Bryce Thompson out - potentially

The shoot up the school comment is only considered a threat if their is credible evidence.

If we go by that standard, every time I say "I'm going to kill my husband" after he does something stupid is a direct threat on his life and I could be arrested even though is clearly just a comment of frustration and I have no intention of doing so.

If you are yelling that pretty loud, angrily, causing physical damage to property doesnt belong to you, and in a public could happen.
If he can tell me who Nancy Ward is with looking it up, I’d let him back on the team.

(Shame on all of you who are googling Nancy Ward right now lol)
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The shoot up the school comment is only considered a threat if their is credible evidence.

If we go by that standard, every time I say "I'm going to kill my husband" after he does something stupid is a direct threat on his life and I could be arrested even though is clearly just a comment of frustration and I have no intention of doing so.
Thanks for the heads up! When you say "..If there (I think you mean THERE) is credible evidence". Credible evidence of what? If he smashed a hole in the wall, tears a metal gate down and shouts, "I'm going to slap the SH*t out of you", would that constitute Credible Evidence of intent, or does some SH$t need to be expelled after a blow capable of tearing down a metal gate need to happen? I don't know you or your husband; however, if your husband ever punches a hole in the wall of your home, tears down a metal gate, or maybe a door if you don't have an indoor metal gate, screaming he is going to "Slap the SH&t out of you" and the police show up, I'm pretty sure they will take him to jail, even if he hasn't gotten to you yet. I'm sure your right on, and all charges will be dropped, and UT will "kiss and make up", he'll be playing soon.
Thanks for the heads up! When you say "..If there (I think you mean THERE) is credible evidence". Credible evidence of what? If he smashed a hole in the wall, tears a metal gate down and shouts, "I'm going to slap the SH*t out of you", would that constitute Credible Evidence of intent, or does some SH$t need to be expelled after a blow capable of tearing down a metal gate need to happen? I don't know you or your husband; however, if your husband ever punches a hole in the wall of your home, tears down a metal gate, or maybe a door if you don't have an indoor metal gate, screaming he is going to "Slap the SH&t out of you" and the police show up, I'm pretty sure they will take him to jail, even if he hasn't gotten to you yet. I'm sure your right on, and all charges will be dropped, and UT will "kiss and make up", he'll be playing soon.

I’m talking specifically about the “shoot the school” up part. Is there any evidence this kid is actually a threat to the school? Does he own a gun? Is he creating a manifesto? Has he spoken of shooting up the school before?

If the answer is no to all of those and no other evidence comes to light that suggests he is a credible threat to the safety of the school, then I believe the comment can be construed as stupid heat of the moment crap and not a legitimate threat.

When it comes to the personal safety of his girlfriend, that is another matter entirely. I don’t know enough, I don’t like the idea of him yelling at his girlfriend like that. The destruction of the gate can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Bad because it is destruction of property and does suggest anger problems, good because he took his anger on an object rather than a person which suggests some degree of control and understanding that hitting a woman is bad.

It all remains to be seen, without being there I can only speculate.

My point being that not all so called threats made in anger are actual threats. There has to be credible evidence backing them, otherwise they are just words

Edit: right after I posted this the restraining order info came out. Goes into what I said about not knowing enough about his relationship with the girl. It’s definitely not a good look and could be a big problem. Definitely needs to be investigated.

My point still stands on the shooting quote though.
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I find it funny how people with absolutely 0 law enforcement experience, think they are 100% correct on he is gone if he was overheard saying the threat etc.

Want to know who made the threat worse then it actually was and should be punished for it? The media.
Actually the “being gone” thing has little to do with law enforcement. It has to do with student conduct.
Yeah, but this happened during the order. I wonder who approached who, it was mutual.

**Edit** I see now, April 2018 through 2019 I'll be curious to see how this plays out....
Not sure what you mean happened during the order....the order was April 2018 to April 2019...this is now August 2019
Two things I know:

1. UT isn't required to follow any legal standard of proof, evidence, or whatever in the conduct of their investigation. No university is. They have their own rules.

2. Plenty of students have been kicked out of college for much less than this.

This is absolutely correct. Whether the charges are dropped or not is ultimately going to be meaningless I think. The school will conduct a review based upon their own standards and make a determination about him continuing his education there. The fact is that people are being kicked out of schools all over the country based on similar accusations (the threat of domestic violence, let alone the school shooting threat).

Not to get political, but you can trace this all back to a title IX decision under the Obama administration that either required or allowed schools to set up infrastructure to review allegations of sexual and domestic assault in their universities and dole out punishments.
I'm guessing the cops that arrested him, and the judge that set his bail, are stupid and don't know what they are doing, they are just trying to fill in the blanks with their own bias.
No. That's you. If they thought his threat toward "the campus" was more substantial then he'd be in bigger trouble. If there was ANY evidence of a "plan"...

He was charged with a misdemeanor.... not with plotting to shoot students on campus.

Shame on UT for not putting out a public statement of love and support, along with the assurances that what ever the dumb ass LE in Knox County do, this will not effect BT's position on the team-it looks like they [UT officials] are trying to fill in some blanks due to their stupid bias.
No. That's still you and your stupid assumptions about what isn't being said and has not been proven.

And you are so right, when you infer that just because some one says something, it does not mean much, if they say they are going to doing something, it doesn't mean much.
If you really don't think people exaggerate when they get in angry, emotional arguments... I do not know how to help you. You must have lived a very sheltered life.

In fact, the violence (hole punched in wall and steel gate torn down) doesn't in any way demonstrate a propensity for violence, nor should the threat of violence (I'm going to slap the SH%t out of you).
I have not hit anyone in anger in decades and outside of athletics was never prone to do it. I have slammed my fist down on a table or desk. I have slammed doors. I have accidentally broken things when I was mad.

If you've never done anything like that... then you are just better than the rest of us. But most of us understand that hitting an object in frustration is not the same as hitting a person.

Your wise observations speak a lot about you, what you mean when you talk, how you believe others can and should be treated, not to mention, the complete condemnation of our (USA) legal system's standards for crimes such as assault. You seem like a perfect candidate for public office!
Of course this sarcastic accusation is completely false. You really should be ashamed of such exaggeration when you're angry.... you might need to be fired from your job or kicked off this board...
The fact is that people are being kicked out of schools all over the country based on similar accusations (the threat of domestic violence, let alone the school shooting threat).
Not attacking you personally... but this claim has been made a couple of times already. Do you have a reference demonstrating it to be true? If people are being kicked out of school all over the country for something as simple as this... based on inconsistent testimony... I'd like to know the extent.
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Wow, if one says, "I'm going to eat a hamburger", the PLAN to eat a burger is implied! You're part of the problem.
Punching a hole in a wall and tearing down a metal gate, are acts of violence, when you couple them with threats to "Slap the sh*t out of you", (to a smaller weaker female), then any further threat, should be noted. As I have said, there is no doubt he should have gone to jail for the assault/physical damage (violent act(s)), this would have given him time to cool down, and hopefully stop him from any further violence he may have had in mind. UT rules and regs will sort the rest of it out.
He was in jail for 12 hours. How long before they cool?
this doesn't sound good....

Seems strange to have a restraining order with another woman since the police report stated his GF and he were dating for 4 years and engaged for 2 years. No wonder the GF accused him of cheating after finding the fake eye lashes .. unless the restraining order was also with his current GF.
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I’d be surprised if he plays this year at all and not surprised if he is no longer on this team after this season, would be fine with me as I find it difficult to root for people who assault people but especially women.
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