Read through this thread for starters. Butler is a self promoting Jack-arse. The NY Times hit job on Brown was not as much of a hit job on him as it was Butler. Again, people in the know like today say those close to him do not want him to be a VOL. Butler is a leech and was definitely a conflict of interest when UT started to recruit Brown. Or did Butler solicit that also.
Bottom Line is when Tennessee got involved with both backs (Oku/Brown) for which he was an adviser then he should have removed himself from the adviser status.
He could not advise Oku or Brown in good faith if he determined they could not play at the same school or one client was of higher profile than the other. It stinks and smells to high heaven. He was paid for his services of this process as a mentor and guide but not a decision maker. He overstepped his bounds by trying to manage, profit and over staged the event.
Face it, Brown was headed to Miami a year ago without a care in the world to play football with his brother.
Nothing changed at Miami, but Bulter changed Brown's perspective on it.
Oku headed to UT to play for Fulmer. Coaching change Oku stated I not going anywhere I am all Vol.
Butler/Brown enter the picture and Oku is still a Vol, Brown decides to visit
UT, Oku starts Looking, you know the rest of it.
Oku probably felt pretty bad about his mentor Butler and how he was treated in the process. Did Butler betray his trust with Oku? Don't know. Did he do it because he felt he had a better Golden Egg in Brown? Don't Know.
Problem is that Butler became the center of attention and (Brown/Oku) got the overflow of it in negative tones for a while.
Butler went where he could get the Publicity and whored himself out as Brown's adviser/mentor and for a brief moment AGENT to the CFL.
Conspiracy or Fact. It is on the Web and Butler is a Problem and Con and should be Public Enemy #1 on the NCAA Hit list.
Only a leech and wanna be would have stuck around.
Brown is a great kid and so is Oku