Brandon Warren (merged)

Oh dont get me wrong...Meach looked way better quicker than Lucas Taylor did...Im just saying that for some players it takes a few years of adjusting to get their full potential

Meach had 3 yrs of Pat Washington. One year of Troop's guidance and he is now 1st-2nd round.
Not everybody develops at the same pace. Patience is still a virtue.

So if Taylor does not produce this season, will patience still be a virtue? I tell you'll what I will not make another somewhat negative post about Lucas Taylor. All this talk about him developing, well he is a junior now and it's time for hime to put out. I will reserve my judgement until mid-season.
So if Taylor does not produce this season, will patience still be a virtue? I tell you'll what I will not make another somewhat negative post about Lucas Taylor. All this talk about him developing, well he is a junior now and it's time for hime to put out. I will reserve my judgement until mid-season.
Time to put out? :ermm:
Says the guy who's been judging him for months now.

IMO he still sucks, but all of you are so certain that due to his youth that he will come around. I know a flop when I see one, so I will calm it down about the guy, but come mid season let's see what you'll candy a$$ excuse is then ! :salute:
IMO he still sucks, but all of you are so certain that due to his youth that he will come around. I know a flop when I see one, so I will calm it down about the guy, but come mid season let's see what you'll candy a$$ excuse is then ! :salute:

You're right. We probably should throw him out of school. We also should have kicked out Erik Ainge, Gerald Riggs, and Parys Haralson since none of them were steady contributors their first two years. If Crompton doesn't get it done next year, let's give him the axe.
IMO he still sucks, but all of you are so certain that due to his youth that he will come around.

Yeah, we need more predictions of Slick Shelley being a starter and Lucas Taylor sucking, even though we now have a competent coach, and HE even plays Taylor over Shelley. I guess they are related.

I know a flop when I see one, so I will calm it down about the guy, but come mid season let's see what you'll candy a$$ excuse is then ! :salute:

You should be an NFL scout for the Browns.
You're right. We probably should throw him out of school. We also should have kicked out Erik Ainge, Gerald Riggs, and Parys Haralson since none of them were steady contributors their first two years. If Crompton doesn't get it done next year, let's give him the axe.

Whatever you said !:eek:k:
Yeah, we need more predictions of Slick Shelley being a starter and Lucas Taylor sucking, even though we now have a competent coach, and HE even plays Taylor over Shelley. I guess they are related.

You should be an NFL scout for the Browns.

I haven't seen much of Shelley. I can't evaluate him yet.
Back to Brandon Warren, I thought someone earlier posted a Bobby Bowden quote saying that he was going to release Warren and that Fulmer better remember it if a UT player ever wanted to defect to FSU. In fact, I know I read that on this board. Was that a fake quote, or did he just lie?
Back to Brandon Warren, I thought someone earlier posted a Bobby Bowden quote saying that he was going to release Warren and that Fulmer better remember it if a UT player ever wanted to defect to FSU. In fact, I know I read that on this board. Was that a fake quote, or did he just lie?

If you think of it logically, why would Bowden release him? He gave that online interview about next year's offense and how exited he was, then is homesick? Granted his mother is sick, he shouldn't have left mid semester. I think he should go to UTC, and I am serious. Rodney Allison loves to throw it around and he could play immediately. I know it will NEVER happen though.
If you think of it logically, why would Bowden release him? He gave that online interview about next year's offense and how exited he was, then is homesick? Granted his mother is sick, he shouldn't have left mid semester. I think he should go to UTC, and I am serious. Rodney Allison loves to throw it around and he could play immediately. I know it will NEVER happen though.

Fulmer granted Brent Schaefer a release, right? We could have used him in 2005.
Yeah, we need more predictions of Slick Shelley being a starter and Lucas Taylor sucking, even though we now have a competent coach, and HE even plays Taylor over Shelley. I guess they are related.

You should be an NFL scout for the Browns.
Or maybe the owner of the San Diego Chargers:yikes:
Brent went to JC then Old Mess, therefore he didn't have to sit out a year.

Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure Fulmer gave Schaefer a release to play for any non-SEC school. Warren should get the same treatment from Bowden. It's unlikely the Vols will be meeting FSU anytime soon. Why not let him go, as long as he doesn't go to Florida, or an ACC school?
Coach Bowden should do the right thing and give Warren a release. I hope Warren gets in this summer. He's a good looking prospect.

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