Butch is about to be on the podium

So they are talking about KY recruiting but not Tennessee's? We have the #1 or #2 class on most sites. ESPN even has us 5th and they hate us.

This is dumb. I will watch Butch's interview when I get home, but I am done listening to the homeriphic Pollack tell me how KY is doing amazing in recruiting and how Tennessee wont be winning NCs for a long time bc recruiting just isnt there!

If punching the computer screen would help!

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When asked is Tennessee going to be back in the BCS hunt in the near future David Pollack was quick with the "NO" :rofl: Simply because he says we can't get players from South Carolina/Spurrier and Georgia/Richt.....

But now with this staff we have great ties to Big Ten country too.....he just prays Tennessee never returns to promise....his hate for Tennessee is comical....closet Vol imo...wishes he'd picked that power T hat out of high school...

My tweet in response to Pollack: @DavidPollarck47 You know #Tennessee has the #1 or #2 recruiting class on most sites, right? @MrHurd18 and @ToddKellyJr6 say there's talent in TN!
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Butch was supposed to be on the main stage at 1:40. Should be any minute.
Butch is next

Nice round table discussion of us ahead of him though. Got some nice kudos on recruiting and what we have to offer
I like he said we've lost 260lbs of fat (combined as a team) and gained 230lbs of muscle mass. :rock:
Butch is such a class act man. Better than Derick Doofus that's for sure.

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