Brandon Warren wins appeal

Not sure what you mean. The SEC and NCAA are the ones that dragged their feet. Maybe you need to quit smoking so much weed? It makes you paranoid you know?

I quit that long ago. I just meant, instead of being excited as 99% of the other posts are, yours focused on the negative part of the story.
that's the last thing UCLA wanted to hear...have fun trying to cover him, bruins!
With a new QB and a lack of depth at TE and FB, this is big news.
yes it is.......i actually got excited when i found out......big relief to say the least.
Finally some great news to start off the season. Thanks for the update.
ah, there's been plenty of good news......the o/w game, the momentum going on in recruiting.....this is just continuing the trend........all that's needed now......on field success.
that's the last thing UCLA wanted to hear...have fun trying to cover him, bruins!
i'm pretty sure they last thing they want to hear right now will have anything to do with the words "injury" and "season ending"..........
With warren cleared this really opens up our offense. especially in the powerI. Cottom(when healthy) and warren on the ends cooper and foster in the back field(both of whom can run great routes and catch the ball) and taylor and jones out wide. gives me goosbumps just thinking about it
With warren cleared this really opens up our offense. especially in the powerI. Cottom(when healthy) and warren on the ends cooper and foster in the back field(both of whom can run great routes and catch the ball) and taylor and jones out wide. gives me goosbumps just thinking about it
Ahh... the dreaded 12 man formation. I like it.
well it puts two TE's back in play, it removes the need to move someone to an HBback or Fullback.....this is really good news.....this will give us even more options offensively, and plus, it's not like Warren hasn't had a good camp......glad to know those snaps won't go to waste.......

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