Butch Jones bracelet Bible verse

Yeah, atheists generally want to be left alone. That's why you're here in a thread about a bible verse attacking Christians. That's why any mention of religion on the internet inevitably devolves into atheists insulting Christians…because they just want to be left alone.

What? Have you ever heard of Mao? Stalin maybe? Hitler? Those names ring a bell? All atheists.

Yeah, like TS Eliot, William Blake, Rene Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, Soren Kierkegaard and millions of other great Christian philosophers, scientists, and writers throughout history. All blind folklorists compared to the intellectual might of VolAllen.

These "invisible rules" you just described are what is commonly called "ethics". You may not see the need for them, but I generally find them a useful character trait.

But I'm glad you have diagnosed the real problem in modern society. I look around every day and say to myself, "Wow, there just aren't enough people living for themselves!" There truly doesn't seem to be enough selfishness or greed these days.

Interesting to note that "treating everyone we meet as if we all have the same struggles" involves going into a thread that has nothing to do with you or your beliefs and then making broad generalizations about millions of people you've never met and positing that if people don't think the same way you do, then they must be blind "nut jobs."
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I'm happy that UT, UGA and several other SEC schools have Christian men leading their football programs. Yes, some calling themselves Christians have committed horrible acts in the name of religion. But they weren't following the teachings of Jesus Christ. How many more true Christians have given of themselves and their riches to help their fellow man? I would hate to know what this world would be like if it weren't for the Church and true Christians. Congrats to UT for choosing the right man for the job. It's more than wins and losses on the field.
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Yep...plenty of athiest nuts. Just like those who post antagonizing billboards and start up Athiest Churches...yeah, they exist. Article in the Tennessean recently about one in Nashville. Bout as many of them as those "snake handling" congregations you're talking about.

Do you realize you're full of sh!ite? Cause you most definitely are. The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in all of human history. More people killed because of Athiest Tyrants than all other wars....COMBINED!!!!Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. Funny people just like you making up your own facts, when history is staring you in the face and saying...WRONG ANSWER!!!

It doesn't matter what you say...Gods not real.
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I'm happy that UT, UGA and several other SEC schools have Christian men leading their football programs. Yes, some calling themselves Christians have committed horrible acts in the name of religion. But they weren't following the teachings of Jesus Christ. How many more true Christians have given of themselves and their riches to help their fellow man? I would hate to know what this world would be like if it weren't for the Church and true Christians. Congrats to UT for choosing the right man for the job. It's more than wins and losses on the field.

Well said UGADawg.....this is one we really agree on. Great comments.
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It doesn't matter what you say...Gods not real.
Tell that that to the Father of modern Physics, Isaac Newton (no science, eh?), and the inventor of the MRI....many famous scientists who simply refused to believe that complex and intelligent life was some random accident, but rather HAD to be the result of an Intelligent designer/creator.

In Nashville, Dr. Ming Wang is a great example of an atheist, from an atheist family going through the academic rigors of the Harvard School of Medicine and running headlong into the reality that there is just no logical or scientific basis to remain an atheist.


You say there is no God...because? Because you say so?
Well let me disabuse you of that fallacy. Jesus himself...is no legend. Not a comic book character. Not a mythical figure. History records the FACT that he not only existed, but performed astonishing miracles. Too many non-Christian historians recorded as much, and many of those were not particularly favorable to Christians or Jesus in their writings.

Pagan sources during Jesus' day and the apostolic era: Pliny the Younger,Tacitus, Suetonius, Thallus, Phlegon, Mara Bar-Serapion and Lucian.

Then you have Josephus, a non-Christian Jewish Historian, as well as the Jewish Talmud...subsequent writings from the very Jews who wanted to stamp out or marginalize Christianity...admits that he not only existed, but performed miracles (they blew it off as sorcery).

Then you have to consider Jesus' disciples testimony. There is no stronger evidence in a court of law than eyewitness testimony. All, but the Apostle John was killed, and not a single one renounced their testimony, even under the threat of execution.

Many in history have died following a lie. That's nothing exceptional. But NONE HAVE WILLINGLY DIED FOR WHAT THEY KNEW TO BE A LIE! His disciples would have to value a lie...a tale...over their very own lives.

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I am soooo glad that this whole god vs. no god debate is finally going to be settled.

I would have joined volnation so much earlier if I had known...
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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It doesn't matter what you say...Gods not real.

