Coach Grizz
Burning bibles offends you?
Do you believe in the existence of satan?
I believe the word you are looking for is "ignorant" not "ignorance".
1. GS, are you bothered by my questions? 2. Are you confused as to how you should answer them? 3. Does it bother you when you argue yourself into a corner and other persons realize it?
To me the most offensive thing in the equation is the
liberal progressive double standard.
Do you believe there is good and evil?
No actually I used the word I wanted to in that he
personifies ignorance.
At least we can agree on one that.
1. No.
2. No.
3. Perhaps you should worry more about the corners you
put your own self in.
You have about as many questions as the typical five
year old child.
I agree, Pooch. Most or all of his are.
You did not answer the question. Does burning bibles offend you?
No; I do not believe that evil exists.
Back to the question that you have failed to answer: "do you believe that satan exists"?
You are either ignorant of grammatical rules or you ignorantly used ignorance. Choosing either of these options destroys the point you were trying to make.
Why is it that you constantly evade providing direct answers? I do my best to ask simple, non-loaded questions to you; yet, still you avoid answering them.
I think gsvol might have a touch of the Ass Burgers.
This is confirmed with every one of your threads.
First question;
Are you trying to say Christianity and Islam are
exactly the same?
If so, I have some other questions.
Yes but I would have to reserve the right to burn korans.
What's fair is what's fair.
So do you not subscribe to the concepts of good
and evil at all?
Do you believe the archangels, Michael, Gabriel and
Rafael exist?
So what grammatical rule did I ignore?
There's no point in attempting intelligent discourse with
that poster on any level, what's your point?
Well you have avoided or ignored many of my questions.
If you care to notice I just gave direct answers to your
FWIW I think you have a glitch or two in you cognizance
Good, except you left out that the ritual slaughter
MUST be performed by a muslim 'of sound mind.'
(how many of those are around.)
In the various Muslim websites of the Ask Mr. Fatwa or www.islam-online type, one of the Most Frequently Asked Questions from Muslims living in the Lands of the Infidels is: Do I have to obey the laws of these Infidels? The answer given, very gingerly, is: You may obey any laws of the Infidels that do not contradict Islam. The clear implication is that you have no duty to obey the laws of the Infidel nation-state in which you have been allowed to settle or in which you live, none at all, if those laws somehow are seen to contradict Islam.
They are not exactly the same; they are the same in that they both worship false gods, though.
So, you are offended when someone burns their own private property, which consists of nothing more than paper and ink. This distinguishes you from radical Islamists in which way?
I do not. I think the concepts of good and evil are human constructs.
So, you believe that an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent being has a purely evil nemesis that he has either purposefully or accidentally created and that he either purposefully keeps around or does not have the power to eliminate? This is a logical absurdity.
No, I do not believe that the archangels exist.
You ignored a grammatical rule of which you are obviously ignorant.
Are you attempting intelligent discourse? You are not serving that end by constantly posting absurd pictures and demonstrating outrage regarding turkeys. Would you be bothered if the turkeys were sacrificed in the name of Smurfette prior to your consumption? If you do not believe in the divinity of Allah, then what does it matter if they were sacrificed in his name?
When you answer a direct question of mine with a question, I ignore said question.
Took you long enough.
Which definition of 'cognizance' are you using here?
So you are saying there is no god?
I don't riot and kill people as moslems do.
Could there be a higher form of logic than you
comprehend or understand?
So then why do you read the koran?
State the rule please.
It matters because government and corporations
are constantly appeasing radical elements by
making such concessions.
So you don't believe in the Socratic method either?
I have more important things to do than constantly
entertain you.
FYI I observed thanksgiving by giving thanks,
you might consider doing the same yourself