It doesn't matter what you say...Gods not real.
Tell that that to the Father of modern Physics, Isaac Newton (no science, eh?), and the inventor of the MRI....many famous scientists who simply refused to believe that complex and intelligent life was some random accident, but rather HAD to be the result of an Intelligent designer/creator.
In Nashville, Dr. Ming Wang is a great example of an atheist, from an atheist family going through the academic rigors of the Harvard School of Medicine and running headlong into the reality that there is just no logical or scientific basis to remain an atheist.
You say there is no God...because? Because you say so?
Well let me disabuse you of that fallacy. Jesus no legend. Not a comic book character. Not a mythical figure.
History records the
FACT that he not only existed, but performed astonishing miracles. Too many non-Christian historians recorded as much, and many of those were not particularly favorable to Christians or Jesus in their writings.
Pagan sources during Jesus' day and the apostolic era: Pliny the Younger,Tacitus, Suetonius, Thallus, Phlegon, Mara Bar-Serapion and Lucian.
Then you have Josephus, a non-Christian Jewish Historian, as well as the Jewish Talmud...subsequent writings from the very Jews who wanted to stamp out or marginalize Christianity...admits that he not only existed, but performed miracles (they blew it off as sorcery).
Then you have to consider Jesus' disciples testimony. There is no stronger evidence in a court of law than eyewitness testimony. All, but the Apostle John was killed, and not a single one renounced their testimony, even under the threat of execution.
Many in history have died following a lie. That's nothing exceptional. But
NONE HAVE WILLINGLY DIED FOR WHAT THEY KNEW TO BE A LIE! His disciples would have to value a lie...a tale...over their very own lives.