Why even comment. Atheists and liberals talk about being accepting of other's belief's, yet take any opportunity to bash Christians. Someone mentions God and atheists show up bashing Christianity. If you don't believe, fine. Why try and start an argument. Why bash a religion that teaches peace and kindness. Yes, there are a few bad eggs, but they're to be expected in any group.

And you keep talking about proof of God. What do you think the word faith means? Faith is believing in something even if you can't reach out and touch it. You can't prove that God doesn't exist.

There is nothing wrong with believing in God. Would you rather believe and live a good life to find out it's not true, or not believe and find out it is true.

As we all heard as a kid, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all. Instead of posting, you could have simply ignore it. Instead, you turned a simple thread about our coach wearing a bracelet with a bible verse on it into a religious debate.
Christian crazies ALWAYS try to make something of the fact that Hitler and Mao were atheists, as if that actually means anything. So if Hitler had been religious he would have been, what, a soft-hearted gardener or what? It's the usual reaching by religious zealots. Religious freaks have killed MANY, Many people all over the world, through the ages--and what they believe in his nonsense--comforting nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless.
Oh, it means something. It means your favorite atheist argument.....religion being the source of all or most wars....is pure BS (Bovine Scatology).

Here is your hero, Richard Dawkins, mocking Christians.


Some of the most prominent Christian defenders were ardent atheists who loved to mock and ridicule, just like you. A few were even on an impassioned mission to disprove/discredit Christianity. But the problem is....in their search for proof to disprove....they instead found the evidence in it's favor to be overwhelming.

Josh McDowell (author of Evidence that Demands a Verdict) and Lee Stroebel (Author of the Case for Faith and Case for Christ) are two that come to mind. CS Lewis, was another.

I'm sure your ultimate question as an Atheist would be: "If God exists, why isn't there more empirical evidence of his existence?"

Simple answer....
Deuteronomy 8:2:

Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands

This life is largely a proving ground of sorts. It's also an object lesson...that's why Jesus told many parables. Using many elements in our life experiences to illustrate aspects of our relationship with him...good or bad. For example...."If there is a loving God, why would he cast people into Hell for eternity."

Answer: Why do we cast our own citizens into prison for the remainder of their days, and subject them to torment (Hard labor and dangers of prison with other criminals)? You get a picture/snapshot of an eternal reality. IF you are going to live in HIS kingdom for eternity, you have to abide by HIS terms...not your own.

That's what we tell would be criminals, essentially. If you are going to live in OUR society, you MUST abide by these rules or there will be drastic consequences.

What's more is He has revealed himself empirically in human history (Jesus' 3yr ministry where he healed the blind, lame and the leper....multitudes came to him with their sick and he healed them all), and yet the ruling religious class of his day envied and rejected him

So "seeing" doesn't always = believing.
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I am soooo glad that this whole god vs. no god debate is finally going to be settled.

I would have joined volnation so much earlier if I had known...
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You like to see it as an opportunity to ridicule. I like to see it as an opportunity to rectify (the atheist nonsense). Your colleagues started it with their snarky and offensive remarks. We'll finish it with facts.
Oh, it means something. It means your favorite atheist argument.....religion being the source of all or most wars....is pure BS (Bovine Scatology).

Here is your hero, Richard Dawkins, mocking Christians.


Some of the most prominent Christian defenders were ardent atheists who loved to mock and ridicule, just like you. A few were even on an impassioned mission to disprove/discredit Christianity. But the problem is....in their search for proof to disprove....they instead found the evidence in it's favor to be overwhelming.

Josh McDowell (author of Evidence that Demands a Verdict) and Lee Stroebel (Author of the Case for Faith and Case for Christ) are two that come to mind. CS Lewis, was another.

I'm sure your ultimate question as an Atheist would be: "If God exists, why isn't there more empirical evidence of his existence?"

Simple answer....
Deuteronomy 8:2:

Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands

This life is largely a proving ground of sorts. It's also an object lesson...that's why Jesus told many parables. Using many elements in our life experiences to illustrate aspects of our relationship with him...good or bad. For example...."If there is a loving God, why would he cast people into Hell for eternity."

Answer: Why do we cast our own citizens into prison for the remainder of their days, and subject them to torment (Hard labor and dangers of prison with other criminals)? You get a picture/snapshot of an eternal reality. IF you are going to live in HIS kingdom for eternity, you have to abide by HIS terms...not your own.

That's what we tell would be criminals, essentially. If you are going to live in OUR society, you MUST abide by these rules or there will be drastic consequences.

