Bryce Brown (CLOSED)

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Read through this thread for starters. Butler is a self promoting Jack-arse. The NY Times hit job on Brown was not as much of a hit job on him as it was Butler. Again, people in the know like today say those close to him do not want him to be a VOL. Butler is a leech and was definitely a conflict of interest when UT started to recruit Brown. Or did Butler solicit that also.

Bottom Line is when Tennessee got involved with both backs (Oku/Brown) for which he was an adviser then he should have removed himself from the adviser status.

He could not advise Oku or Brown in good faith if he determined they could not play at the same school or one client was of higher profile than the other. It stinks and smells to high heaven. He was paid for his services of this process as a mentor and guide but not a decision maker. He overstepped his bounds by trying to manage, profit and over staged the event.

Face it, Brown was headed to Miami a year ago without a care in the world to play football with his brother.

Nothing changed at Miami, but Bulter changed Brown's perspective on it.

Oku headed to UT to play for Fulmer. Coaching change Oku stated I not going anywhere I am all Vol.

Butler/Brown enter the picture and Oku is still a Vol, Brown decides to visit
UT, Oku starts Looking, you know the rest of it.

Oku probably felt pretty bad about his mentor Butler and how he was treated in the process. Did Butler betray his trust with Oku? Don't know. Did he do it because he felt he had a better Golden Egg in Brown? Don't Know.

Problem is that Butler became the center of attention and (Brown/Oku) got the overflow of it in negative tones for a while.

Butler went where he could get the Publicity and whored himself out as Brown's adviser/mentor and for a brief moment AGENT to the CFL.

Conspiracy or Fact. It is on the Web and Butler is a Problem and Con and should be Public Enemy #1 on the NCAA Hit list.

Only a leech and wanna be would have stuck around.

Brown is a great kid and so is Oku
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Butler isn't involved with Oku anywhere near the extent that he is with Brown.

For Brown, things did change in Miami, because his brother told him to reconsider due to Arthur being unhappy at Miami...there are even rumors of Arthur wanting to transfer.

I'm not saying Butler isn't a shady figure, but there certainly aren't ANY concrete facts proving so. Mainly hearsay and assumptions.

Butler isn't involved with Oku anywhere near the extent that he is with Brown. (Both Paid for Services)

For Brown, things did change in Miami, because his brother told him to reconsider due to Arthur being unhappy at Miami...there are even rumors of Arthur wanting to transfer. (Rumors are ok for you to use but not for my Use--Link? Butler helped Arthur go to Miami, if he wants to transfer from Miami why would they use Butler for Bryce. Not capable of making another mistake.)

I'm not saying Butler isn't a shady figure, but there certainly aren't ANY concrete facts proving so. Mainly hearsay and assumptions. NCAA Investigations on conduct is not shady but questionable. A thug that would solicit the CFL for a 5 million dollar contract for a highschool player is not shady but questionable

Believe what you must but there is good reason why Butler did not accompany Brown on his visit to UTK.

Futhermore, if he ends up at OU and his web site or organization receives a donation from Nike there will be an NCAA investigation like no other. USC dropped him for a reason. We still do not know the whole truth about Miami and offers. I truly believe it is between us and OU.

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Believe what you must but there is good reason why Butler did not accompany Brown on his visit to UTK.

Futhermore, if he ends up at OU and his web site or organization receives a donation from Nike there will be an NCAA investigation like no other. USC dropped him for a reason. We still do not know the whole truth about Miami and offers. I truly believe it is between us and OU.

Bryce was quoted to say that his brother told him to's why he started looking around in the first place. I'll try to find the quote. And get back to you.
I publicly re-state my continued belief in the information recently provided by trusted and respected members of this site - Bryce Brown not only will be a Vol......some might go so far as saying that he's already one, now.

You know, faxes continue to work well after NSD, right?

This is me just spouting some pure speculation, and utter nonsense, so please pay no attention to it at all -especially you, Wheaton. There is no way that Brown has already signed. I am just sarcastically throwing that out there. Don't give it a second thought. Complete BS that he's already signed.

I am certain that CLK would have leaked signing Brown as soon as it happened - as he did with other high-profile players who signed before it was officially announced. Not a doubt in my mind, you guys would have heard about it by now, and from someone with actual knowledge of the situation.

I'm just having fun, and don't know anything about anything. Really. Just throwing it out there, but it's BS. 100% BS.
Also I rem. how much his dad whinned about playing time and that just made me dislike him more, lol.

Yeah, that stuff is lame. If he had a better work ethic, like his father, he would have seen the field early and often. Linebacker was probably his best bet though. What could've been...:banghead2:
Bryce was quoted to say that his brother told him to's why he started looking around in the first place. I'll try to find the quote. And get back to you.

