Butch Jones Monday Press Conference -9/16 ("FreakNotes")

I think he has acknowledged the issues with Worley, but at the same time it's only fair to point out how inexperienced our receivers are. We lost three slot receivers off of a group that was already thin.

I'm not making excuses for Worley, because he is clearly contributing to the problems, but any quarterback is going to have some issues with these young receivers.

Even experienced receivers can't catch a ball that's thrown 5 feet over their heads or behind them. Worley needs to take a seat on the bench.
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People who understand football know this is 100% false.

Have you ever seen the experiment? This is exactly like the old school vs. Stats debate in baseball. Punting from the mid field and beyond is stupid. The probability from scoring from the 20 and mid field aren't all that different. Punting is stupid a lot of the time.
Even experienced receivers can't catch a ball that's thrown 5 feet over their heads or behind them. Worley needs to take a seat on the bench.

Agree. But there's plenty of blame to go around in the passing game. My point was, regardless who Butch decides to play at quarterback, there's going to be growing pains with this group of young receivers.
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I expect Florida will bring 7 up and force the runs outside. They will also concentrate on the run because they have watched enough film to know that their secondary will have no trouble in man coverage against an inaccurate QB and young receivers

Bingo, sounds about right to me.
-We are not a very mentally tough football team.
-The game became fast and we made mental errors.
-Our mental conditioning has to take monumental steps forward.
-We gave up 72 yards in lost leverage on defense.
-Eye discipline and individuals coming off of man coverage.
-16 missed tackles.
-Not good on first down.
-Two big plays, that's it.
-In today's world of college football, you need big plays.
-We must overachieve to be able to compete and win football games.
-All we can do is roll our sleeves up, go back to work and get better. This right here sums it up. Instead of kicking dirt clods and thinking about how much we lost by, dig in and keep pushing.
-Losing will never ever be tolerated or accepted at Tennessee. Winning is a habit and losing is a habit.
-It starts with preparing our football team and that starts with me. Nice that he is taking accountability, much to the chagrin of some of the posters on here
-All I can ask is the players give their all.
-I expect a great day of practice.
-Florida great on rushing defense and third down conversions.
-Florida has playmakers all over the place. We face another dual threat quarterback in another hostile environment.
-We need to become a much more mentally tough team.
-Saturday it was 17-7 and we gave up a third and long when an individual gave up on his man coverage.
-The standard of excellence that we demand is non-negotiable.
-Lack of team speed... big factor. That's one thing we have to address but there's only so many things you can do to make your team faster.
-But also, football is a game of instincts and reactions and we didn't react well.
-We must recruit speed.
-Sapp will practice today. Saulsberry going through MRI but looks like he will be out 3-6 weeks. We will know more but definitely won't play the next couple weeks.
-Worley needs to settle in and be a little more aggressive. We need him to attack more. Just like any position, the qb position is open. That means if a freshman plays the best in practice, they'll play. We need our quarterback to run. We need to create big plays and that's a focus this week.
-Rajion and Marlon are complementing each other but we can't turn the football over. Both have improved pass protection. We need Hill and Smith to continue to push those two. What we need in our program is competition. Smith and Hill did some good things and we are going to start to rely on them.
These two puts some of our starters on notice that their body of work isn't acceptable. Ever want to put the fear into a player? Let him know he could be sitting on the bench come game time.
-North is a 4.4 guy. He can run but is still working on the nuances to get open. I see him getting better and better but we have to play freshmen and they have to grow up in a hurry.
-Had two seem routes where the slot receiver was off the mark, it's not all on the quarterback.
-Hard to judge the qb because of all the parts and pieces.
And these two are basically saying the offense is still not clicking. Whether that's the QB throwing short or the receivers not being in their pattern isn't really stated.
-You lose two slot receivers, half of our game plan had to be put aside. We expect Pig and Johnson to practice today.
-I play the percentages. Everything is strategically planned out on the football field. Nothing is just roll the dice. Very calculated (talking about going for it on fourth down).
-Special teams. The speed differential was evident on special teams. We have to do a better job technically. You may see our entire starting defense on special teams. Need speed.
-QB. We'll open it up. We will see what the freshman can handle. Peterman is the first one at practice every day. Worley is getting better. It's a week to week thing. See "on notice" comment above
-The influx of new players at receiver has probably set back the quarterback position.
-Justin is waiting for the receiver to come open and then throwing. He has to anticipate. Playing too conservative, that's a coaching issue that can be rectified.
-Every great quarterback has that aggressiveness and confidence, the "it" factor".
-Open competition with Dobbs and Ferguson this week. Worley has a knack to create plays--keeping plays alive with his feet.
-Worley has the luxury to pull the ball on the zone read. He did it in the first game.
But still talking confidence in Worley. Don't want to destroy him outright, just let him know there are others eager to take his spot. Work better, etc
-We want a high vision guy, but if it's not there we need to get 4-5 yards from the quarterback running.
-We had zero negative yards rushing the football.
-We have to establish the line of scrimmage and that will be a huge challenge this week.
-We have to do a better job of play action and run action and alleviating some of the pressure. Reasonably certain he's saying "run the daggone ball when there is nothing else QB!"
-Florida defines SEC defenses, speed and size.
-Learned some valuable lessons from the Oregon game. We learned some valuable lessons for the future. We will look back at this game as a measuring stick for the next few years.
-Sometimes you can learn more from losing than you can from winning. Sometimes when you win you sweep things under the rug. Probably the most important thing he said. You don't learn anything by winning all the time, just ask Alabama and Saban when they thought TA&M was going to be a pushover. The loss, which sucked huge, still gave the coaches a realistic look at higher level play and where we stand
-It's going to be a process and we can't get ahead of ourselves. We just have to keep focusing on being a better football team, minute by minute and day by day.
-Our players showed up yesterday ready to get back to work and get better and that's what I needed to see.
-We must be the team that overachieves on Saturday.
-Nothing new on the Mo Couch situation.
-Saulsberry had progressed better than any d-lineman we had. He was playing the best of our lineman and that's a ig setback. Carr will have to grow up in a hurry and has to be game-ready for the Gators.

