Much of what you posted is good stuff. This part is not. It is not a "repeatable" experiment. The modeling of it is "repeated" by using consistent assumptions about time, gravity, expansion rates, etc.We easily repeat these tests, over and over.
Now many will start that 13+ billion years vs. 6000+/- years means I can't believe in the bible. Not true. Nowhere in the old or new testaments are the actual age of creation given. Bishop Ussher's margin notes of his calculations (NOT scripture) are from the King James, no earlier. Nor can I believe God 'tricks' us by making an illusion of a much more ancient universe in the night sky. It is as we see and measure it.
The good thing is, NONE of this age of creation stuff matters with respect to my being accepted by my creator. The ONLY thing that matters as far as my acceptance by him, is DO I ACCEPT Him?
You could say something similar for Christians. Why do some Christians notice I said SOME feel the need to force their beliefs on everyone? Is it bc they're not positive their beliefs are true? Does making other people believe help reinforce what they believe? It's a double edged sword in the end we should let everyone believe whatever they want and leave it at that. Atheists too just let people believe whatever.
Not everyone believes in the word of your God therefore it's spewing garbage just like if an atheist was trying to justify himself to a Christian he would be spewing garbage. Maybe you should try being open minded
I think I know what you're saying... You're saying that it is uncertain, right?
Believers in ToE don't look at it that way. They look at it like people in operational sciences look at the "theory" of relativity. As something that while it cannot be absolutely proven nonetheless must be used to explain a whole branch of science.
Brand new discovery about actually detecting relativistic gravitational waves propagated by the collision of two black holes arriving at earth as light from the colliding black holes does confirms Einstein relativity.
A test had been set up in two locations to measure the relativistically expected effects of gravity waves. It happened as predicted by Einstein.
So you must find a new simile for the ToE example.
If I truly believe that Jesus is the Son of God and offers salvation for all, then it would be very un-Christian not to share or even try to compel non believers into believing in Christ too. The key is to do it out of care for another person's eternity, not to win a theological argument.
Those of us who are believers should take the opportunity to share with others what Christ has done in our lives, and leave the long term impact of that story on someone else up to God. We can never argue someone to Christ.
I never said your word of God was garbage. I said your criticism of his post was garbage. An atheist can make a post like his and he gets blasted meanwhile you make a post insulting his beliefs and somehow that's okay. That's typically how yall work though can't say I'm very surprisedNope. The source of the "spew garbage" verbiage I responded to used those words as an insult to the Spirit of Grace. That argument you used is invalid because it's fallacious as a non-sequitur. Just because not everyone believes in something doesn't make the word of God garbage.
He who doesn't believe has condemned himself already (John 3:18). I'm incredibly open-minded. Any other accusation against me just falls to the ground like that one did (Isaiah 54:17).
Don't believe in magic. To those that do. That is your opinion. I've always viewed religion as a crutch used by people to make the bad things they do seem ok because God forgives them. If believing in something that is rationally and scientifically impossible floats your boat good for you.
Theory. Of. Evolution.
Many, many scientists, brilliant ones, are believers.
Christianity is rational (C.S. Lewis 'Mere Christianity') and the argument about "it's not science" while true, is not a justification for choosing not to further explore faith in a creator. Far too many scientists have. About half of them are believers.
I wouldn't put much credit in what he's saying Christians like to pretend Einstein was a believer too when he in fact was not
I never said your word of God was garbage. I said your criticism of his post was garbage. An atheist can make a post like his and he gets blasted meanwhile you make a post insulting his beliefs and somehow that's okay. That's typically how yall work though can't say I'm very surprised