Bryce Thompson out - potentially

Depends on context and consistency. It also matters whether it is actually true. That seems to be somewhat in doubt as well as 3 different witnesses heard 3 different things.

Decide what you want to go by. The law or UT policy. Under the "law", this misdemeanor would likely not result in anything beyond counseling and a possibly some restrictions concerning the woman.

UT has the prerogative to hold a higher standard than that... and CAN consider the woman's role.

Again, if there's evidence that he's followed through on a threat in the past then it becomes credible. Otherwise you have a young guy shooting off at the mouth.

Yes. And that applies to the women too.

Of course it matters what is actually true. Thats exactly why i clearly said IF. I even capitalized it to emphasize it. But i guess thats a tough concept for you to grasp somehow?
Lol... Harsh words is not the same as threatening to kill multiple women and shoot up a school. Good grief man...
Yes. My wife not long ago said, "I could just choke him"... and she'd never consider anything of the sort.

You are assuming things and carrying it out further than the evidence supports at this point. They may determine that his "threats" have teeth. If so, they'll have to cut him loose. But there doesn't appear to be any proof of him being violent toward people... just mouthy.
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Yes. My wife not long ago said, "I could just choke him"... and she'd never consider anything of the sort.

You are assuming things and carrying it out further than the evidence supports at this point. They may determine that his "threats" have teeth. If so, they'll have to cut him loose. But there doesn't appear to be any proof of him being violent toward people... just mouthy.

You keep saying im assuming things, do you not see where i clearly keep saying IF TRUE? Obviously if its not credible then hes good. But once again, IF TRUE he should be kicked.
Also, surely you understand the difference in your wife sarcastically saying she will choke you and a grown man shouting hes going to shoot up a school loud and angry enough that people call police. Dont be silly.
First off, you keep saying the women tolerated his behaviour. Do you know this?
Well, yes. It seems pretty well established that this particular woman had a 4 year relationship with him. So she seems to have stayed or continued to come back.

Didnt the first one try to break up with him which resulted in him threatening to kill her?
In a text that was apparently not provided to the police. He said, she said. Of course, you guys have him convicted without the facts and really in denial of the complete facts of that situation. He must have made counter accusations because the result was a mutual restraining order.

Second, im not speaking of punishment/ responsibility for her because none of the witnesses called police because of her. He was the one shouting death threats and destroying property.
You keep pushing that narrative. One, it isn't established he shouted "death threats". You say you are waiting for the facts. You aren't.

Thus HE is responsible.
He is responsible for what he did. She is responsible for who she associates with.

And is breaking a gate the deal breaker? Pretty silly question, clearly no. I think its quite obvious the deal breaker would be IF its all true. If so, he has now threatened death/physical harm to multiple women, threatened to shoot up a school, and had such a lack of self control that hes destroying property. This is after he has already received "another chance" from threatening to kill the first woman.
Here "if". Earlier "did".

And again, you've never broken anything in anger?
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You keep saying im assuming things, do you not see where i clearly keep saying IF TRUE? Obviously if its not credible then hes good. But once again, IF TRUE he should be kicked.
Also, surely you understand the difference in your wife sarcastically saying she will choke you and a grown man shouting hes going to shoot up a school loud and angry enough that people call police. Dont be silly.
You don't know my wife.... :)

But she's not unique. There are A LOT of people who make idle threats when they're angry... and sometimes loudly. And IF he has ever followed through then this gets much worse. What we "know" isn't enough to boot him.
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You keep saying im assuming things, do you not see where i clearly keep saying IF TRUE?
He was the one shouting death threats and destroying property.

Lol... Go down literally a few more sentences in that post and tell me what it says. I will help you, i said IF TRUE. Weird how you left that part out.
You keep saying im assuming things, do you not see where i clearly keep saying IF TRUE? Obviously if its not credible then hes good. But once again, IF TRUE he should be kicked.
Also, surely you understand the difference in your wife sarcastically saying she will choke you and a grown man shouting hes going to shoot up a school loud and angry enough that people call police. Dont be silly.
You’re assuming sarcasm for her but not for him...seems a little uneven.
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Good grief. How many guys show their "good" side at the start of a relationship only to have the hidden side emerge later. A lot of these young men have no male role model growing up so they have no clue how to deal with women. If you read the WHOLE story you will see another young woman tried to break up and he threatened death. He is a hothead who cannot control his anger. Take off your orange colored glasses.
His current girlfriend claimed they had been together for 4 years. They were past the "honeymoon" or acclimation stage.

