Butch Jones bracelet Bible verse

You do know that Evolution is Scientific Fact not faith. The evidence is irrefutable at this point.

Then why do they call it the theory of evolution, if it could be absolutely proven with certainty wouldn't be called something other than a theory. Theories are trashed all the time because why? Technology gets better, people are able to explore knowledge that wasn't available in the past. On what basis do they actually have proof? What do you yourself think your 1st ancestor was, a single cell? I encourage you to look into the bible and explore other options, from vol fan to vol fan no hard feelings it's the way I have chosen to believe b/c God has shown me the way.
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1 Cor 6:10

…9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God

Would this be in the bible if it was false. Would he let people into heaven that defy and mock him that are evil who care nothing about Jesus? They cannot be forgiven if they didn't ask.

If the do not go to heaven where would they go? I am not being hateful but if your a believer I feel you should know that there is indeed a hell.

Romans 6:23 wages sin pay = death
Ec 9:5 dead are conscious of nothing at all

If the dead are not conscious how are they suffering?
That's an awesome verse, and I'm proud that my coach wears it. He seems very happy to serve as a leader to young men.

It's really disheartening that any mention of religion or Christianity is immediately followed by dismissal and mockery.

The following is one of my favorite verses on the natural proof of God:

Romans 1:18-20 ESV

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

I completely agree. I think Burch's faith is just awesome. I just don't understand if the few people on here can't stand religion, God, etc why don't they just go on to another thread instead of mocking and making fun of believers. Believe me....if I saw a thread titled anything making fun of God or religion....I would just keep on going. Wouldn't waste my time there. This has really turned out disappointing.
1 Cor 6:10

…9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God

Would this be in the bible if it was false. Would he let people into heaven that defy and mock him that are evil who care nothing about Jesus? They cannot be forgiven if they didn't ask.

If the do not go to heaven where would they go? I am not being hateful but if your a believer I feel you should know that there is indeed a hell.

I said there's no eternal, fiery hell. What you have posted here doesn't refute that in the least.

I'm just happy loving the Lord and my well built wife he brought to me. I don't have time to dwell on punishing the so called wicked.
Romans 6:23 wages sin pay = death
Ec 9:5 dead are conscious of nothing at all

If the dead are not conscious how are they suffering?

We all have to die physically, and yes death comes upon us because or sin. But it does not end there you must read on just as in Luke 16:19-31 where it talks about the rich man and Lazarus. They both die physically, but then are sent to where their ways had gotten them>>> heaven or hell.
We all have to die physically, and yes death comes upon us because or sin. But it does not end there you must read on just as in Luke 16:19-31 where it talks about the rich man and Lazarus. They both die physically, but then are sent to where their ways had gotten them>>> heaven or hell.

Blah blah blah no one is sent anywhere. You die and that's that. Heaven or Hell?!?! What's next? Zombies?!? Get real. It's folklore.
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I said there's no eternal, fiery hell. What you have posted here doesn't refute that in the least.

I'm just happy loving the Lord and my well built wife he brought to me. I don't have time to dwell on punishing the so called wicked.

I don't dwell on punishing the wicked I am just stating my opinion that there is a hell. If you read throughout the bible, it is mentioned throughout. It talks about in 2Thessalonians 1:5-9 how God is a just God and that the ones who do not obey him that do not know him will be punished with everlasting destruction.

With that being said, I was just describing to you that there isn't an absence of hell in the bible I could go on and on. What I will do is agree to disagree and also surely agree with your original statement, if your wanting to talk to a non-believer you shouldn't just spill the beans and say your going to hell and are going to wither away with harsh punishment. That's not at all at Christ like approach in talking to someone who does not know him.

So who thinks Butch is going to turn things around this year and next. I think we will turn some heads this year. and that's with losing 4-6 games.
Blah blah blah no one is sent anywhere. You die and that's that. Heaven or Hell?!?! What's next? Zombies?!? Get real. It's folklore.

Nah, man it's not folklore. But your totally entitled to believe what you want, and say what I believe in is dumb. Just always remember the book is sold almost everywhere if you want to read it just out of curiosity.

Just say that I lived my imperfect whole little life as a believer and realized 100% there was no God on my death bed, I would have no regrets, I filled my life loving the people around me, whether their believers or not and helped others when I could and believed in something that taught me great morals and how to deal with some of the dumb things I've done, and also taught me how to do them right. I'm okay with that.

sorry to get the debate started VN peeps, Im done. GOOOOO VOOOOLLLLLSSSS!
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We all have to die physically, and yes death comes upon us because or sin. But it does not end there you must read on just as in Luke 16:19-31 where it talks about the rich man and Lazarus. They both die physically, but then are sent to where their ways had gotten them>>> heaven or hell.

Rom 6:7 the one who dies is justified/acquitted from sin

Romans 5:23 wages of sin=death

If death is the result of sin and upon death we are acquitted/justified of sin what are unrepentant sinners eternally punished for?

The penalty of sin is paid in full by a persons death.
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We all have to die physically, and yes death comes upon us because or sin. But it does not end there you must read on just as in Luke 16:19-31 where it talks about the rich man and Lazarus. They both die physically, but then are sent to where their ways had gotten them>>> heaven or hell.

This is clearly a figurative passage. If literal, what benefit would would a drop of water serve to a person in a blazing fire?
God is interested in ALL of our endeavors including football. The winners do receive providential favor... but not for the petty reasons we have.

So both teams pray their hearts out before the game to win. How does god decide who is victorious?
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Btw, no one is going to change anyone's mind about this. So, why not just shut up about it and talk football? We are all Vols in the end.
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Rom 6:7 the one who dies is justified/acquitted from sin

Romans 5:23 wages of sin=death

If death is the result of sin and upon death we are acquitted/justified of sin what are unrepentant sinners eternally punished for?

