Bryce Thompson out - potentially

If what has come out about him is true, hes already a repeat offender. He already had a separation order from a past girlfriend for death threats and according to her physical violence. Now hes threatening another and destroying property. Without consequences his behaviour will not change. You are right though, personal responsibility is indeed a dying trait. We are in the age of "safe spaces" now.

My father murdered a man and only got 18 years so get out of here with that nonsense. The separation order was on both parties because no evidence of abuse was found. Also, he did not violate that order. So he did take personal responsibility. We was not there that night and we are hearing statements from witnesses that couldn’t hear the full exchange and barley could make out the words. My grandfather told me he’d beat the piss outta me all the time when I did something wrong. He never did but I sure knew not to do it again.
My argument is this: if he had a separation order from a past girlfriend for the same stuff, threatening to kill her and according to her actual physical violence, coupled with this latest incident of destroying property that doesnt belong to him/ threatening another girl and shooting up the school then its time for him to face real consequences. IF it all turns out true, he should be kicked from the team. Help him get whatever help he needs, sure. But this mindset of just "hes a kid, suspend him and let him play" is garbage. Hes not a child and hes already gotten his second chance after the prior girlfriend. Hes smart enough to know what hes doing isnt ok. If he keeps getting by with things his behaviour will not change.
Peyton Manning literally tea bagged a girl and he faced no consequences. That was swept under the rug. People change. No one called him a child. Hes a young adult. If he hit the other gf, he would have an actual record. But why is an juvenile record being released about BT?
When you look at the full and real report, not the 'cherry picked' report you've posted, you'll see a Crime Increase. This is they type of problem so many so called research papers have, a political bent, and are not dedicated to real research. When you look at the FULL report, you'll see those that are cherry picking, might have had their brain fried with all kind of dope, or they just may not know how to read a report, or they are dishonest (most likely)
Is English your first language?
But why is an juvenile record being released about BT?

Not sure, but the earlier restraining order may not have been issued by a juvenile court. Most of those kind of orders are issued in civil domestic courts, not criminal or juvenile courts. His juvenile record should be protected, but if it was a civil or domestic claim, it may have happened outside of the protections of the juvenile system just as if he had a vehicular accident while a minor.
My father murdered a man and only got 18 years so get out of here with that nonsense. The separation order was on both parties because no evidence of abuse was found. Also, he did not violate that order. So he did take personal responsibility. We was not there that night and we are hearing statements from witnesses that couldn’t hear the full exchange and barley could make out the words. My grandfather told me he’d beat the piss outta me all the time when I did something wrong. He never did but I sure knew not to do it again.

I know i wasnt there that night, which is why the word " IF" is in my post. Reading comprehension is important.
Just read a report from Denver's chief of police:
Denver’s violent crime rate is rising faster than any other large U.S. city, though the number of homicides, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults remains low compared with many other metro areas, reports the Denver Post. The per-capita violent crime rate in Denver grew nine percent between 2017 and 2018, while most large cities in the U.S. saw a decline, said a survey from the Brennan Center. On average, violent crime rates in 25 of the nation’s most populous cities dropped 4 percent in that time period. Denver police say data from the first five months of 2019 show the upward trend may be shifting, said Deputy Police Chief Barb Archer.

Police Chief Paul Pazen has attributed last year’s high homicide rate in part to gang disputes and domestic violence. Sixty-seven people were shot, stabbed or beaten to death in Denver last year, the highest number since 2004. Nonfatal shootings and other gun violence have also increased. Overall crime rates in the Mile High City have increased every year since 2014, reaching 4,260 crimes per 100,000 residents in 2018. That’s a nearly 7 percent increase in four years. Still, Denver’s violent crime rate — 629 violent crimes per 100,000 residents — is about a third of what is reported in the most violent large cities, Detroit and Baltimore
One thing I get a kick out of, is how this chief of police puts a "spin" on the crime rate increase, at least we are not as bad ad Detroit or Baltimore.....

Who is we?
Peyton Manning literally tea bagged a girl and he faced no consequences. That was swept under the rug. People change. No one called him a child. Hes a young adult. If he hit the other gf, he would have an actual record. But why is an juvenile record being released about BT?

