This right here is clear evidence....that you really don't have a clue. For every remote similarity there may be between a Human and Ape, there is at least one DISsimilarity.
Take the anatomical proportions, for example. Totally BACKWARDS. Humans have longer legs, they have shorter. They have longer arms; we have shorter. Their torso is much longer in proportion to humans....this is why they walk on fours. They can walk on their hind legs for short distances, but it's no different than a human doing a handstand and walking with their hands only for a short distance. It's not their natural posture.
Their body is 80-90% covered in hair. Ours is the reverse. Less than 10% in most cases. Their skulls are shaped dramatically different. Their jaw juts out, ours stays in. They have practically no nose bone or cartilage, ours does. Their skin is very rough, coarse and wrinkled. Ours is mostly smooth. We could do this all day. So, just by pointing to the closest species to humans as proof, is no proof at all.
A few similarities between species in no way discounts or precludes the idea that an Intelligent Designer was involved. What artist, writer, actor, engineer, etc....
DOESN"T exhibit
SIMILAR traits in their work?
I took (medical) anatomy in college and it really opened my eyes to the absolute marvel the human body is. It's pure genius. One example isn't pretty, but it's a good one. The bladder and rectum have two sets of sphincter muscles. One is Voluntary and the other involuntary. That
CANNOT be chance or a product of an organism "evolving." It's like an anatomical inner and outer hatch. It
HAS to be designed that way. That's how you keep from messing your know, like after you get schooled on the myth of evolution (drum-roll.....splash!)
There are too many examples within the human body alone, that clearly points to an Intelligent Creator...not random processes. Just because an automobile is
PROGRAMMED/DESIGNED to automate/adapt to varying conditions with many features (like air conditioning, cruise control, automatically adjusting suspension or brake controls, etc.), that automation/adaptability is
NOT evidence the automobile
EVOLVED over millions of years. :loco: Instead, it's
EVIDENCE there was an intelligent engineer behind it's development/creation....even though you never see that engineer