The end.

***This post will be updated as I add my notes.

My comments in red.
The odds of getting a yard on 4th and 1 are pretty good--that's why you'd go for it. Of course, Jones's Fulmer-like mistake on that Oregon penalty gave Oregon a chance to score a TD on 4th and 5--and they did (called back). Spurrier used to go for it a LOT on fourth down--and he scared the bejesus out of the conservative Fulmer in doing so. Fourth and 10 was nothing for Spurrier if the gators were anywhere outside of their 40 yard line.

I have seen Spurrier go for it often on 4th and short (2-3 yards). Saying 4th and 10 was "nothing" for Spurrier is quite an exaggeration.
Trying to play like Oregon isn't going to work when you don't have players like Oregon. They can go for it and convert a lot because their style of play allows them to catch you out of position. That coupled with lots of talent results in a good conversion clip. Saying we should do the same is beyond retarded.
No. It proved that when you have a monstrous talent advantage you can play the game like it's Madden instead of real football. If you can only gain 6-7 yards over the course of 3 plays, why would you be going for it on 4th down on your own side of the field?

Theres mathematical evidence that proves this false by percentages. I read an in depth article by some professor where he studied the percentages. Dont feel like looking for it though. Some high school football coach took the philosophy and ran with it. I still believe in punting though.
The Fan Base needs to be "mentally tough."
We have been mentally tough for five years. It's only been one lose for CBJ and 117 so far. Fans vote with their dollars. We probably average 85K per game. Given the product on the field, I find it being very tough mentally.
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What are the odds that the lineman who has progressed the most is out from three to six weeks? Coincidence?
His 40 is only 4.7 ish. I found one site that had Ferguson listed at 4.6. So Dobbs may not be as athletic as we think. I go with with who can move the offense.

Well either of them can move faster than Worley. This offense is no good without a qb that can move b
Theres mathematical evidence that proves this false by percentages. I read an in depth article by some professor where he studied the percentages. Dont feel like looking for it though. Some high school football coach took the philosophy and ran with it. I still believe in punting though.

If you convert that 4th down from your own 40, you still have to drive the rest of the way down the field.
If you fail to convert, you give the opposition the ball on a short field which results in points quite frequently.
My comments in red.

-Worley has the luxury to pull the ball on the zone read. He did it in the first game. But still talking confidence in Worley. Don't want to destroy him outright, just let him know there are others eager to take his spot. Work better, etc

I agree. I also expect Worley to be named the starter for Sat after a "great" week of practice. We'll see how it translates.
Interesting. I was right about Worley not running the ball ever in 2 straight games on the read option.

I don't understand how he picks never.
I have seen Spurrier go for it often on 4th and short (2-3 yards). Saying 4th and 10 was "nothing" for Spurrier is quite an exaggeration.

Its not an exaggeration. In the '90s if Spurrier was say within the Vols 40 he would almost assuredly go for it no matter what the distance.
Butch could not help but crack a smile when he talked about Dobbs running the read option.

I'm not much of a poker player, but I think that was a tell.

Ain't no way a true freshman is starting a big SEC game on the road with no experience!
Interesting. I was right about Worley not running the ball ever in 2 straight games on the read option.

I don't understand how he picks never.

A lot of posters on here told me that Worley was told not to run yesterday... Was still wondering about that.
A lot of posters on here told me that Worley was told not to run yesterday... Was still wondering about that.

Me too. Bothers me even more know that I know he has chosen to never keep it. Too many times when 5-10 yards gains were clearly open.
The team is so young and experienced. I am a 28 yr old man and I would've been intimidated down on that field. I'm also a teacher, so I know how immature the majority of the players were about a year ago. This will definitely be the farthest game from home that these players will get to see for a very long time. It may also have even been the loudest. Very good environment to go ahead and experience in an early career. Just like Butch said, "We have to keep getting better."

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