Brandon Warren wins appeal

Everyone go to youtube and search Brandon Warren one hand catch. It was taken from the stadium when he played for FSU. Awesome catch.
So, did the NCAA finally just bypass Slive and the SEC and go over their heads? They kept saying the SEC was the hold up and he had to be cleared by the SEC and NCAA in order to play. Now all it is saying is the NCAA has cleared Warren and he will suit up this season.
So, did the NCAA finally just bypass Slive and the SEC and go over their heads? They kept saying the SEC was the hold up and he had to be cleared by the SEC and NCAA in order to play. Now all it is saying is the NCAA has cleared Warren and he will suit up this season.

From what I understand, Slive was unable to sign off on Warren because of a gentlemen's agreement between conferences. Thus, he just passed it up to the NCAA (when that occurred is murky, maybe weeks ago, maybe last week.)

They made a ruling basically without SEC input either way. Had the SEC made a ruling, the NCAA would have just rubber stamped whatever their ruling was.

That is how I understand it. I don't pretend to be an expert.
That is great news for Vol Fans and bad news for our opponents. I hear he has been working like HECK.
From what I understand, Slive was unable to sign off on Warren because of a gentlemen's agreement between conferences. Thus, he just passed it up to the NCAA (when that occurred is murky, maybe weeks ago, maybe last week.)

They made a ruling basically without SEC input either way. Had the SEC made a ruling, the NCAA would have just rubber stamped whatever their ruling was.

That is how I understand it. I don't pretend to be an expert.

This is the way I understood this part too. However, I wasn't aware that Slive was unable to sign off. Looks to me like if this was the case, he could have just not signed off several weeks ago and let the NCAA make their decision. That really irritates me. Talk about dragging your feet. Ridiculous! Sounds to me like he just took his time, because he can.

Thanks for the info. This puts it in perspective.
I love Volquest's headline: "Warren wins! Warren wins! Warren wins!" Not only is this great news for UT, another year of ineligibility could have meant bad news for his football career. Way to go, Brandon!
Great news! I hope that he is the weapon we all think that he can be. Clawson is going to have fun with him!

Now come on Gerald, finish up that work and get that grade!
that's the last thing UCLA wanted to hear...have fun trying to cover him, bruins!

I think its the last thing anyone we play wanted to hear....Warren has the makings of a Cornelius Ingram type of TE...just a little shorter is all...

Great news!!!
I think its the last thing anyone we play wanted to hear....Warren has the makings of a Cornelius Ingram type of TE...just a little shorter is all...

Great news!!!

Hope you are dead on in that comparison. I knew Warren was good, but did not comp him to Ingram.
If so, I am even more excited than I was this morning.:dance2:
BOOM!!! We need to have some peices fall into place this season and this was a huge peice. Heal up Cottam, we need both of you against those daggum gators!

BOOM goes the DYNAMITE!!!


Sorry, had to post this after reading NashVegas.

But seriously, this is good news for Vols fans!

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