True. There are too many of our youth missing father figures. They find examples wherever they can. Sometimes they come from a street corner, other times they come from coaches and other places.

He does appear to have anger issues. I dont think there is any disagreement there. That's not enough to remove him from the team or the school without something more substantial IMO. If he doesnt want help or to learn and change from a situation like this you eventually have to let him go and he has blown a chance to improve as a person.

As a youth basketball coach, it's understandable why that decision is never easy. Regardless of how most of them are portrayed they typically care about the well being of their players on and off the field.
You’re assuming sarcasm for her but not for him...seems a little uneven.

Its kind of common sense. Pretty easy to tell it wasnt sarcasm when the dudes literally breaking metal gates off while shouting loud enough to have people call police, especially considering his prior death threats to a woman resulting in separation orders.
Its kind of common sense. Pretty easy to tell it wasnt sarcasm when the dudes literally breaking metal gates off while shouting loud enough to have people call police, especially considering his prior death threats to a woman resulting in separation orders.
How was he going to shoot up the school with a gate? And shouting loud being a crime would have my grandson continuously incarcerated. It was a run of the mill yelling match that the media is misconstruing.
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After hearing the former complaints on Thompson in South Carolina it is more problematic than I first thought. I am all for second chances, but Thompson has had 2nd chances. If and it's a big IF, he ever plays here again I see it being after counseling and punishment. I can totally understand if it's a year out just to see if he can follow simple rules that long. He should be made to go anger counseling and his leash should be very short if he remains. He may very well be done here, I don't know. GBO!
How was he going to shoot up the school with a gate? And shouting loud being a crime would have my grandson continuously incarcerated. It was a run of the mill yelling match that the media is misconstruing.

So now your grandson yelling is the same as a grown man yelling at a woman threatening to slap her, shoot up a school, and destroying property? How exactly is it being misconstrued? I guess when he threatened to kill the first woman because she broke up with him was misconstrued as well? The guy has a pattern of anger issues towards women. IF its all true that is.
So now your grandson yelling is the same as a grown man yelling at a woman threatening to slap her, shoot up a school, and destroying property? How exactly is it being misconstrued? I guess when he threatened to kill the first woman because she broke up with him was misconstrued as well? The guy has a pattern of anger issues towards women. IF its all true that is.
There’s no IF in your declaration of such as facts. Guy yelled and people interpreted it as angry...real science. My grandson yells mostly when he’s angry...or has poop in his diaper. Lot of interpretation of events from 3rd parties taking precedence and what a former girlfriend states to get a restraining order is also open for interpretation. What we KNOW is he didn’t physically harm anyone in this incident. And we’re talking about kicking him off the football team to protect the school because of a perceived threat, YET he’s attending class and SWAT teams aren’t under alert...lil uneven. 🤔
There’s no IF in your declaration of such as facts. Guy yelled and people interpreted it as angry...real science. My grandson yells mostly when he’s angry...or has poop in his diaper. Lot of interpretation of events from 3rd parties taking precedence and what a former girlfriend states to get a restraining order is also open for interpretation. What we KNOW is he didn’t physically harm anyone in this incident. And we’re talking about kicking him off the football team to protect the school because of a perceived threat, YET he’s attending class and SWAT teams aren’t under alert...lil uneven. 🤔

Lol yeah he wasnt angry, just ripped the metal gate off for fun. You seem like a really aware guy...
Uhh, no. He himself admitted he ripped off the gate. Maybe you should read up a bit on the subject before discussing it?
It’s not about what he did, it’s what the WITNESSES actually interpreted that made them contact the police. Thought you were following along...guess you saw a squirrel? Read everything and I’ll do what I want...but thank you, ma’am.
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Its kind of common sense. Pretty easy to tell it wasnt sarcasm when the dudes literally breaking metal gates off while shouting loud enough to have people call police, especially considering his prior death threats to a woman resulting in separation orders.
The people knew he made death threats to his previous gf?
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It’s not about what he did, it’s what the WITNESSES actually interpreted that made them contact the police. Thought you were following along...guess you saw a squirrel? Read everything and I’ll do what I want...but thank you, ma’am.

Lol Nobody can follow along with your childish logic.
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