Here is the problem. Sometimes it is Butler that states that in Bryce type quote. Arthur is doing fine and is trying to start at Miami next year and is disappointed that he will not play with his brother but his focus is MLB at Miami. Quoted and linked.
about halfway down.

UM Hurricanes | Sun-Sentinel Blogs
Here is the problem. Sometimes it is Butler that states that in Bryce type quote. Arthur is doing fine and is trying to start at Miami next year and is disappointed that he will not play with his brother but his focus is MLB at Miami. Quoted and linked.
about halfway down.

UM Hurricanes | Sun-Sentinel Blogs's just rumors about ABjr wanting to transfer. I do remember seeing the reason he was looking around being that ABjr was unhappy. It's good that he's taking his lumps and making the best out of his situation.
I don't know how this affects Bryce, but if he was set on UT (as rumored :crossfingers:) why would he switch pending Oku's decision? Playing time is an obvious reason but even with Oku here, Bryce would be the featured back and at USC, as has been mentioned, they always used a stable of 3 to 4 backs.
With Charles now committed to UGA, does this impact BB's decision at all? If you believe BB has already faxed his letter, feel free to ignore this question. ;)
In fact, use the drop down box at this link to get 2003 and sort by stars and you' see how Reggie's class looked... (2-5*, 10-4*, and several high 3*'s)


Then, switch the team to UT, see how Brown's 2009 class looks now (1-5*, 9-4*, and several high 3*'s)

I hear what you're saying. You could argue that UT has a parallel quantitatively, yes. However, even if the stars were the same total, there are going to be qualitative differences. In other words, the stand-outs are going to be at different positions with different strengths and weaknesses. If UT is going to achieve success, their plan is going to have to be tailored for the weapons they have rather than for the weapons that USC had with different players. That is what I think Brown was referring to. He wanted to know what the game-plan was for UT. Not USC of days past.

I don't think Oku means that UT with Brown would be Bush/White USC over again. For instance, UT appears to be pretty light at the QB position where as USC had Leinart.

While you're there check out Oregon's 2009 class, then tell me who lacks talent?

If you want to base talent level on stars, I assume that you also put stock in other predictions like pre-season polls. According to those, most people think Oregon has a lot of talent. Also, we can always review the most recent scoreboard (Oregon 10-3, UT 5-7).

Rocky Balboa's wife but that's not important right now


I'm not completely sold on Butler being a villain.

I'm not either. I haven't read anything, including the NY Times article, that gives me a reason to villianize him the way people have.

I truly believe it is between us and OU.

It's UO. Not OU. Association with schools using OU is highly offensive. :)
If you want to base talent level on stars, I assume that you also put stock in other predictions like pre-season polls.

You assume wrong again, but I already told you that, so I'm sure you're just posting it for your own pleasure.

We've been over this. No matter how many times you try to distort the truth, UT has more talent, period.
You assume wrong again, but I already told you that, so I'm sure you're just posting it for your own pleasure.

We've been over this. No matter how many times you try to distort the truth, UT has more talent, period.

So, you think stars, predictions about how good a recruit will be are reliable. Yet, preseason polls, predictions about how good a team that has already played will be, is not?
I want Bryce as bad as any other Vol Fan. But want Butler buried in the dirt behind him.

If I could choose, of course I'd want to sever the Butler-Brown link as soon as possibly. But unfortunately none of us can choose. So there's no point in getting yourself so worked up over Butler. I highly doubt you know as much about Butler as you think you do anyway
So, you think stars, predictions about how good a recruit will be are reliable. Yet, preseason polls, predictions about how good a team that has already played will be, is not?

You're off topic, again.

If you basically just want to shoot the bull about stupid stuff, we do that in the pub or on the NCAA boards. You have a thread there, remember? Use it to collect your drivel.

Others here, including me, are simply sick of hearing about Oregon, because frankly, like most of the rest of the world, we don't give damn about Oregon football.
For instance, UT appears to be pretty light at the QB position where as USC had Leinart.

I see your point, but (hopefully without getting too deeply entrenched in this) I will point out what Kiffin has said several times on this topic. That is that neither Carson Palmer, nor Matt Leinart were considered uber-QB's initially at USC. I realize that you're referencing the later years when they were absolutely tearing people up with the Leinart/Bush/White strikeforce. But Kiffin has said repeatedly that he believes we have the talent at QB, it has simply not been developed properly, a statement hopefully corroborated by his decision to let Boyd go.

So, I don't think it's necessarily fair to make that statement until this staff has had some time to build into these QB's.

Sorry for the derailment - I realize I'm taking a big risk doing that as a new guy. :)
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