Bryce Thompson out - potentially

Totally agree AND as if an angry girlfriend in the heat of the moment won't say or claim any kind of accusation from as low as how small your dinky dong is to you told her you were going to shoot the school up, anything and everything to hurt and cause you problems. If it's all verbal it's he said she said nonsense, period.
SHE hasn’t claimed that in any statement. She denied hearing any threat of shooting. ONE of the TWO witnesses asserted that...the other denied hearing it.
Now screaming and hollering at a girlfriend who is screaming and hollering at you begats a domestic charge? Harsh words get you charged? This is nonsense.
The won't "harsh words" have always been enough to get you charged.
SHE hasn’t claimed that in any statement. She denied hearing any threat of shooting. ONE of the TWO witnesses asserted that...the other denied hearing it.
Just for clarification because it’s so convoluted now, the one witness that heard him say shoot up the school didn’t actually see him or identify him correct? I’ve read that as well.
Just for clarification because it’s so convoluted now, the one witness that heard him say shoot up the school didn’t actually see him or identify him correct? I’ve read that as well.
Correct. While everyone’s falling all over each other to be first screaming “in these times!”, where is the Innocence Project and railroading of justice protests. Young African-American gets in a VERBAL altercation with his long time girlfriend, DOES NOT hit her but smashed an inanimate object instead and ONE person thinks they heard someone that could have been him saying something. Where’s Al Sharpton? Cuz he owes me money.
The fact that this has turned into something that could cost Thompson a game much less his career is plain stupid.

If we are really going to react this way to anyone who says something they don't mean in an argument with a romantic partner.... we need to turn Montana into one big jail cell.

Based on the details that have been released which seems to be all of them.... this should have taken no more than an hour to resolve. Put restrictions on him and make him go to anger management classes. Maybe offer "couples counseling" since it appears to be a 4 year relationship.

The reason that can't happen in today's insanely "sensitive" and irrational society... is that acting on it quickly might give the impression it wasn't handled "seriously enough". Again, ABJECT stupidity on the part of people who given much more credibility than they should be.
Everybody knows that you don't yell fire in a crowded theater, "bomb" at the airport or talk about shooting up a school. It's not about being PC. It's about not being a dumbass.
Oranges and apples.

Yelling fire in a theater or bomb in an airport creates a panic by a large group of people that could DIRECTLY result in an injury.

In this case, you quickly assess whether the guy is any real danger to shoot up campus then you counsel him on not saying stupid stuff. It is unlikely to be a serious threat... and shouldn't be treated as one.
In this case, you quickly assess whether the guy is any real danger to shoot up campus then you counsel him on not saying stupid stuff. It is unlikely to be a serious threat... and shouldn't be treated as one.
You are most likely correct. But I don't know how anybody can look at this and think there's any other way to handle it.
What about politicians encouraging violence against certain people. What about threats people make about blowing up the white house or threats against people in office or wishing someone would do them in. Putting them in tweets and some standing on podiums or addressing crowds. Again I am not trying to take away from Thompsons inmature response, but the double standard of applying the law has got to stop. I have yet to see or hear about anybody in Hollywood or the Missouri state assembly get questioned by authorities for inciting folks or making threats. Where is the rage there? But a kid in college angry with his girlfriend may have said something in the heat of the moment and there are a few that want to kick him out today. Total BS! I think Thompson deserves some type of punishment and needs to be told any further similar incidents will not be tolerated, but unless they can find that his intent and his words were the same he should be reinstated after his punishment. GBO!!!!
New fact pattern from the volquest podcast this am.

All three witnesses heard the "shoot up the school" comment. One witness identifies BT as the person making the statement. The other two witnesses, including the building RA, heard the statement but did not visually see BT when he said it.

This fact pattern, IF TRUE, does not bode well for BT.
While I realize the purpose of message boards is for everyone to give their opinions, in this case, I would suggest that everyone wait until all the facts are out before we rush to judgement either way.

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