You were talking trash about those of us who didn't like the fact that we were essentially lied to, at his initial press conference.
If it's no big deal to you, then fine. But you have no standing to be telling me how I should be seeing it. There was no way possible to reconcile his words with his subsequent actions. At the end of the day, those of us who keep mentioning the Best Staff in America comment, are simply expecting CBJ to hold true to his word and hire the most qualified possible (within reason and their budget). I simply don't see how anyone in the country outside the UT fanbase, can honestly believe this is even remotely close to being the BEST STAFF IN AMERICA. We don't even have the best staff in TN, right now. Sucks to hear that, but it was proven where it matters....on the field. Some of us want to see that change. Some, like you...don't.