Brandon Warren (merged)

I think Briscoe will end up great...Its a mental thing right now and experience will just make it better...
im hoping quinton hancock or briscoe will step up or something...then it may not be as big as an issue. i dont see lucas taylor stepping up really.

The only time Austin Rogers was healthy last year was Air Force and he had 5 for 69 yrds. Everybody has seemed to forgot about that. Air Force, while not an SEC defense, had 2 good DBs. Completely off topic but just thought I would bring that up since everyone is talking about WRs
It would be straight politics if he see a lot of time at WR.:cray:

WTH do you mean. He is one of the fastest guys on the team and I don't recall him dropping any passes al la Briscoe and Taylor did all last year. If you are inferring that Fulmer/Cutcliffe would play him because of the skin color, you are mistaken. First, because they are not that type and second because their jobs are on the line.
Pipe Down Pipe Down. Nothing to do with skin color. I think Kenny O'neal, Brent Vinson, Gerald Jones will be the main three receivers.
Pipe Down Pipe Down. Nothing to do with skin color. I think Kenny O'neal, Brent Vinson, Gerald Jones will be the main three receivers.

I doubt they won't throw at least one veteran in the top 3. I remember in 2004, I didn't really think Tony Brown shoud have been starting over some of the younger WRs. However, it seems like he provided leadership and kept those guys in line. He had been a starter since his freshman year, so he had the experience to lead. Look how great the WRs performed in 2004 with Tony Brown and how crappy they were in 2005 without him. Anyway, I think they'll keep at least one guy with game experience in the mix for at least the first half of the season. Based on last season, I'd say Austin Rodgers will fill that role.
Pipe Down Pipe Down. Nothing to do with skin color. I think Kenny O'neal, Brent Vinson, Gerald Jones will be the main three receivers.

With the complicated offense that we run it will be difficult for a true freshman to contribute much, early in the season, especially with a senior QB that will have the liberty to read and check off at the line of scrimmage. Name one true freshman that had a significant impact other than Kelly Washington (wasin spring practice) during the last ten years?

I do think that the JUCO guy (O'neal) will be another Anthony Miller his first year.:salute:
Vinson, Paige and Jones according to most some posters on here. Nobody knows anything until they come in and practice. I myself would rather see the offense in a regular formation (2 TE or I-backfield) than 4-wide all the time. Whatever works really.

when is the last time UT had 3 freshmen starting at WR though?
if anyone thinks 3 freshman will start they are stupid. it will be a juco, prep school freshman(pretty much like a redshirt year), and a true freshman.

While I certainly hope all three newcomers are able to step in and contribute immediately, I would be really surprised to see all of them starting. Josh Brisco, Lucas Taylor, and Austin Rogers have all seen playing time already, and Slick Shelley and Quinton Hancock have both, at times, been mentioned as future stars. All have had the benefit of being in the system and playing their position against SEC competition, even if only in practice.
when is the last time UT had 3 freshmen starting at WR though?

Never. This year won't be it either. O'Neal, Vinson (if he qualifies) and Jones/Rogers/Briscoe/Hancock in the third spot. Experience will win out over talent the first year all these recruits are here.
i agree, but i think gerald jones will get major playing time if he is not starting by the end of the year
There needs to be a ban on criticizing any receiver on the team that actually plays and then saying you think Slick Shelley is going to be a star or something.

He doesn't even know where Neyland Stadium is.
People need to stop worrying about Lucas Taylor and Josh Briscoe being ready or even good enough to play...If I remember correctly, Meachem's first years at UT werent outstanding either...
People need to stop worrying about Lucas Taylor and Josh Briscoe being ready or even good enough to play...If I remember correctly, Meachem's first years at UT werent outstanding either...

He was one of the leading recievers, if not the leader, all 3 years he played. Briscoe and Taylor scare people because of their size and hands.
People need to stop worrying about Lucas Taylor and Josh Briscoe being ready or even good enough to play...If I remember correctly, Meachem's first years at UT werent outstanding either...

:lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove:

Well maybe if Taylor will do something positive on the field to make us think otherwise, then we won't be so hard on him !
Oh dont get me wrong...Meach looked way better quicker than Lucas Taylor did...Im just saying that for some players it takes a few years of adjusting to get their full potential
Oh dont get me wrong...Meach looked way better quicker than Lucas Taylor did...Im just saying that for some players it takes a few years of adjusting to get their full potential

Yeah but Taylor will be a junior come September, he's running out of time !

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