Butch Jones embraces team chaplain Tim Miller

Sevier Heights on Alcoa Hwy about 2 miles from campus

Isn't that the one the THP shuts down the highway for about a half hour after services let out?

If it is, you could go to church there for 20 years and not meet half of the congregation. That is a big ole church.
There is no "god," people. You want to believe because you fear death--hence all the nonsense about "heaven." Is there a sillier, more 1st-grade fairy-tale concept in the world? (Yea, maybe--"hell" and..."the devil!" Agggghhh!!) Most of us grew up with this nonsense drilled into our heads. It's comforting irrationality. Some decide that looking at the world rationally is more important and grow out of it. Many cling to it, as it is frightening to think that death ... is...it. Nothing wrong with believing...except when you want to make public policy out of bible stories and, say, teach creationism in school. Filling the heads of young people with anti-scientific craziness. Christians are so scared of secularism that they embrace the venal GOP and voted for Trump--who might be the most immoral man in America save for violent criminals. Oh, the compromises we make....I laugh at christian radio commentators who would regular criticize the ACA--a program that has given 20 million low-income people the opportunity to have health insurance. Horrors! It's not good to mix religion with politics, you look hypocritical. Let's DO move this to another board!

Let's say you are right and there is no God. What damage has it done to those of us that believe

Now let's say I'm right and God does exist. What happens to you the non believer

Just a thought
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There is no "god," people. You want to believe because you fear death--hence all the nonsense about "heaven." Is there a sillier, more 1st-grade fairy-tale concept in the world? (Yea, maybe--"hell" and..."the devil!" Agggghhh!!) Most of us grew up with this nonsense drilled into our heads. It's comforting irrationality. Some decide that looking at the world rationally is more important and grow out of it. Many cling to it, as it is frightening to think that death ... is...it. Nothing wrong with believing...except when you want to make public policy out of bible stories and, say, teach creationism in school. Filling the heads of young people with anti-scientific craziness. Christians are so scared of secularism that they embrace the venal GOP and voted for Trump--who might be the most immoral man in America save for violent criminals. Oh, the compromises we make....I laugh at christian radio commentators who would regular criticize the ACA--a program that has given 20 million low-income people the opportunity to have health insurance. Horrors! It's not good to mix religion with politics, you look hypocritical. Let's DO move this to another board!

Well you give me one comforting thought. Once I die, I feel certain I won't have to read your griping again. Thank you, Jesus.
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There is no "god," people. You want to believe because you fear death--hence all the nonsense about "heaven." Is there a sillier, more 1st-grade fairy-tale concept in the world? (Yea, maybe--"hell" and..."the devil!" Agggghhh!!) Most of us grew up with this nonsense drilled into our heads. It's comforting irrationality. Some decide that looking at the world rationally is more important and grow out of it. Many cling to it, as it is frightening to think that death ... is...it. Nothing wrong with believing...except when you want to make public policy out of bible stories and, say, teach creationism in school. Filling the heads of young people with anti-scientific craziness. Christians are so scared of secularism that they embrace the venal GOP and voted for Trump--who might be the most immoral man in America save for violent criminals. Oh, the compromises we make....I laugh at christian radio commentators who would regular criticize the ACA--a program that has given 20 million low-income people the opportunity to have health insurance. Horrors! It's not good to mix religion with politics, you look hypocritical. Let's DO move this to another board!

If some told you that a letter factory exploded and all the letters formed the dictionary, would you think they were stupid?
There is no "god," people. You want to believe because you fear death--hence all the nonsense about "heaven." Is there a sillier, more 1st-grade fairy-tale concept in the world? (Yea, maybe--"hell" and..."the devil!" Agggghhh!!) Most of us grew up with this nonsense drilled into our heads. It's comforting irrationality. Some decide that looking at the world rationally is more important and grow out of it. Many cling to it, as it is frightening to think that death ... is...it. Nothing wrong with believing...except when you want to make public policy out of bible stories and, say, teach creationism in school. Filling the heads of young people with anti-scientific craziness. Christians are so scared of secularism that they embrace the venal GOP and voted for Trump--who might be the most immoral man in America save for violent criminals. Oh, the compromises we make....I laugh at christian radio commentators who would regular criticize the ACA--a program that has given 20 million low-income people the opportunity to have health insurance. Horrors! It's not good to mix religion with politics, you look hypocritical. Let's DO move this to another board!

Religion, politics and football...nice mix. Interesting to see an uplifting article about our football coach/pastor, with positive impact on OUR team slide to 14 pages of varying random venom. Butch probably glad we're arguing about something else. Can't we just say "cool story bro" and move on?
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Why would I study a book that was written by a man on how to live my life unless it was Tony Robbins or Barack Obama? Seriously? You guys need to chill. Believe what YOU want. I will do the same. It is ridiculous and only proving what I believe to be the case in some of these holier than thou comments.

