Butch Jones embraces team chaplain Tim Miller

My father was a hell, fire and brimstone Baptist preacher (Yes, that explains a lot about me. Preachers kid.). As an adult, having lived the life i've lived and done the things I've done in my life, I don't believe everything my father preached was correct. A lot of it I have taken with in my life. A lot of it I haven't.

My dad said one thing that through these years has stuck with me.

"If, as a christian, at the end of my life, I find out I was wrong, what have I lost?"

"If at the end of your life, you find out you are wrong, what have you lost?"

Pretty powerful question.
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I wouldn't say I've seen people get offended, they just tend to be condescending to Christians for being "sheep". On the flip side of that coin, there are numerous Christians out there who are self-righteous and act condescendingly to non-Christians. I really don't understand the "why" to either one of those.

When I discuss Christianity with an atheist, I say the same thing to them that was said to me by a non-condescending Christian when I was an atheist.

"Being a Christian boils down to the two commandments that Christ said were above all others--love God and love each other. So Christians should live their lives loving God and being as good as possible to their fellow man. Is that so terrible? And look at it this way, if at the end of your life, you are right and I am wrong, you've lost nothing. But, if I'm right and you're wrong, you've lost everything."

His words hit me like a sledgehammer and left me with my mouth open looking for something intelligent to say. I had nothing to counter that so I just shut up. I began to search for Christ and once I felt him, there was no denying it.

Pascals Wager. I did a research paper for a psychology class a couple of years ago. Interesting stuff.:thumbsup:
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Don't know if any of you guys know him but pastor Charles Lawson at Temple in Knoxville is probably the best Preacher and teacher I've ever heard. Always thought the only reason I would becoming to Knoxville was UT football but from listening to Mr.Lawson for a year if I had to choose between the two,it would be Pastor Lawson all day everyday and twice on Sunday..
They just can't deal with a person who doesn't conform to their belief. I don't believe and it bothers them. They believe and I could care less. It is whatever makes you happy in my opinion.

1. It doesn't "bother" me, it saddens me. I have many people in my life who don't believe what I do, but I don't insist they conform, nor do I with you. However, you keep using recycled clichés about Christianity like calling it magic or a crutch, so I feel compelled to state what it really is. Atheist Penn Gillette said that if a Christian really believes the Gospel, it's the most hateful thing ever to not tell someone who doesn't believe. It doesn't bother me that you don't believe from an insecurity standpoint, it bothers me that you'd rather post the same rhetoric Bill Maher and Ricky Gervais use and not really have anything of substance to back it up. When we offer substance for our belief, you balk and say we are upset you won't conform. How bout just say you don't believe and leave it there without the insults. When you say what you do, I am absolutely going to tell you what our faith is because t saddens me you think it's a "crutch".

2. You say you couldn't care less(you actually said "could") but I got it, yet you can't help but making silly comments insulting the faith. It obviously bothers you. Something tells me you'd be on the Arian Foster atheist thread calling out people insulting his unbelief. It's simple, share what you do and don't believe but have enough tact to not make a trite (and uneducated) comment about another's belief.

3. If you're interested, I'd happily purchase and send you some incredible writings or videos explaining your "why" question. Guys like Ravi Zacharias, who travels the world facing sceptics and answering questions like this. Like I aid, the offer is there. Believe or don't believe, but I believe which is why I care about your beliefs. I believe too much hangs in the balance. If you ever want responses to questions like "is Christianity is a crutch" instead of just repeating it all the time, I will send to you. It may not change a thing, but you may understand more about the faith.
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Lol. I honestly love being on the "agreeing" side with you.


Funny stuff, i am a Christian but i find it funny that the morality police will post on here while flashing a women with her stuff hanging out. Always makes me laugh.
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Was talking about this the other day with someone. Ive never understood how atheist get so offended by something they believe doesnt exist.

Because God's word is sharper than a 2 edged sword and cuts into the heart of man.....and many ppl don't like guilt or conviction of sin. That's one reason ppl get offended.
Because God's word is sharper than a 2 edged sword and cuts into the heart of man.....and many ppl don't like guilt or conviction of sin. That's one reason ppl get offended.

He's a rock of offense. 1 Peter 2:8-9
Funny stuff, i am a Christian but i find it funny that the morality police will post on here while flashing a women with her stuff hanging out. Always makes me laugh.

I get it. I didn't notice until you posted it. Guess I was busy laughing at the other stuff.
can butch order the chaplain to organize a prayer chain to enhance the chances of winning the sec east next year? the Lord will understand---he's a vol fan.
Funny stuff, i am a Christian but i find it funny that the morality police will post on here while flashing a women with her stuff hanging out. Always makes me laugh.

Those would be the Baptists. They have a different interpretation of "cups runneth over".
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Sorry but there is not significant evidence for a resurrection.

Compelling that those who saw it were convinced enough to die horrible deaths instead of denial of it. And this is from a Jewish historian Josephus who was not a Christian but a Jew who wrote about the gruesome deaths.
One could argue Jesus was a"liberal" in his time . He was persecuted for his teachings against the Jewish hierarchy (thePharisees). Baylor is a private Baptist university, guess winning was more important. This country needs to reset it's moral compass.

Agree...go read bill O'riley book Killing Jesus. Not just an outstanding book but you come to understand that lack of moral compass has been sewn throughout human history...though it doesn't discharge us from trying to positively affect our own area of influence...which is what Jones seems to be doing.
Don't believe in magic. To those that do. That is your opinion. I've always viewed religion as a crutch used by people to make the bad things they do seem ok because God forgives them. If believing in something that is rationally and scientifically impossible floats your boat good for you.

If you study the Word and if those bad people did as well, then all would realize it doesn't work that way.
As you seriously saying you need religion to be moral? If you are being good to others for some eternal reward or fear of some eternal punishment then your moral compass doesn't exist.

People can believe whatever they want and if faith gives you strength then by all means have at it Hoss but guess what you don't have to believe in some all powerful being to be a good person.

You can have good morals and not believe in God. You can have failings, and believe in God. One does not exclude the other.
Surely a thread about something positive and spiritual will not turn into and argument about belief vs non-belief.. You'd think non-believers could muster a bit if respect and intelligence and either STFU or move on...

"STFU or move on..."?? With all due respect, you are not sounding very much like a Christian to me considering this assault and the overall tenor of your post. I'm pretty certain Christ would have dealt with non believers in a very different manner. It might behoove you to resolve and strive toward becoming a better ambassador for the faith you profess to adhere to by following more closely the example He set. Whether we be Christian, agnostic or atheist, we can all make this a better world by asking ourselves several times a day, "What would Christ do?".
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"STFU or move on..."?? With all due respect, you are not sounding very much like a Christian to me considering this assault and the overall tenor of your post. I'm pretty certain Christ would have dealt with non believers in a very different manner. It might behoove you to resolve and strive toward becoming a better ambassador for the faith you profess to adhere to by following more closely the example He set. Whether we be Christian, agnostic or atheist, we can all make this a better world by asking ourselves several times a day, "What would Christ do?".

Well he would probably not start a conversation off by telling someone to STFU.
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