Butch Jones Monday Press Conference -9/16 ("FreakNotes")

They have a lot to work on. Look like Worley may be headed to the bench. The offense has to be able to sustain drives with the lack of depth of D
I know I preaching to the choir, but all of this is a testement to how far the talent level has suffered in the past 7 years. Sure we have some very good players, but no depth (experienced). In my profession I am asked to fix departments that have been leaking money for several years, it takes 3+ years to turn them around....with new staff, training etc., We (Vol Nation) have to suffer through the trials of all this rebuilding process. I want this team to win now!, but the damage is done, and CBJ will fix it, 9 months will not fix 7 years of mismanagement. Go Vols!!:)
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Butch basically opened up the quarterback position without slamming Worley by saying, the job is open to whomever performs best in practice just like every other week.

It seems inevitable from his tone that were going to see a freshman at some point. Just a matter of when.
This team sadly is so use to giving up under Dooley its going to take sometime to get rid of that type of thinking.
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-I play the percentages. Everything is strategically planned out on the football field. Nothing is just roll the dice. Very calculated (talking about going for it on fourth down).

What's funny is the percentages by people who understand math say you should pretty much always go for it on 4th down. In a game like the one last Saturday it made zero difference that we punted. They scored regardless.
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What's funny is the percentages by people who understand math say you should pretty much always go for it on 4th down. In a game like the one last Saturday it made zero difference that we punted. They scored regardless.

exactly down and distance has no effect on oregon. it doesnt matter where they were on the field. totally agree with you.
I think he gives Worley too much credit. He is always saying that the WRs are Not where they should be, while that may be true, what about him over throwing and or throwing it 5 yards short? That's his only consistency lol

I remember Bray finding CP Just fine even when he ran the wrong routes. Point is, even if they are not running pin point routes, he shouldn't have this much trouble hitting his guy.
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Butch could not help but crack a smile when he talked about Dobbs running the read option.

I'm not much of a poker player, but I think that was a tell.
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I think he gives Worley too much credit. He is always saying that the WRs are Not where they should be, while that may be true, what about him over throwing and or throwing it 5 yards short? That's his only consistency lol

I remember Bray finding CP Just fine even when he ran the wrong routes. Point is, even if they are not running pin point routes, he shouldn't have this much trouble hitting his guy.

I think he has acknowledged the issues with Worley, but at the same time it's only fair to point out how inexperienced our receivers are. We lost three slot receivers off of a group that was already thin.

I'm not making excuses for Worley, because he is clearly contributing to the problems, but any quarterback is going to have some issues with these young receivers.
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The stats from this game proved otherwise.

No. It proved that when you have a monstrous talent advantage you can play the game like it's Madden instead of real football. If you can only gain 6-7 yards over the course of 3 plays, why would you be going for it on 4th down on your own side of the field?
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I have not been pushing for Dobbs..I like both freshman. The one benefit I might see is with UF possibly setting it's D for Worley and not considering the QB to run Dobbs could maybe gash them early by keeping it. If he could scramble a lot on pass plays and get some good yardage it changes everything. DB's playing man would have to decide whether to stay with their man or go for QB scrambling. We need a game changer not a game manager at this point.

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