You have logic issues. How was pointing out what the Bible actually says being holier than thou in reference that it doesn't say it's ok to take advantage of grace. If you are not afraid of it, then why not read it for yourself? I think you are too scare to actually read it. Might change you. If it's not real then no harm and no foul.
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Religion, politics and football...nice mix. Interesting to see an uplifting article about our football coach/pastor, with positive impact on OUR team slide to 14 pages of varying random venom. Butch probably glad we're arguing about something else. Can't we just say "cool story bro" and move on?

Yes. You and armchair can say your peace and both move on. You don't have to open it or post in it. You can even ignore it. There is an ignore thread button. Simple. Bye.
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There is no "god," people. You want to believe because you fear death--hence all the nonsense about "heaven." Is there a sillier, more 1st-grade fairy-tale concept in the world? (Yea, maybe--"hell" and..."the devil!" Agggghhh!!) Most of us grew up with this nonsense drilled into our heads. It's comforting irrationality. Some decide that looking at the world rationally is more important and grow out of it. Many cling to it, as it is frightening to think that death ... is...it. Nothing wrong with believing...except when you want to make public policy out of bible stories and, say, teach creationism in school. Filling the heads of young people with anti-scientific craziness. Christians are so scared of secularism that they embrace the venal GOP and voted for Trump--who might be the most immoral man in America save for violent criminals. Oh, the compromises we make....I laugh at christian radio commentators who would regular criticize the ACA--a program that has given 20 million low-income people the opportunity to have health insurance. Horrors! It's not good to mix religion with politics, you look hypocritical. Let's DO move this to another board!

The bible says a fool says there is no God...I guess you proved that point. God bless.
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I figured it would draw someone out. How could I guess it would be you. LOL. Guess you are a bible thumping Trump supporter. And in other news 2+2=4.

And again you go on the offensive and name calling. If you are so ok with everything, then let us believe what we do like you said you were ok with, and stop attacking and calling names. Seems like you may be somewhat insecure with your beliefs. You don't have to believe in a God and that is cool. However, you throw out stuff making fun of those who do. Not very balance in the perspective you seemed to be promoting at one time. Forget about us and all you have heard from PEOPLE. I dare you to read the Gospel of John and only that one book. Do it tonight then put it down forever or if compelled, read more. Last comment from me. Hope you atleast open and read it and go from there instead of listening to us or others and what they have told you. Good luck on your journey. Maybe like Saul whose name was changed to Paul, freak will let you change your VN name.
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If all religious/spiritual books were destroyed right now and all of the science books were destroyed right now, in a thousand years, the stories in those religious books would be completely different--unrecognizable. The science books would be the exact same because the tests would all yield the same result.
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The bible says a fool says there is no God...I guess you proved that point. God bless.

The Bible also says to treat each other with kindness and love. And not to cast judgement. And that all sins are equal in the eyes of God. Calling someone a fool is surely not the way to call others to the faith, no?

Once more, your friendly neighborhood Buddhist, etc.
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toxic topic. so little tolerance on either side. and this is the type of stuff that bleeds over in to a lot of different areas of society, and why there's so much divisiveness everywhere.....all anyone cares about is being right. SMH.

kudos to Butch Jones for this.
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toxic topic. so little tolerance on either side. and this is the type of stuff that bleeds over in to a lot of different areas of society, and why there's so much divisiveness everywhere.....all anyone cares about is being right. SMH.

kudos to Butch Jones for this.

It is a very toxic issue. It is a deeply personal thing for people, so it almost always gets out of hand quickly.
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There is no "god," people. You want to believe because you fear death--hence all the nonsense about "heaven." Is there a sillier, more 1st-grade fairy-tale concept in the world? (Yea, maybe--"hell" and..."the devil!" Agggghhh!!) Most of us grew up with this nonsense drilled into our heads. It's comforting irrationality. Some decide that looking at the world rationally is more important and grow out of it. Many cling to it, as it is frightening to think that death ... is...it. Nothing wrong with believing...except when you want to make public policy out of bible stories and, say, teach creationism in school. Filling the heads of young people with anti-scientific craziness. Christians are so scared of secularism that they embrace the venal GOP and voted for Trump--who might be the most immoral man in America save for violent criminals. Oh, the compromises we make....I laugh at christian radio commentators who would regular criticize the ACA--a program that has given 20 million low-income people the opportunity to have health insurance. Horrors! It's not good to mix religion with politics, you look hypocritical. Let's DO move this to another board!
you don't know why people have faith, because you have no faith.

all this is, is a 2nd rate Bill Mahr opening monologue.
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It was about the refs making several bad calls. Even an announcer made that observation to correct someone else. Saying it was about the fans is wrong.

