Bryce Thompson out - potentially

You are most likely correct. But I don't know how anybody can look at this and think there's any other way to handle it.
Have a pair and not shrink in the face of overly "sensitive" and emotional people.

Come out and say that you've investigated the incident and find that the threat (if actually uttered) was in no way serious and that the player is receiving counseling for anger management.

This is just an incredibly overblown thing. We are one step away from suspending guys because they offended "thought police".
Have a pair and not shrink in the face of overly "sensitive" and emotional people.

Come out and say that you've investigated the incident and find that the threat (if actually uttered) was in no way serious and that the player is receiving counseling for anger management.

This is just an incredibly overblown thing. We are one step away from suspending guys because they offended "thought police".
They are in the middle of doing just that which is the only right way to handle it.
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Technically with the population of the U.S. and the access to weapons, the number is significantly low. That being said the acts are atrocious.

Also, crucifying a kid for something verbal is absolutely ridiculous lol. Don’t hear people defending the President and asking for the removal of Cortez and Talib when they say verbally inappropriate things about the President of the United States.

Saying something is “NOT” a crime. Deliberately plotting and having the means to carry out the event is a Crime.

Stop trying to end a kids life over a heated argument with his girlfriend good lord.
The facts are, saying something can be a crime, plotting or otherwise. For example: a bomb threat, yelling fire in a theater, threat to kill an elected official, or verbal threats of terrorism, such as: Shooting up a school. Or, what if he said," I'm going to build a bomb and kill as many people as I can with it on campus"? In today's world, this sort of thing can not be ignored (and shouldn't be). A college student should be smart enough to obtain a firearm, or build a bomb, so to assume he is just to stupid to carry out what he says he'll do, or that he is a known liar, or that when he argues with his girlfriend, he makes terroristic type threats (strange) and nothing should be done, nor even looked into, would be insane.
The facts are, saying something can be a crime, plotting or otherwise. For example: a bomb threat, yelling fire in a theater, threat to kill an elected official, or verbal threats of terrorism, such as: Shooting up a school. Or, what if he said," I'm going to build a bomb and kill as many people as I can with it on campus"? In today's world, this sort of thing can not be ignored (and shouldn't be). A college student should be smart enough to obtain a firearm, or build a bomb, so to assume he is just to stupid to carry out what he says he'll do, or that he is a known liar, or that when he argues with his girlfriend, he makes terroristic type threats (strange) and nothing should be done, nor even looked into, would be insane.

