Butch Jones: ‘We are getting closer to naming a starting quarterback’

I think it has and will be Worley, but Peterman has started finding a groove beginning at scrimmage and looks better at this moment, which will not change the coach's mind but definitely shortens the leash on Worley. Just my speculation.
The one thing I never underestimate is UT finding new ways to lose to Florida. So, I never really bought into the "we beat them with Worley" mantra. It sounds good and even looks good on paper but......
I'm glad we may be naming a starter sooner than later. There will still be competition in practice. QB's will be trying to prove they deserve to start or at least be number 2. The starter will compete to keep his job. Whoever is named should be supported and not judged from one pracitce to the other. I just want a good trigger man for the potentially explosive offense.
"Hey Nate, I don't want you to be nervous or anything, but I'm benching Worley and want you to start your first game ever in the swamp. Yes, I know they probably have the best defense in the nation right now. And yes, this is, in a lot of Vol fans eyes, the team they hate the most and would sacrifice their first child to end the losing streak to. Oh, don't break your thumb or anything like that either behind our underachieving OL." - CBJ

I absolutely refuse to label him a bust because he played awful in his first / only college start. There is a reason the coaches benched Worley and started him, because he can play in the SEC. I just hope he gets his chance to redeem himself.

If he sucks *** again, I'll own up to being wrong.

"Hey Nate, you were pushing really hard to be the starter, had a very good summer camp, hell, you looked like the best QB on our roster at the open practice. I wanna make a change and put you in there because our offense just hasn't performed with Justin thus far and I think you're just the guy to give us a spark. I believe in you son. We're gonna get you prepared this week regarding the gameplan and I think you're gonna do great things in our zone read offense because you're a little better keeping the ball when necessary, you'll keep their DL's aggressiveness in check.

We just need you to manage the game, keep your poise, make your reads, get us in the right plays, the right protections, like we've trained you to do all Spring and summer. We don't need you to go out and win the game, just the manage the offense and don't lose it. Again, we think you're ready, we know you're gonna prepare the right way and we believe in you son."

The rest, as they say, is history.

I'm not pulling against Nathan by any means. But I know and fully remember what I saw that first half vs Florida. If the kid can make a rebound to the point that CBJ names him the starter then GOD bless him and let's hope like hell he really can be the man. However, I'm gonna have to actually see it before I'll ever believe it.
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Smartest kid in summer school, yes, I get it. But which listed performance above would you rather have?

Come on now, the QB play from the 2 halves were night and day. Most guys on here (not me included) routinely state that had Worley started and played the entire game that we would've beaten Florida last year. Same defense, same offensive weapons. Throw in Worley's QB play vs Georgia and SCar and it's a slam dunk in my mind.

Oh yeah, as far as no offense ....none taken. ��

I do think the benching of Worley for that one half was the best thing for him mentally. The mental side of sports is just as if not more important when competing. Watching that level of failure in one half had to turn the light bulb on for him.
Like I said its not a easy thing to start as a freshman qb in the sec but he looked like he has never played the game before. Couldn't hand the ball off or make a 5 yd dump pass. I am all for him if he has improved enough to by pass the other two but to me it seems impossible. Go back and look at how bad he played it was awful. It would make me nervous to see him start against anybody this year bc of how far behind the 8 ball he put us last year in the Fla game.
I do think the benching of Worley for that one half was the best thing for him mentally. The mental side of sports is just as if not more important when competing. Watching that level of failure in one half had to turn the light bulb on for him.

I know a lot of people on here crush CBJ for starting Peterman vs Fla. I don't. I thought it was a gutsy gamble that backfired. Given how our offense was performing with Worley at the helm it was understandable and acceptable IMO. It backfired with regards to the Florida game but paid dividends with Worley going forward.
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I do think the benching of Worley for that one half was the best thing for him mentally. The mental side of sports is just as if not more important when competing. Watching that level of failure in one half had to turn the light bulb on for him.

Hmmm...Haven't thought about it from Worley's point of view. Altho its probably not a good idea to mention that game and light bulbs in the same sentence.
I know it won't be Dobbs. Jimmy Hyams was on the Wake Up Zone in Nashville this morning and he said his sources, that were at the Saturday scrimmage, told him that Dobbs has lost his accuracy. Can't get the ball where it needs to be and it is getting into his head. Dobbs is solidly 3rd string.
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I know it won't be Dobbs. Jimmy Hyams was on the Wake Up Zone in Nashville this morning and he said his sources, that were at the Saturday scrimmage, told him that Dobbs has lost his accuracy. Can't get the ball where it needs to be and it is getting into his head. Dobbs is solidly 3rd string.

If only it was anybody but Jimmy I'd read more into this.
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I know posters don't mean harm, or at least hope, but think the pics of down syndrome or special needs to make a silly point are in bad taste. Jmo. There are plenty of other normal idiots to make fun of.

As the dad of a daughter with special needs, I say thank you.
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Zasnow, an apparent trusted insider of the program, returned to the boards this week saying that:

"The qb battle is closer than what people think. I honestly wouldn't be shocked if Peterman got the nod this week. He has improved vastly compared to last year but still has a ways to go. Seems like 14 and 11 have regressed."

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mine started HS today and I've been thinking and worrying about him all day.

Does your son have special needs too or am I reading that wrong? In any case, watching them grow up is tough - 10th, 7th, and 1st grade starting for my 3 this week.
Does your son have special needs too or am I reading that wrong? In any case, watching them grow up is tough - 10th, 7th, and 1st grade starting for my 3 this week.

yes. He's autistic on the low end of the spectrum. We are blessed to have him in our lives. Many parents have it much tougher. He's the one with me in my avi
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