As far as cussing...
Paraphrasing a portion of Romans Ch. 7 written by Paul

"The things that are good that I want to do, I don't. (Ex. In this case, not cuss) The things that are bad that I don't want to do, those are the very things I do. (cussing), I who am chief among sinners."

Hmmm..Paul called himself, the primary author of much of the New Testament, "chief among sinners". And ... instead of using the past tense "was" in describing himself with relationship to his ill doings, his missing the mark, his sin; and even though he was most definitely a Christian; he uses the present tense "am" to describe his current state with respect to doing things he knows to be wrong (sin).

Then he sorta says, "Woe is me! What can I do? I've got this duel nature now. One that wants to do good, but the other that actually does do bad stuff."

Well, thank God Jesus has patience with us, and we are accepted as he continues to perform a lifetime process of changing the lumps of coal we are into diamonds.

Amen! That was very well stated!
The Bible also says to treat each other with kindness and love. And not to cast judgement. And that all sins are equal in the eyes of God. Calling someone a fool is surely not the way to call others to the faith, no?

Once more, your friendly neighborhood Buddhist, etc.

read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18
It is a very toxic issue. It is a deeply personal thing for people, so it almost always gets out of hand quickly.

yep. i don't like being told how or what to believe, but i do believe. i've seen people say and do things in my presence in the name of religion that make me scratch my head sometimes.

it can be difficult to distinguish those that use it as a form of righteous indignation vs those that really "get it".

typically i stay away from any conversation in religion that deals in absolutes.

i don't understand the venom though from those that don't believe. there's virtually no reason they should have to feel it necessary to make believers, not believe.

and vice versa, though, i do understand that one of the cornerstones of modern Christianity is to "spread the word"....which is fine, but i think at some point, it falls in the category of "you can lead the horse to water..."
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You have logic issues. How was pointing out what the Bible actually says being holier than thou in reference that it doesn't say it's ok to take advantage of grace. If you are not afraid of it, then why not read it for yourself? I think you are too scare to actually read it. Might change you. If it's not real then no harm and no foul.

Riddle me this my friend. What would give you the idea that I am scared of reading a book? You saying it might change me only further proves the issue I have about trying to conform and not just accepting that another person does not believe what you believe. Have I in any past post in this thread recommended that you or any other "believer" study a book, movie or any type of anything that would support what I believe? No. And yet you continue on.
read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18

I read them. So what is the point you are trying to make?
I suspect if the article was written with references related to Mr. Miller's faith and church removed and focused only on the positive culture he had instilled without calling attention to the fact that he is a Christian - those of you who are offended would not be so.

The key message is that a good man takes the time to reach out to young college students in a time when their life could go in many different directions. And we have a coaching staff who cares enough about those young men to understand the importance of that.

Those of you who have any problem with this because of someone's faith need to get over yourself.
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I suspect if the article was written with references related to Mr. Miller's faith and church removed and focused only on the positive culture he had instilled without calling attention to the fact that he is a Christian - those of you who are offended would not be so.

The key message is that a good man takes the time to reach out to young college students in a time when their life could go in many different directions. And we have a coaching staff who cares enough about those young men to understand the importance of that.

Those of you who have any problem with this because of someone's faith need to get over yourself.
Riddle me this my friend. What would give you the idea that I am scared of reading a book? You saying it might change me only further proves the issue I have about trying to conform and not just accepting that another person does not believe what you believe. Have I in any past post in this thread recommended that you or any other "believer" study a book, movie or any type of anything that would support what I believe? No. And yet you continue on.
Riddle me this then. Just read it and form your opinion about it like any other book any of us read. In other words, don't take what I or anyone else says good or bad about it. Read it and make your decision. I have peruse literature and studied things and made my decision about it. I have not made fun of you but you have done it with "believer" comments. I am not making you read it. I just dared you to do so. Must be afraid of it. Good luck with your journey and you don't have to be a "believer". But you seem to be the intolerant one. Sorry if you need a safe space form all us meanie beanies.
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I suspect if the article was written with references related to Mr. Miller's faith and church removed and focused only on the positive culture he had instilled without calling attention to the fact that he is a Christian - those of you who are offended would not be so.

The key message is that a good man takes the time to reach out to young college students in a time when their life could go in many different directions. And we have a coaching staff who cares enough about those young men to understand the importance of that.

Those of you who have any problem with this because of someone's faith need to get over yourself.

this post needs to be bumped to every page of this thread, as long as it continues to go on...well said.

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