I didn't intend for my post to sound like a backlash at you either. Sorry if it did.
I'm the last person to answer the question for you. I've thought to myself before that it would be so much easier to not believe in anything. But I can't. Somewhere inside of me there is faith. To be honest though. That is even scarier to me. I try to be a good person on a daily bases, but I know the things I've done. I was a Marine...in time of war...I know the things I've done.
I will say. I don't believe in religion. Religion was created by man and it does exactly what it was intended to do IMO. Control masses. I do believe in a higher being. To me that is also scary. I've been on battlefields. Either God was there or he wasn't. Neither of those answers makes me feel any better. No God and this is just the doings of man is scary. God is here, watching this, and letting it happen...that is where I get really scared.
I'll stop before someone decides they need to call the psyche ward on me.