The penalty of sin is paid in full by a persons death.

You are really good at reading one verse, not even a complete verse at that, and twisting it out of context to meet your agenda.
You are really good at reading one verse, not even a complete verse at that, and twisting it out of context to meet your agenda.

No need to attack me personally.I had no intention of attacking anyone just presenting an idea.

My ONLY agenda was to clear the possible misconception that ALL Christians believe in hellfire. This seems to appall many non-Christians...

If you disagree I would be interested in the verses that you are referencing.

I do have a few question for you though as it appears you believe in Hellfire..

What happened to Adam and Even upon their deaths? If they are eternally tormented in hellfire were they fairly warned at Gen 2:16-17 of the consequences of disobedience? If two of Gods predominant qualities are Justice and Love would you not expect this to be spelled out clearly to them?

Can you think of anywhere in the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures where the consequences of sin were anything other than death? I cant...
No need to attack me personally.I had no intention of attacking anyone just presenting an idea.

My ONLY agenda was to clear the possible misconception that ALL Christians believe in hellfire. This seems to appall many non-Christians...

I don't think most Christians believe there is a hell where you sizzle like a steak for eternity. It's just a minority of Christians who take their beliefs to the extreme. Scare tactics designed to get the flock in line.

They don't understand that loving the Lord is enough.
No need to attack me personally.I had no intention of attacking anyone just presenting an idea.

My ONLY agenda was to clear the possible misconception that ALL Christians believe in hellfire. This seems to appall many non-Christians...

If you disagree I would be interested in the verses that you are referencing.

I do have a few question for you though as it appears you believe in Hellfire..

What happened to Adam and Even upon their deaths? If they are eternally tormented in hellfire were they fairly warned at Gen 2:16-17 of the consequences of disobedience? If two of Gods predominant qualities are Justice and Love would you not expect this to be spelled out clearly to them?

Can you think of anywhere in the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures where the consequences of sin were anything other than death? I cant...

Are Rick and Daryl still stuck in the train car? I hope the zombies don't get them.

Oh sorry...wrong story.
No need to attack me personally.I had no intention of attacking anyone just presenting an idea.

My ONLY agenda was to clear the possible misconception that ALL Christians believe in hellfire. This seems to appall many non-Christians...

If you disagree I would be interested in the verses that you are referencing.

I do have a few question for you though as it appears you believe in Hellfire..

What happened to Adam and Even upon their deaths? If they are eternally tormented in hellfire were they fairly warned at Gen 2:16-17 of the consequences of disobedience? If two of Gods predominant qualities are Justice and Love would you not expect this to be spelled out clearly to them?

Can you think of anywhere in the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures where the consequences of sin were anything other than death? I cant...

I wasn't attacking you, didn't call you names, or anything of that manner. I was just pointing out exactly what you were doing.

I wasn't referring to any scripture in particular, but if there is one thing I have learned from my time in the word, is that you can never take one verse or sentence and try to apply it to your life. The Bible is VERY easily taken out of context unless you devote the time to read the whole Book/Chapter.

As far as believing in a literal "fiery eternity" or "hellfire" or what ever, I have no clue what hell is like. The Bible describes it several different ways. Fiery, Confining, Tormenting, etc... I hope I don't find out when my time on earth ends.
No need to attack me personally.I had no intention of attacking anyone just presenting an idea.

My ONLY agenda was to clear the possible misconception that ALL Christians believe in hellfire. This seems to appall many non-Christians...

If you disagree I would be interested in the verses that you are referencing.

I do have a few question for you though as it appears you believe in Hellfire..

What happened to Adam and Even upon their deaths? If they are eternally tormented in hellfire were they fairly warned at Gen 2:16-17 of the consequences of disobedience? If two of Gods predominant qualities are Justice and Love would you not expect this to be spelled out clearly to them?

Can you think of anywhere in the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures where the consequences of sin were anything other than death? I cant...

Anybody have pics of this Eve chick? If she resembles UT Hills avi, I can see why some so desperately believe. Stay cool gent's, hot out there.
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You guys have it all wrong.....we need CBJ to start worshiping Satan so we have the same kind of success Bama is having.


So Kiffin is the spawn of the devil.
You do know that Evolution is Scientific Fact not faith. The evidence is irrefutable at this point.
Negative. CLAIMING one's position as FACT doesn't make it so. The 2 sides of the debate look at observable evidence and simply draw different conclusions. There are a multitude of "scientific," observable references a Creationist can point to, but a skeptical atheist will simply blow it off, because he must impose his own hostile suppositions upon it.

Liberals love to "claim" Darwinian evolution as science or fact, and everything else is blind faith. This is yet another fallacy by Secular Humanists in the left. I may want a new Lexus, but going to a dealership and CLAIMING one ain't gonna do anything but get me laughed off the property, or escorted off, by the Police.

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Negative. CLAIMING one's position as FACT doesn't make it so. The 2 sides of the debate look at observable evidence and simply draw different conclusions. There are a multitude of "scientific," observable references a Creationist can point to, but a skeptical atheist will simply blow it off, because he must impose his own hostile suppositions upon it.

Liberals love to "claim" Darwinian evolution as science or fact, and everything else is blind faith. This is yet another fallacy by Secular Humanists in the left. I may want a new Lexus, but going to a dealership and CLAIMING one ain't gonna do anything but get me laughed off the property, or escorted off, by the Police.


Lumpy video. Ask yourself one question - If not for evolution, why do you think that a vast majority of mammals - possess the same traits as humans? Nose, mouth, 4 limbs, brain, vertabrae, etc., mothers milk, etc. Male & female,etc. If not for evolution, please explain in scientific, empirical terms how evolution is a fluke. I'll hang up and listen.
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