Lol okay. Please get back to me when you know what you are talking about. Because you obviously don’t know how law enforcement agencies investigate threats.
The facts are, saying something can be a crime, plotting or otherwise. For example: a bomb threat, yelling fire in a theater, threat to kill an elected official, or verbal threats of terrorism, such as: Shooting up a school. Or, what if he said," I'm going to build a bomb and kill as many people as I can with it on campus"? In today's world, this sort of thing can not be ignored (and shouldn't be). A college student should be smart enough to obtain a firearm, or build a bomb, so to assume he is just to stupid to carry out what he says he'll do, or that he is a known liar, or that when he argues with his girlfriend, he makes terroristic type threats (strange) and nothing should be done, nor even looked into, would be insane.
Since you seem to know everything, tell us what you want done to this young man.
Since you seem to know everything, tell us what you want done to this young man.
"Everything"? Wow, that is something! If someone already involved in a violent act (punching holes in the wall, tearing off a steel gate etc.), was making a threat to shoot up the school (UT), I'm very sure I would have arrested him, just as he was arrested. Of course, this would have to be based on me seeing the physical damage, and hearing from the witnesses, and hearing his side of the story. But there is no way, I'd say, "Well, he is mad at his girlfriend, so any threats to shoot up the school (or like threats) should be completely ignored, not even discussed". As he had already demonstrated that he was violent (by way of property damage), and showing very poor judgement, I believe a trip to jail may give him a chance to cool down, and re-think the" shoot up the school" plan. I agree we've all had arguments with girlfriends, but the violent acts, and the physical threats not so much. I don't know everything as you give me credit for, example: I don't know anyone who has threatened to shoot up UT, or any other school (or church, or mall...). I'm guessing you know several, maybe even done so yourself, as it doesn't seem that off the wall to you.
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Doesn't this all come down to the strength of the evidence that he actually said the shooting threat? If the university deems there to be conclusive evidence that he said it, he is probably gone; if the evidence is inconclusive; then he's back fairly soon.
"Everything"? Wow, that is something! If someone already involved in a violent act (punching holes in the wall, tearing off a steel gate etc.), was making a threat to shoot up the school (UT), I'm very sure I would have arrested him, just as he was arrested. Of course, this would have to be based on me seeing the physical damage, and hearing from the witnesses, and hearing his side of the story. But there is no way, I'd say, "Well, he is mad at his girlfriend, so any threats to shoot up the school (or like threats) should be completely ignored, not even discussed". As he had already demonstrated that he was violent (by way of property damage), and showing very poor judgement, I believe a trip to jail may give him a chance to cool down, and re-think the" shoot up the school" plan. I agree we've all had arguments with girlfriends, but the violent acts, and the physical threats not so much. I don't know everything as you give me credit for, example: I don't know anyone who has threated to shoot up UT, or any other school (or church, or mall...). I'm guessing you know several, maybe even done so yourself, as it doesn't seem that off the wall to you.
Don't know any. Never threatened a female with violence. Have dealt in kind with other males that did. Needs counseling for his anger. GIRL needs to also bear responsibility for her role as well. Anything else needs to be proven.
"Everything"? Wow, that is something! If someone already involved in a violent act (punching holes in the wall, tearing off a steel gate etc.), was making a threat to shoot up the school (UT), I'm very sure I would have arrested him, just as he was arrested. Of course, this would have to be based on me seeing the physical damage, and hearing from the witnesses, and hearing his side of the story. But there is no way, I'd say, "Well, he is mad at his girlfriend, so any threats to shoot up the school (or like threats) should be completely ignored, not even discussed". As he had already demonstrated that he was violent (by way of property damage), and showing very poor judgement, I believe a trip to jail may give him a chance to cool down, and re-think the" shoot up the school" plan. I agree we've all had arguments with girlfriends, but the violent acts, and the physical threats not so much. I don't know everything as you give me credit for, example: I don't know anyone who has threated to shoot up UT, or any other school (or church, or mall...). I'm guessing you know several, maybe even done so yourself, as it doesn't seem that off the wall to you.
He already took the trip to he good?
Is he good? I don't know, but I have confidence in our LE, and courts to figure it out. If this was a big pissing contest over what old ho left a pair of false eyelashes in his apt, if he pays for the physical damage, goes to some REAL ANGER MGT. counseling, and is not proven to have made the shoot'em remarks, he'd be good with me, based on what I know. CP would need to put him on a NO BS probation, another similar act, no second chances. UT doesn't need anymore bad press, God knows we get enough already. BTW, if he did make the shoot up the school remarks, I believe UT will be the "court", and not the regular justice system, it will be up to school's rules/regs etc. as to what happens to him, if anything. I believe UT has a council established to look into this type of thing. We need to know who the old ho was that left those eye lashes-she's the trouble maker her, and she hasn't been named!
Of course it's not, but I don't get what people think should be handled differently here.

