Fine: Marquette improved every year from his second onward. Doug Dickey absolutely hated basketball and O'Neill got no help, but still managed to improve a garbage squad enough to go to an NIT and leave Jerry Green in a position that even he couldn't screw up leading to 4 straight years in the tourney and a Sweet 16. We have agreed to throw Northwestern out, so then KO was given a job in the NBA. Upon his return to college ball, he took over a fairly young Arizona team that had lost it's coach a week before the season, installed his system and took them to the tournament. After being completely dicked over for the second time (third if you count his stint with the Raptors, and who can blame him for questioning the organizations commitment to winning?) he takes over a USC team that has been ravaged by the 'AA, has a decent first year considering and then takes what amounts to a seven man team to the AAs. That cover it?