Again, the problem is that IF The allegations are true, he now has a pattern of anger/abuse issues towards women. He had chance number one with the separation order involving the other female. He behaved well enough to clear that one year order, get accepted into tennessee on scholarship. But now he has reportedly threatened female #2 and destroyed property and so on. If its all true his chances should be over as far as playing football at tennessee. Dude needs help because he clearly thinks its ok to treat women sh###y.
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Again, the problem is that IF The allegations are true, he now has a pattern of anger/abuse issues towards women. He had chance number one with the separation order involving the other female. He behaved well enough to clear that one year order, get accepted into tennessee on scholarship. But now he has reportedly threatened female #2 and destroyed property and so on. If its all true his chances should be over as far as playing football at tennessee. Dude needs help because he clearly thinks its ok to treat women sh###y.
maybe they are sh***y your diatribe regarding personal responsibility, you've placed no blame on the women. None at all.
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Again, the problem is that IF The allegations are true, he now has a pattern of anger/abuse issues towards women. He had chance number one with the separation order involving the other female. He behaved well enough to clear that one year order, get accepted into tennessee on scholarship. But now he has reportedly threatened female #2 and destroyed property and so on. If its all true his chances should be over as far as playing football at tennessee. Dude needs help because he clearly thinks its ok to treat women sh###y.
Whose standard for the way women should be treated are we using as a rule for UT and football participation?

I would say AJ treated the woman that accused him "sh###y". But he was wrongly charged with a crime. His removal from the team also seems a little extreme considering she was complicit in him treating her sh###y.

Thompson has issues with getting angry and making threats which he has apparently never followed through on.
BT is a gifted football player so its all good....right? I'm guessing you don't have a daughter. GBO

My daughter was taught the kind of man she should and should not become involved in. The women here tolerated and apparently participated in these bad relationships.

Health? No. "All good"? No. Does he need counseling at a minimum to continue on the team? Of course. But ultimately... the women bear responsibility for tolerating bad treatment by a man. There's a very easy solution if they don't like the way they're being treated by a man... cut off the relationship and set their standards higher.
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maybe they are sh***y your diatribe regarding personal responsibility, you've placed no blame on the women. None at all.

Well again, if the accusations are true then who supposedly was screaming loud enough and in a threatening enough way about slapping a woman and shooting up a school? Was it him or her? Who damaged property that didnt belong to them, him or her? Also problematic is that this isnt the first woman hes been involved in bad situations with. Theres a pattern of not being able to control anger in multiple situations, and what is the similarity in the situations? He is.
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Whose standard for the way women should be treated are we using as a rule for UT and football participation?

I would say AJ treated the woman that accused him "sh###y". But he was wrongly charged with a crime. His removal from the team also seems a little extreme considering she was complicit in him treating her sh###y.

Thompson has issues with getting angry and making threats which he has apparently never followed through on.

Well, its quite easy really. Clearly you cant scream threats to women about killing them, slapping them, or shooting up a school. Thats not my standard. Do you disagree? As far as wether the university deems what hes done to be worthy of kicking him idk, guess we will see. Imo if its all true he should be gone. As far as the women putting up with his actions, that has no bearing on what his actions are. Thats not how the law works. I guarantee you if a man slaps a woman or yells threats at her in a serious way while damaging property in front of a cop, hes not going to be able to just say "its cool officer, she puts up with it."

If we were going by my standards, common sense says treat women respectfully. If the women you are surrounding yourself with are a problem, choose better company. Personal responsibility is important.
Peyton Manning literally tea bagged a girl and he faced no consequences. That was swept under the rug. People change. No one called him a child. Hes a young adult. If he hit the other gf, he would have an actual record. But why is an juvenile record being released about BT?

Umm, I just have to say something about the Peyton tea bagging. For most of us here, if we were being totally honest, we would be so proud that the mighty Orange Prince 🤴 of Tennessee football placed his beautiful soft and silky sack of jewels upon us. Come on, it’s Peyton, you know they are soft and silky.
My daughter was taught the kind of man she should and should not become involved in. The women here tolerated and apparently participated in these bad relationships.

Health? No. "All good"? No. Does he need counseling at a minimum to continue on the team? Of course. But ultimately... the women bear responsibility for tolerating bad treatment by a man. There's a very easy solution if they don't like the way they're being treated by a man... cut off the relationship and set their standards higher.

And in the same manner as the women you speak of, if bryce doesnt want to lose privileges such as being on scholarship at tennessee, maybe he should stop destroying property and threatening women. If the relationship is toxic, he should end it and choose better company. Its quite odd how you keep placing blame on the women. Actions have consequences. Hes an adult, and IF all the garbage is true he should be kicked from the team.
My daughter was taught the kind of man she should and should not become involved in. The women here tolerated and apparently participated in these bad relationships.

Health? No. "All good"? No. Does he need counseling at a minimum to continue on the team? Of course. But ultimately... the women bear responsibility for tolerating bad treatment by a man. There's a very easy solution if they don't like the way they're being treated by a man... cut off the relationship and set their standards higher.
Good grief. How many guys show their "good" side at the start of a relationship only to have the hidden side emerge later. A lot of these young men have no male role model growing up so they have no clue how to deal with women. If you read the WHOLE story you will see another young woman tried to break up and he threatened death. He is a hothead who cannot control his anger. Take off your orange colored glasses.
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Good grief. How many guys show their "good" side at the start of a relationship only to have the hidden side emerge later.
Some if you aren't wise enough to see through it. Even then, when he does show it you get away. That's what a responsible person does.

