Maybe some of you turkeys can explain what hallal
means, complete with the details of how it is accomplished.
Some scientists say that hydrogen and carbon are the
basic building blocks of the universe.
Those scientists are completely wrong, ignorance and
stupidity are the basic building blocks.
Thanks for illustrating my point! :thumbsup:
Maybe some of you turkeys can explain what hallal
means, complete with the details of how it is accomplished.
Some scientists say that hydrogen and carbon are the
basic building blocks of the universe.
Those scientists are completely wrong, ignorance and
stupidity are the basic building blocks.
Thanks for illustrating my point! :thumbsup:
I would rather read your explanation of what halal means. By the way, are you outraged that all of the fast food that is prepared on US FOBs in Iraq and Afghanistan is prepared using halal meat?
GS, do you believe that the Muslim God, Allah, exists?
Apparently, God designed you to be completely retarded.
GS is on a scavenger hunt for pictures and obscure blog articles to use in response to our posts.
No group of words or numbers could even begin to illustrate the degree of your idiocy, GS.
There, now he'll post a blog picture AND piss and moan about ad hominem attacks.
I stepped in some deer **** today while hiking... I think if I scraped the remnants off my boots and gave it a VN acount, it'd have more interesting things to say than him.
So is it OK to get a butterball turkey if I get some Hebrew National hotdogs to balance it out?
Ok, I'm bored. I'll play.
Dhabīḥah is the method of animal slaughtering under Islamic law. This is done by invoking the name of Allah while using a very sharp knife to cut the throat, carotid, jugular and windpipe, making sure not to cut the spine. The animal then dies of blood loss, exsanguination, and the head is aligned toward Mecca, as the Muslims do when they pray, in the Kiblah alignment.
How's that? Do I pass? Do I understand?
Yeah, a little more in the way of idolatry and treason
Seriously, this has to be a joke, right? You had to know that everybody was gonna laugh when you posted this.
The organization said that among the companies that initially supported the program, but later did not have any advertising aired, were Airborne Vitamin, Amway, Diamond Foods, Dyson Vacuum, Estee Lauder, HTC Phones, Home Depot, McDonald's, Petsmart, Pfizer, Sears, Sonic, T-Mobil and Wal-Mart.
The Florida group said it sent out an email alert to constituents only a week ago, who then contacted the sponsors.
"The Learning Channel's new show 'All-American Muslim' is propaganda clearly designed to counter legitimate and present-day concerns about many Muslims who are advancing Islamic fundamentalism and Shariah law," the organization's report on its work said. "The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish."
The association's suggested message from consumers to sponsors said the show is trying to manipulate Americans into ignoring the threat of jihad and Shariah, which is Islamic religious law.
The report said Dearborn, the site of the biggest mosque in North America, is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. In recent years, it has gained national attention for taking a pro-Muslim stance and for the arrest and intimidation of Christian evangelists for engaging in protected speech activity, the report said.
It's a free country. Muslims are free to practice their religion here (thanks to Christianity, ultimately). What is sad, though, is that the truth about the goals of radical Islam are hidden from many Americans through programs like the one on TLC. Islam wants to take over the world. If they have to use force, they'll do that. But otherwise, they'll do it by what Robert Spencer calls 'stealth jihad,'" Newcombe said.
"The problem people have with Islam is its teachings of violence against and the subjugation of unbelievers. The problem is not with every Muslim person. It is with the supremacist ideology and the fervent believers in those noxious doctrines of warfare and subjugation," he said.
^ jihad sympathizer ^
Riiiiiight all the food for our troops should be killed by
someone who is shouting alahu akbar while killing our
Makes about as much sense as burning Bibles in
Afghanistan so as not to offend our supposed ally.
Only in the sense that allah = satan.
Look up 'ignorance' in the dictionary.
See a likeness of yourself.