Boy Says Jesus Held Him in a Pool Drowning Accident, Asks Why Jesus Has ‘Scratches on His Hands?

I've not read the entire thread, so forgive me if this has been mentioned, but did anyone else read the title and wonder why Jesus was trying to drown a boy?
I admittedly did a double take when I first read it.
The ACLU is not the "fringe". They are a key part of the democrat base and have been for years. Little gap in the giving between the two parties.

NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union released data today showing its supporters are a key constituency in the 2020 elections, accounting for nearly $463 million of donations to Democratic candidates, committees, and PACs; and $19 million to Republicans – including $1.7 million to President Trump’s campaign. ACLU supporters’ contributions represent between 20 and 30 percent of all Democratic fundraising, making them a key backbone of political engagement this cycle.
The ACLU is not the "fringe". They are a key part of the democrat base and have been for years. Little gap in the giving between the two parties.

NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union released data today showing its supporters are a key constituency in the 2020 elections, accounting for nearly $463 million of donations to Democratic candidates, committees, and PACs; and $19 million to Republicans – including $1.7 million to President Trump’s campaign. ACLU supporters’ contributions represent between 20 and 30 percent of all Democratic fundraising, making them a key backbone of political engagement this cycle.
They have been the fringe for quite some time.
Their ideology is of the fringe ... he is just talking about monetary donations. Yes, they do throw a lot of money around.
I believe you. And I agree with you. But it’s still just a matter of one’s personal perspective.

I imagine a sizeable percentage of Democrats would not consider the ACLU to be fringe.
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When it comes to stories revolving around spiritual faith, I would never tell someone what they should or shouldn't believe.

However, I would state just as a matter of fact, that this kind of story is easily found on the internet in similarly constructed versions.
How so?

It's an inconvenient truth. If God is omnipotent and omniscient then you need to reconcile it.

I will share my thoughts without trying to get to preachy in the political forum.....Mods, If this thread needs to be moved to the pub feel free.

If you had to choose between two gods, which one of these would you choose?

God #1 allows people the freedom to make their own life choices. He wants people to choose good and do what is right but does not force them to. He gives boundaries and guidance for how He intends people to live, love and care for each other. (Yes, to a certain extent, a lot of Christians miss this part) He allows us the choice of worshipping him only if we want to.

God #2 is an authoritative god who forces people into submission and only allows us to live life in the way that he intended. We have no choice when it comes to the decisions we have to make. He forces us to worship him even if we don't want to.

I don't know why God allows evil things to happen to good innocent people. I believe it is a direct result of the freedom we have to choose to do what's right and good or we can choose to do evil.
I don't know why God allows evil things to happen to good innocent people. I believe it is a direct result of the freedom we have to choose to do what's right and good or we can choose to do evil.

Reconciling this by shrugging and saying the "good" god works in "mysterious ways" or "we can't know what it thinks" is a lazy, get out of having to answer the question answer.

How can a god who is omnipotent and omniscient allow one child to get raped and lift another out of a pool? If it allows one to suffer, and not the other - knowingly, when it could have intervened to stop the suffering - then that's fuqd up.
Reconciling this by shrugging and saying the "good" god works in "mysterious ways" or "we can't know what it thinks" is a lazy, get out of having to answer the question answer.

How can a god who is omnipotent and omniscient allow one child to get raped and lift another out of a pool? If it allows one to suffer, and not the other - knowingly, when it could have intervened to stop the suffering - then that's fuqd up.

Evil exists in the world because people can choose to either do good or evil. A lot of people choose to do evil. In regards to God intervening on behalf of the child that was drowning, my opinion is that it was a result of their faith (and prayers). With that being said, God does not always answer our prayers. Thinking about it now, I totally get and understand your question about why does God allows bad things to happen to innocent people and especially to innocent children. And it would seem a lot worse if I didn't believe in an after-life where justice will finally be served.
I came across this story today and had to post it! I know some in this forum do not believe in God and don't believe that we can have a relationship with Him but I am so glad that I believe in a good God and I have more to live for then what this life has to offer.

I'm done preaching now. Carry on 🙃😉

Yup. So kind of God to pick this random child while millions of others throughout time have suffered and died from worse.
Evil exists in the world because people can choose to either do good or evil. A lot of people choose to do evil. In regards to God intervening on behalf of the child that was drowning, my opinion is that it was a result of their faith (and prayers). With that being said, God does not always answer our prayers. Thinking about it now, I totally get and understand your question about why does God allows bad things to happen to innocent people and especially to innocent children. And it would seem a lot worse if I didn't believe in an after-life where justice will finally be served.

In your 'good'god scenario, he allows evil to exist.

Which is bullsh*t.
What are we supposed to make of this story--that the boy was saved by the "loving arms of Jesus"?

I'm always bemused by people who want to "thank god" for having escaped some sort of harm--or for someone they know escaping harm--as if there is a "god" looking out for some people but too busy to notice all the people who suffer horrible, often violent deaths.

There's not always answers for everything in life. But, I do know what it feels like to be held back at my shoulders from going through the windshield when I rear ended someone at 50 mph wearing no seat belt. I also find it easier to thank God regardless than try to figure him out and place blame on him for life happening. Important thing is to be prepared for whatever is around the corner. Much rather find out in the next life I was right than wrong.
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