Boy Says Jesus Held Him in a Pool Drowning Accident, Asks Why Jesus Has ‘Scratches on His Hands?

This is the politics forum, probably shouldn't have posted it here if all he wanted was thoughts and prayers. Never would have touched this thread if it were in the Pub.

I thought it was a pretty cool and uplifting story and it was nice to read something positive for a change. I rarely venture into the pub and to be honest it never crossed my mind to put this thread there. I am not sure why it's so difficult for the people who find this story so offensive to just simply not click on it.
I thought it was a pretty cool and uplifting story and it was nice to read something positive for a change. I rarely venture into the pub and to be honest it never crossed my mind to put this thread there. I am not sure why it's so difficult for the people who find this story so offensive to just simply not click on it.

I thought it was a pretty cool and uplifting story and it was nice to read something positive for a change. I rarely venture into the pub and to be honest it never crossed my mind to put this thread there. I am not sure why it's so difficult for the people who find this story so offensive to just simply not click on it.

It's not an offensive story but you're asking for people to apply critical thinking by posting it here. I didn't even make fun of it, I just joked that's what you were asking for. We're here to poke holes in people's ideas and beliefs. Welcome to the politics forum.

The pub is great, and this is where that belongs, even if you don't spend your time there
My place is quite warm and comfortable, thanks. Reality is my thing.

Reality huh? Coming from the side who says men can get periods/need tampons in mens rooms, has grown men going to gynecologists to get examined, believe men can get pregnant, should I go on? Seems like your side is having quite the issue with reality these days lol…
Of course. You atheists just can’t help yourselves can you? How pathetic.

I choose to believe the implication here is that the kid talked to Jesus in the afterlife and swindled his soul back from his scratchy hands. Kid's a fighter. Don't let the bad man take you!
Reality huh? Coming from the side who says men can get periods/need tampons in mens rooms, has grown men going to gynecologists to get examined, believe men can get pregnant, should I go on? Seems like your side is having quite the issue with reality these days lol…

Y'all are more hung up on that sh*t than they are and it shows.
Y’all can’t claim to be all about “reality” while trying to tell us some stupid sh** like men can get pregnant or need to see gynecologists.
This is the second time today you have done this nonsense. This would be like me finding a white supremacist, who supports the GOP, and then saying "well y'all believe blacks shouldn't be equal to whites." That's how dumb you sound.
When have I or ANYONE here, for that matter, said that?

Can you read? In the original post of mine you responded to I clearly said “yalls side”, referring to the left. Do you really want to try and argue that the left isn’t saying and supporting ideas like this?
This is the second time today you have done this nonsense. This would be like me finding a white supremacist, who supports the GOP, and then saying "well y'all believe blacks shouldn't be equal to whites." That's how dumb you sound.

If you want to see someone sounding or looking dumb, go check your posts out early on in the Covid thread.
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This is the second time today you have done this nonsense. This would be like me finding a white supremacist, who supports the GOP, and then saying "well y'all believe blacks shouldn't be equal to whites." That's how dumb you sound.

And btw, are you claiming that the left isn’t pushing/supporting things like this? Men getting pregnant, men competing against women in sports, etc? Are you really trying to claim people on the left who support those ideas are of a similar number as people who believe blacks shouldn’t be equal to whites in the Republican Party? Talk about sounding dumb..
Can you read? In the original post of mine you responded to I clearly said “yalls side”, referring to the left. Do you really want to try and argue that the left isn’t saying and supporting ideas like this?

Plenty of leftists here. Haven't heard any of them take that stance.

I know life is more simple when everything is black and white, but that doesn't mean the rest of us see it that way.
And btw, are you claiming that the left isn’t pushing/supporting things like this? Men getting pregnant, men competing against women in sports, etc? Are you really trying to claim people on the left who support those ideas are of a similar number as people who believe blacks shouldn’t be equal to whites in the Republican Party? Talk about sounding dumb..
Are there people on the left who do this? Sure. Are there people on the right who think gay people shouldn't get married, black people are inferior, and a whole host of other shat? Of course. You paint with a mighty broad brush is my point.

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