Bryce Thompson out - potentially

Domestic assault and threatening to shoot up the University of Tennessee is something I think should be punished by being thrown off of the team
He never laid hands on anyone.

Tennessee laws require police to arrest and detain someone in a domestic even it’s a misdemeanor and there has been no physical contact. So, you don’t know what the **** you’re talking about:
I’ll repeat this again he would’ve likely already been charged for a terrorist threat if there was something to the “shoot up the school” accusations. I would expect him to likely go through a psych evaluation just to ensure everything is checked before he’s back bc of these accusations.

The DA can of course file additional charges later but it doesn’t look like there’s much to that part of it. The domestic assault is concerning but according to his GF he has no history of physical violence against her.
He said-She said, yelling and fighting(verbal) are not good, but not criminal, who has never had a yelling match with their girlfriend/wife? Physical-crosses the line (a big line), if it is true, (IF) he threatened to "Shoot up the school", not only should he be off the team, but out of UT, and maybe in jail. There is Zero room in America for those type of threats, far too many of them were carried out...
He said-She said, yelling and fighting(verbal) are not good, but not criminal, who has never had a yelling match with their girlfriend/wife? Physical-crosses the line (a big line), if it is true, (IF) he threatened to "Shoot up the school", not only should he be off the team, but out of UT, and maybe in jail. There is Zero room in America for those type of threats, far too many of them were carried out...

Technically with the population of the U.S. and the access to weapons, the number is significantly low. That being said the acts are atrocious.

Also, crucifying a kid for something verbal is absolutely ridiculous lol. Don’t hear people defending the President and asking for the removal of Cortez and Talib when they say verbally inappropriate things about the President of the United States.

Saying something is “NOT” a crime. Deliberately plotting and having the means to carry out the event is a Crime.

Stop trying to end a kids life over a heated argument with his girlfriend good lord.
So... Anyone confirm Hubbs reporting Solomon to be announced eligible today?

There seems to be optimism but according to Atlanta VOL the Tennessee department has been going back and forth with the NCAA as of yesterday. He said to expect something definitely by Thursday or Friday said he didn’t know if it would be tomorrow.
You’re the one using insults to describe me, fade and “others” because we didn’t think it was a valid comparison to use in a situation that was brand new with a current player. I know JJ wasn’t kicked off for manslaughter, and I know he was clearly a problem before he even played a game. Please don’t attempt to lecture me (key word:attempt) on who has done what or call me an enabler . I’m not going to apologize for wanting our player to have the opportunity to prove their innocence before he gets his life taken away in the court of public opinion from someone like yourself. If wanting due process to play out makes me an enabler then sign me up.

For future reference, when you start using insults to describe other posters it’s an indication that you’re losing an argument before you even got started. You shouldn’t.
Don't be silly. I didn't come anywhere close to losing an argument with you and I wouldn't waste a minute lecturing you. If you want to talk insulting, go back and read originalfade's response to my post. I also won't waste time debating it further with you.
Or the arresting officer. Discretion can always be used. There are thousands of laws on the books. Arrests are not made every time one is literally violated.
So a few things. First, and this is for others as well who are hung up on the “it was just two people yelling and having an argument”. If that was all it was then yes, this would be totally blown out of proportion. The issue isn’t the argument it is what is in the laws of Tennessee that defines domestic assault, among other things, as putting someone in reasonable fear of receiving bodily harm. Yelling alone may not do that but yelling specific threats such as I’m gonna slap the sh*t out of you and then punching a wall may. That’s the issue. It’s not the argument. It’s the perceived threat and only the victim can articulate what it was that put them in reasonable fear.
Along with that, domestic abuse is the only crime that takes officer discretion away and says “you shall arrest” as opposed to “you may arrest” if probable cause exists.
Now, I’m an Illinois cop but was once a Tennessee Sheriff’s deputy. Regarding someone saying something about shooting up a school you have to look at the totality of the circumstances as you do with everything else. What prompted it. What’s the history. What are the specific circumstances. Is there an availability to weapons...and so on. I had a case here where a female who had no known access to any firearms threatened a group of girls in a locker room because they were making fun of her and her friends. She said a similar thing that Thompson allegedly said and after all was said and done she was arrested for disorderly conduct because it “alarmed and disturbed” others.
Anyway, just trying to shed some light on a few things and help some understand the law and why officers may have taken the actions they did. Then again I wasn’t there and have nothing more to go on then the majority of you.
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Point brought up elsewhere, he was charged with DA and not the threat against the school. So does that mean there isn’t enough evidence to charge him with a credible mass shooting threat? And if so then that shouldn’t even play into the punishment. Still don’t think much of this stands up in court
Technically with the population of the U.S. and the access to weapons, the number is significantly low. That being said the acts are atrocious.

Also, crucifying a kid for something verbal is absolutely ridiculous lol. Don’t hear people defending the President and asking for the removal of Cortez and Talib when they say verbally inappropriate things about the President of the United States.

Saying something is “NOT” a crime. Deliberately plotting and having the means to carry out the event is a Crime.

Stop trying to end a kids life over a heated argument with his girlfriend good lord.

Totally agree AND as if an angry girlfriend in the heat of the moment won't say or claim any kind of accusation from as low as how small your dinky dong is to you told her you were going to shoot the school up, anything and everything to hurt and cause you problems. If it's all verbal it's he said she said nonsense, period.
Now screaming and hollering at a girlfriend who is screaming and hollering at you begats a domestic charge? Harsh words get you charged? This is nonsense.
This is what happens when weak, spineless politicians succumb to the PC crowd. It’s dangerous. When you’re arrested for words, not actions, that’s a slippery slope that’s difficult to come back from.
Totally agree AND as if an angry girlfriend in the heat of the moment won't say or claim any kind of accusation from as low as how small your dinky dong is to you told her you were going to shoot the school up, anything and everything to hurt and cause you problems. If it's all verbal it's he said she said nonsense, period.

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