A lot of these young men have no male role model growing up so they have no clue how to deal with women.
So because the young man doesn't know how to treat women... women shouldn't get away from them if they mistreat them? You aren't making a lot of sense.

Or is your point that UT shouldn't take any sort of risks by signing kids that grow up without their fathers?

If you read the WHOLE story you will see another young woman tried to break up and he threatened death. He is a hothead who cannot control his anger. Take off your orange colored glasses.
He's a hot head who cannot control his WORDS. It doesn't take any particular glasses to understand the difference. He needs to learn not to shoot off at the mouth. That's not all that uncommon.
And in the same manner as the women you speak of, if bryce doesnt want to lose privileges such as being on scholarship at tennessee, maybe he should stop destroying property and threatening women. If the relationship is toxic, he should end it and choose better company. Its quite odd how you keep placing blame on the women. Actions have consequences. Hes an adult, and IF all the garbage is true he should be kicked from the team.
No. I was speaking in the context of this conversation.

He is responsible for what he does. She is responsible for what she does. It is others who are suggesting that the women are 100% victims. They aren't. They participated and tolerated. That doesn't change his "guilt" except to provide the correct context.

If you are claiming that this particular incident should result in him being kicked off the team then no. If you are suggesting that something he did prior to enrolling at UT should cause him to be kicked off then no. If he has in the past followed through with a threat then this incident should be taken more serious. But there seems to be no evidence he's ever done so.

So in anger he damaged a gate and that is a deal breaker for you? You have never hit or damaged something out of anger?
Well, its quite easy really. Clearly you cant scream threats to women about killing them, slapping them, or shooting up a school. Thats not my standard. Do you disagree?
Depends on context and consistency. It also matters whether it is actually true. That seems to be somewhat in doubt as well as 3 different witnesses heard 3 different things.

As far as wether the university deems what hes done to be worthy of kicking him idk, guess we will see. Imo if its all true he should be gone. As far as the women putting up with his actions, that has no bearing on what his actions are. Thats not how the law works. I guarantee you if a man slaps a woman or yells threats at her in a serious way while damaging property in front of a cop, hes not going to be able to just say "its cool officer, she puts up with it."
Decide what you want to go by. The law or UT policy. Under the "law", this misdemeanor would likely not result in anything beyond counseling and a possibly some restrictions concerning the woman.

UT has the prerogative to hold a higher standard than that... and CAN consider the woman's role.

Again, if there's evidence that he's followed through on a threat in the past then it becomes credible. Otherwise you have a young guy shooting off at the mouth.

If we were going by my standards, common sense says treat women respectfully. If the women you are surrounding yourself with are a problem, choose better company. Personal responsibility is important.
Yes. And that applies to the women too.
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BT is a gifted football player so its all good....right? I'm guessing you don't have a daughter. GBO
I got one...two if you count my stepdaughter. I qualify? I’m for a fair response to what’s actually been established as FACTS. Man squeezes my baby’s arm too hard and I’m going to my safe. He yells at her and breaks public property, and I have a man to man...and tell him what’s in the safe.
I got one...two if you count my stepdaughter. I qualify? I’m for a fair response to what’s actually been established as FACTS. Man squeezes my baby’s arm too hard and I’m going to my safe. He yells at her and breaks public property, and I have a man to man...and tell him what’s in the safe.
Somehow the difference between harsh words and violent actions is lost on a lot of these guys.
No. I was speaking in the context of this conversation.

He is responsible for what he does. She is responsible for what she does. It is others who are suggesting that the women are 100% victims. They aren't. They participated and tolerated. That doesn't change his "guilt" except to provide the correct context.

If you are claiming that this particular incident should result in him being kicked off the team then no. If you are suggesting that something he did prior to enrolling at UT should cause him to be kicked off then no. If he has in the past followed through with a threat then this incident should be taken more serious. But there seems to be no evidence he's ever done so.

So in anger he damaged a gate and that is a deal breaker for you? You have never hit or damaged something out of anger?

First off, you keep saying the women tolerated his behaviour. Do you know this? Didnt the first one try to break up with him which resulted in him threatening to kill her?

Second, im not speaking of punishment/ responsibility for her because none of the witnesses called police because of her. He was the one shouting death threats and destroying property. Thus HE is responsible.
And is breaking a gate the deal breaker? Pretty silly question, clearly no. I think its quite obvious the deal breaker would be IF its all true. If so, he has now threatened death/physical harm to multiple women, threatened to shoot up a school, and had such a lack of self control that hes destroying property. This is after he has already received "another chance" from threatening to kill the first woman.

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