It’s being handle by the university correctly. They hadn’t kicked him outta school. They suspended him until the investigation is complete. Media is gonna media. As of right now, If the threat was legit he wouldn’t be here & if they had thoughts it was he wouldn’t be in class. It’ll have to play out. They can’t investigate it too quick. Once the charges are dropped, I suspect him to be reinstated.
"Everything"? Wow, that is something! If someone already involved in a violent act (punching holes in the wall, tearing off a steel gate etc.), was making a threat to shoot up the school (UT)...
If you don't see the chasm between punching a wall or breaking a gate and shooting up a campus... you may well be a big part of the problem...
I believe a trip to jail may give him a chance to cool down, and re-think the" shoot up the school" plan.
So now there was a "plan"? Where did you hear that? If there is evidence he was planning to shoot the school up then that moves into a completely different category. "Shooting up the school" would indeed take some effort and planning. And that's the basis of my contention that it was not a serious threat but rather something said (if said) for effect to the girl. But if you know of a "plan"....
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New fact pattern from the volquest podcast this am.

All three witnesses heard the "shoot up the school" comment. One witness identifies BT as the person making the statement. The other two witnesses, including the building RA, heard the statement but did not visually see BT when he said it.

This fact pattern, IF TRUE, does not bode well for BT.
Can’t be. We all know the witnesses aren’t credible and just out to get BT.
Wow, if one says, "I'm going to eat a hamburger", the PLAN to eat a burger is implied! You're part of the problem.
Punching a hole in a wall and tearing down a metal gate, are acts of violence, when you couple them with threats to "Slap the sh*t out of you", (to a smaller weaker female), then any further threat, should be noted. As I have said, there is no doubt he should have gone to jail for the assault/physical damage (violent act(s)), this would have given him time to cool down, and hopefully stop him from any further violence he may have had in mind. UT rules and regs will sort the rest of it out.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the first guy thinks its okay to call you "Beech".


Wow, if one says, "I'm going to eat a hamburger", the PLAN to eat a burger is implied! You're part of the problem.
And you really think that analogy applies? How about someone who says they could eat a horse... does that mean "the plan" is implied? Or is it common for some people to use hyperbole and especially if they're angry?

Punching a hole in a wall and tearing down a metal gate, are acts of violence, when you couple them with threats to "Slap the sh*t out of you", (to a smaller weaker female), then any further threat, should be noted. As I have said, there is no doubt he should have gone to jail for the assault/physical damage (violent act(s)), this would have given him time to cool down, and hopefully stop him from any further violence he may have had in mind. UT rules and regs will sort the rest of it out.
You are still determined to make this bigger than it was. Hitting or tearing up something is VERY different from hitting a person. I knew a moron in HS who got mad at his girlfriend and punched a brick wall... broke his hand in several places. But he never hit her at school or otherwise.

You don't know the context of the SUPPOSED conversation. The person he was actually speaking to/yelling at does not remember him saying what seems to trigger you so badly. There is no evidence that he had any sort of "plan" to shoot the school up.

This was a guy who apparently got caught cheating and had a blow up with his girlfriend. There's no evidence he had "further violence" in mind. There's no evidence of anything except a heated domestic dispute.

You are trying very hard for some reason to fill in the blanks with your own biases. The actual details we have... don't point to the problem you are trying to conjure.
I'm guessing the cops that arrested him, and the judge that set his bail, are stupid and don't know what they are doing, they are just trying to fill in the blanks with their own bias. Shame on UT for not putting out a public statement of love and support, along with the assurances that what ever the dumb ass LE in Knox County do, this will not effect BT's position on the team-it looks like they [UT officials] are trying to fill in some blanks due to their stupid bias. And you are so right, when you infer that just because some one says something, it does not mean much, if they say they are going to doing something, it doesn't mean much. In fact, the violence (hole punched in wall and steel gate torn down) doesn't in any way demonstrate a propensity for violence, nor should the threat of violence (I'm going to slap the SH%t out of you). Your wise observations speak a lot about you, what you mean when you talk, how you believe others can and should be treated, not to mention, the complete condemnation of our (USA) legal system's standards for crimes such as assault. You seem like a perfect candidate for public office!
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The shoot up the school comment is only considered a threat if their is credible evidence.

If we go by that standard, every time I say "I'm going to kill my husband" after he does something stupid is a direct threat on his life and I could be arrested even though is clearly just a comment of frustration and I have no intention of doing so.
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