UT dragged themselves into it when Butch begged for the game to happen.
With that said UT should beat A&M, and keep a close game against Bama(maybe win) and win the rest and it won't matter.
As previously mentioned there wouldnt be too many first responders available for the game if it were to be played in Gainesville. Also getting people in and out of Gainesville would be rough too.
As far as playing in Baton Rouge goes, would y'all give up a home game(and home field advantage, local business gains, and the biggest recruiting nights) to play away?
I also see LSU's side of not wanting to give up the November 19th game against USA. They'd lose revenues they need for Miles buyout and put money in the bank for their next coach. Plus they'd have to face Florida and the 5 days later have to face A&M.
Play the game on the 19th. Since lsu has to give up a home game. Have them split the gate money. Or 60/40 since lsu will have to pay out more
There are games scheduled that day. Nobody contacted Presbyterian or South Alabama about any change ... sorry not a plan.
They've been here multiple times, actually.
And with what was coming in the direction towards the school, they had to take it seriously.
The big issue sounds more like 1) contingency plans weren't in place, and 2) everyone got too caught up doing what was best for their own constituency...because everyone was just there looking out for their own constituency - there wasn't anyone at a higher level to balancing their wants to maintain the credibility of the game itself.
If telling the truth is being a laughing stock then by all means chuckle away.
Also it's not just the hurricane that's the issue. It's the first responders that WONT BE THERE because they will be at other places.
If telling the truth is being a laughing stock then by all means chuckle away.
Also it's not just the hurricane that's the issue. It's the first responders that WONT BE THERE because they will be at other places.
Your a joke. He didnt beg he said they have to play 8 of 8 conference games.
English is my second language. What's your excuse?
Butch still begged them to play the game. Florida is willing to play the game. LSU isn't. As I said before, on November 19th. Conference insurance would take care of the buyout of USA and Presbyterian.
English is my second language. What's your excuse?
Butch still begged them to play the game. Florida is willing to play the game. LSU isn't. As I said before, on November 19th. Conference insurance would take care of the buyout of USA and Presbyterian.
English is my second language. What's your excuse?
Butch still begged them to play the game. Florida is willing to play the game. LSU isn't. As I said before, on November 19th. Conference insurance would take care of the buyout of USA and Presbyterian.