What's more is He has revealed himself empirically in human history (Jesus' 3yr ministry where he healed the blind, lame and the leper....multitudes came to him with their sick and he healed them all), and yet the ruling religious class of his day envied and rejected him

So "seeing" doesn't always = believing.

Tell that to the hundreds if not thousands sitting in prison today that are innocent of any wrongdoing. Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your "parable" just does not work. How about we talk about something tangible. Like UT football.
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Tell that to the hundreds if not thousands sitting in prison today that are innocent of any wrongdoing. Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your "parable" just does not work. How about we talk about something tangible. Like UT football.
Claiming there are some who are wrongfully imprisoned, completely misses the point. As a society, we establish a set of RULES, wherein trespasses against them are met with varying degrees of punishment. Among those are imprisonment...even for the remainder of one's existence. Sentencing them to isolation forever.

So, if we have no problem with that reality, then how can we possibly ask the question "Why would a loving God cast people into Hell for eternity?" We do a similar thing in our own society and sleep well at night. Tangible enough for you?
Claiming there are some who are wrongfully imprisoned, completely misses the point. As a society, we establish a set of RULES, wherein trespasses against them are met with varying degrees of punishment. Among those are imprisonment...even for the remainder of one's existence. Sentencing them to isolation forever.

So, if we have no problem with that reality, then how can we possibly ask the question "Why would a loving God cast people into Hell for eternity?" We do a similar thing in our own society and sleep well at night. Tangible enough for you?

Not claiming anything. It's fact. And the point is dead on. Now that DNA evidence has exonerated many that were wrongly accused (don't let science get in the way), you still assert the same answer. So you tell me - Just whom did these that are wrongfully accuse trespass against? The reality is that you have no answer.
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I think it's awesome that buTch uses a Bible verse to get some solid points across to our players.

Believe or don't believe is your right..for now.

The way the LIEberals are taking control of everything we may not have any rights in America soon and the greatest country on Earth will be destroyed.

Freedom is NOT freee and your personal rights WERE bought and paid for by those that fought for us all.

I wish you all a early happy Independence Day and may God always watch over you and bless you!

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Why is it so damned difficult to believe as you choose and let others do the same?

Well said Walt.

And for the record, as someone who is not all that spiritual, that is a really cool verse for him to choose. It must inspire him to keep on grinding every day
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Not claiming anything. It's fact. And the point is dead on. Now that DNA evidence has exonerated many that were wrongly accused (don't let science get in the way), you still assert the same answer. So you tell me - Just whom did these that are wrongfully accuse trespass against? The reality is that you have no answer.
Not falling for your Straw Man argument

Straw man - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

...nobody said anything about mis-trials, wrong convictions and the like. The point of the matter is, if we/society have courts that daily cast people into a hellish experience for the remainder of their days (for breaking their laws), why would it be unthinkable that an eternal God would do likewise...but on an eternal scale?

Prisons on earth are a dim glimpse or snapshot of what Hell is like in eternity...isolated from those who chose to obey and surrounded by those who refuse to.
Have you ever wondered why no one ever calls Santa Claus believers "crazies"? Or why there are no organizations with the specific goal of eliminating "Tooth Fairy" believers?

Maybe because most of the believers are in elementary school? Adults picking on them is usually frowned upon
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The point of the matter is, if we/society have courts that daily cast people into a hellish experience for the remainder of their days (for breaking their laws), why would it be unthinkable that an eternal God would do likewise...but on an eternal scale?

Prisons on earth are a dim glimpse or snapshot of what Hell is like in eternity...isolated from those who chose to obey and surrounded by those who refuse to.

I know you mean well, man, but preaching on about eternal, fiery Hell is no way to enlighten people on the goodness of the Lord.

My Lord is a good Lord. I prayed to him and he brought me the kind of woman I wanted. He wants us to be happy, so I can't believe he would confine anyone to eternal fire torture.
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He wants us to be happy, so I can't believe he would confine anyone to eternal fire torture.

Except for parents who tragically lose a child at a young age. I guess he doesnt want them to be happy. Oh well I guess hes just testing them right? What a nice guy God is.
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I know you mean well, man, but preaching on about eternal, fiery Hell is no way to enlighten people on the goodness of the Lord.

My Lord is a good Lord. I prayed to him and he brought me the kind of woman I wanted. He wants us to be happy, so I can't believe he would confine anyone to eternal fire torture.

If the chick in your avatar is your wife I'd have to believe in god too!
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