I estimated 30-40 "Barney's," and they were patrolling all levels of the garage non-stop -- on foot, in squad cars, and even in silly golf-carts. There were consistently 7 (SEVEN) near where we parked, in the middle of the 3rd floor (not even a busy area). There was actually even a dedicated beverage cart that was driving around keeping them all hydrated. It must have been serious work keeping a bunch of middle-to-upper class businessmen from enjoying the one moment they got away from the house or work for the week.

How do these people survive?
How do these people survive?

By getting together with a few of their best friends, grilling some meat, watching College Football Gameday, having a pre-game toddy, and watching their Alma Mater play football 6-7 times a year.
By getting together with a few of their best friends, grilling some meat, watching College Football Gameday, having a pre-game toddy, and watching their Alma Mater play football 6-7 times a year.

Is the whining included or is that extra?
He gave you a ligit answer, I don't see any "whining in that statment. You don't enjoy hanging with your friends and family discussing you intrest in your free time?
I do not agree with the no tents and grills thing, but I do agree with not taking up a 2-3 parking places. Someone on here said that it states on the parking pass that tent's are not allowed so I do not know what the big deal is. You are buying a parking pass to park in a parking garage owned by the university. Whatever rules they want to make they can make and you either follow them or go somewhere else. It is pointless to go on and on and on about it. The reason you should be going is to go to the game, not to tailgate. You can cook out anywhere you please. The garage is intended to be a place to park your car while you are at the game.
He gave you a ligit answer, I don't see any "whining in that statment. You don't enjoy hanging with your friends and family discussing you intrest in your free time?

I enjoy that very much, what does that have to do with anything?
I do not agree with the no tents and grills thing, but I do agree with not taking up a 2-3 parking places. Someone on here said that it states on the parking pass that tent's are not allowed so I do not know what the big deal is. You are buying a parking pass to park in a parking garage owned by the university. Whatever rules they want to make they can make and you either follow them or go somewhere else. It is pointless to go on and on and on about it. The reason you should be going is to go to the game, not to tailgate. You can cook out anywhere you please. The garage is intended to be a place to park your car while you are at the game.
I can not argue with the rules but he is not breaking them. He tailgates in his spot and that was stopped this saturday.
That is part of the game to people like him and others. Yes, obey the rules and he does. I do the same where I tailgate as well. If they want to take away tailgating in the garage than do it before the season not in the middle of the season after they got your money. The timing is poor. As for not having tailgating as part of the experience, I have to disagree with you on that. I may be in a minority with that but I am fine with it.
I enjoy that very much, what does that have to do with anything?
Because that is what the heart of tailgating is and it was taken away from his area. Telling him to "go somewhere else" is not the answer.
OK...I was going to avoid getting involved in this discussion because I don't really have a dog in this "fight"...but, I'm here I go.

It sounds to me that the rules for G-10 have always stated that no tents are allowed. Is that true? Also, it seems that there may have been no stated rule (on contract forms or the pass) against the use of grills. Is that correct? Also, it seems reasonable to me that if one only has one parking pass..then one should only occupy one parking spot. Which...I don't think most of you guys/gals would disagree with, correct?

OK...with that said. If the university actually changed rules on you mid-season...and don't have a good reason (for example, someone got too drunk and exploded their grill by being careless...taking others down with them) for banning grills midstream - then I have a problem. I'm assuming that people like you kiddiedoc have called the University and either demanded this rule be lifted or you be refunded your $1000 for the spot less a pro-rated amount for each game. And...I'm sure that the university is unwilling to do either.

Basically, I don't see this as whining or someone trying to be elitist...or whatever else people have their panties in a wad over. I see this as someone who has essentially invested their money in something....that something being a good time...that has been looked forward to for a long time...and with those expectations comes a lot of angst and hurt feelings when it gets taken away. Sure, there is risk with any investment, but it hurts a lot more when you lose something that you love - and we all know what a huge part of gameday traditions are...and when those traditions get taken away (tailgating, running through the t, etc.) can literally hurt (for you grammar freaks...I think I am using literally correct here).

So, IMO, I vote that we stop the name calling, etc. I don't think kiddiedoc is whining as much as he is *$&# off .. or maybe even mourning...seriously. To him...he's lost more than money here...the money just makes it sting more and is something easier to put in words to complain about.

This turned out to be kind of long - sorry about that. My point really does stink. There have to be better ways to regulate mobs than disallowing any grilling. If grilling had always been banned and is just now being enforced...that changes things a bit. Those parking and tailgaiting there were taking a pretty big risk (i.e., breaking stated rules)...and the loss of money on this investment had to be weighed against that risk. But, if the rule is new...then I would be prett-ee mad myself.
I think the top level of G10 should be allowed to use two parking spaces per car, one for the car and one for the tailgate. Limit it to the top level only. All other levels must be for parking only with the exception of the space behind your car. Your car should not extend into the right of way by more than 5 ft for safety vehicles. The top of G10 is special and a unique part of Tennessee football Saturday. It is also a great example of early bird gets the worm. Get up, get there and set up early. If you don't then don't complain. Also, anyone up there better belong to a group that has a parking pass, otherwise you stand the chance of being asked to leave or worse if you choose not to. There is a solution to this and I am confident that some changes will be made and that peace will be restored.
This, again, backs my argument that grills were allowed as long as they did not take up anyone else's space:
UT Campus, Knoxville (WVLT) - Tailgating is an important part of football weekends at UT and Saturday, there will be a few rule changes you need to follow if you tailgate at G-10.
If you usually tailgate in the G-10 parking lot, expect some rules to be enforced in the way you set up your party.
On Saturday about 20 police officers will be in the garage reminding people to pack their tailgate party into one parking space.
The UT Athletics Department says last week some fans were crowding the aisleways, and taking up 2 or 3 spots, which caused some problems.
So this week you can still bring your grills, coolers, and folding chairs, if they can fit in your area. You can't put them in the space next to yours.
Tents are no longer allowed.
If you need shade, make sure to park in the lower levels of the garage.
UT Athletics say the rules are being enforced not only for the safety of everyone in the garage, but so everyone can have fun.
"We don't wanna cause any problems but we also just wanna make sure that everybody is being respectful for all fans," Tiffany Carpenter, from UT Athletics.
These rules apply to all parking lots, so officers will be on the look-out at other lots as well, but the G-10 is the only one with a major problem at this time.
Again, officers will be handing out letters to fans as they pull into the garage.
And if you do take up an extra space, officers will be asking you to move.

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