Buttigieg wants to tax how much you drive

Yeah, I did that wrong a couple of ways. First I meant people assigned to bases in OR, and not OR's representation in the military. The really big screwup was there are basically no bases of any size in OR, and I was thinking about a couple in WA (like there's a big difference in the two states anyway). Makes you wonder if the lack of bases in OR and their overrepresentation in the military means something - like we gotta get out of this place ... and any other place may be better. Could be they are trying to escape violence or learn better how to do it, too.
It's also the energy transferred downward through the tires onto the roadway. Think of a traffic accident at 30 MPH versus one at 70 MPH. Yeah, that's a direct line energy transfer, but the principle applies of the downward energy transfer being far greater because of the increased velocity.

Long story short, we had a half day on such things as part of my accident investigator course. Vehicle weight, velocity and even roadway materials play into this. Think about the screeching sound your vehicle makes on a concrete surface compared to an asphalt roadway. That's actually the energy from your tires being directed back upwards instead of into the material like with asphalt.

Holy ****, I actually an using math to save lives...

I always "liked" movies where tires squeal on gravel roads - the Hollywood realism effect. The other is just how many gears do those Hollywood cars have - there always seems to be an unusual amount of shifting going on.
I always "liked" movies where tires squeal on gravel roads - the Hollywood realism effect. The other is just how many gears do those Hollywood cars have - there always seems to be an unusual amount of shifting going on.
LOL! I used to make the same remark watching movies when some bad guy would hop in a car on a dirt road and it would make the same tire squealing noise as it did on pavement and then to go faster they would just shift again and it would gain another 50 mph.
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**** all new taxes but how do people propose that we pay for the $8T Trump added to the national debt in just 4 years?

Compared to what the Biden gang do, it's likely we'll be wishing for the paltry $8T that "Trump added". Actually I always thought congress set budgets and control/initiate spending and taxing - that presidents can only request and veto.
Another reason to get and maintain the oldest possible automobile you can from before all of the built in computer controls. Analog and dumb. That is what you want

Most of us are absolutely screwed when the big EMP event happens. Now if you have an old car with that antiquated distributor (points and condenser) with a bit of finagling you might be back in business - until you have to get gas out of the ground.
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Compared to what the Biden gang do, it's likely we'll be wishing for the paltry $8T that "Trump added". Actually I always thought congress set budgets and control/initiate spending and taxing - that presidents can only request and veto.

Yeah, the president has the ability to establish his budget agenda with the veto power and then also I guess he can legislate through XO's (that's the way it works anyway). Other than that, congress actually has to write the bills.

I've been waiting all my life for a president that says "Balance the budget or I'm going to veto your spending bill. If you don't like it, write a bill that's so good that you make it veto-proof."

Nobody that we elect (or even nominate) has the courage to do that.
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Yeah, the president has the ability to establish his budget agenda with the veto power and then also I guess he can legislate through XO's (that's the way it works anyway). Other than that, congress actually has to write the bills.

I've been waiting all my life for a president that says "Balance the budget or I'm going to veto your spending bill. If you don't like it, write a bill that's so good that you make it veto-proof."

Nobody that we elect (or even nominate) has the courage to do that.

Even with executive orders the president's hands are tied - look at the border wall thing. Without funding from congress, he couldn't make it happen without involving the military and redirection funds within the military. I don't have a problem with that because the military should be about defense, and securing borders is definitely defense related.

I wish a president would do that with spending bills, too; but look how any president who refuses to allow congress to keep funding stuff when the money runs out gets treated. The best way to kill a career in DC is to try and force fiscal constraint.
Most of us are absolutely screwed when the big EMP event happens. Now if you have an old car with that antiquated distributor (points and condenser) with a bit of finagling you might be back in business - until you have to get gas out of the ground.
Just build a faraday cage around your garage, problem solved except for that pesky gasoline thing.
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Just build a faraday cage around your garage, problem solved except for that pesky gasoline thing.

I honestly believe that the way to invade the US starts with simply turning off the electric power grid - then you just walk in when everything stops. The "smart" grid has to be about the dumbest decision in history.
I honestly believe that the way to invade the US starts with simply turning off the electric power grid - then you just walk in when everything stops. The "smart" grid has to be about the dumbest decision in history.
I've lived in my current house for about 14 years and the power has been off 3 times since I've been here for more than a few seconds, once for a substation transformer and twice for car wrecks. The most recent power outage was this past August when it was 100 degrees outside and it was down for several hours. I thought I was going to die and I even had a small generator that ran a portable air conditioner that kept my living room in the mid 80's. The brown out that preceded the power outage also killed my refrigerator. People today don't know what to do without power. No phone, TV, internet, HVAC, refrigeration etc makes for a miserable day.
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Systemic racism didn't cause the frozen nightmare on I-95 and boatloads of cash won't fix it, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg and his fellow progressive radicals need to stop trying to save the planet and start fixing the potholes, writes GRACE CURLEY

The Biden administration apparently knows what went wrong on Virginia's I-95 on Tuesday, after an entirely predictable winter storm trapped hundreds of drivers in frigid temperatures for 24+ hours.

They didn't pour enough money on it!

Even as commuters sat shivering in their vehicles, Kamala Harris took to Twitter.

The gaffe-prone Vice President never wastes an opportunity to make a bad situation even worse for the Biden-Harris administration.

It is conceivable that Kamala and her team didn't know about the turmoil on I-95.

After all, Harris has been tasked with solving the border crisis, advancing voting rights, and filming YouTube videos about the moon's craters with paid child actors.

Her schedule is jam-packed.

But what makes no sense whatsoever is the fact that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg decided to retweet the Vice President's empty message.

What is Pete's excuse for being out of the loop?


I doubt any of Secretary Pete Buttigieg's woke platitudes about race and equity comforted the hundreds of people stuck in their cars for hours in Virginia on Tuesday.

Sorry Mayor Pete -- systemic racism didn't cause the frozen nightmare on I-95, writes GRACE CURLEY | Daily Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: Pete Buttigieg accepted $250,000 and gifts from mayoral campaign donors who were later awarded $33 million in city contracts, raising concerns of 'pay to play' as Transportation Secretary doles out $210 billion in infrastructure plan

  • Documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg's campaign took a total of $253,750 from 23 companies
Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg's top political donors received millions of dollars in city contracts after giving thousands to his campaigns while he was mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg's political action committees took money from 23 companies who then got jobs from South Bend's Board of Public Works on which he was seated, documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal.

On two occasions, the former presidential candidate received donations the same day the companies were awarded contracts.

The companies, their executives and spouses donated a total $253,750 to Buttigieg's campaigns, and received a total of at least $33,310,426 in city contracts between 2011 and 2019.

Pete Buttigieg took $250k from donors who were then awarded $33M in city contracts when he was mayor | Daily Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: Pete Buttigieg accepted $250,000 and gifts from mayoral campaign donors who were later awarded $33 million in city contracts, raising concerns of 'pay to play' as Transportation Secretary doles out $210 billion in infrastructure plan

  • Documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg's campaign took a total of $253,750 from 23 companies
Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg's top political donors received millions of dollars in city contracts after giving thousands to his campaigns while he was mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg's political action committees took money from 23 companies who then got jobs from South Bend's Board of Public Works on which he was seated, documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal.

On two occasions, the former presidential candidate received donations the same day the companies were awarded contracts.

The companies, their executives and spouses donated a total $253,750 to Buttigieg's campaigns, and received a total of at least $33,310,426 in city contracts between 2011 and 2019.

Pete Buttigieg took $250k from donors who were then awarded $33M in city contracts when he was mayor | Daily Mail Online
I want car insurance by the mile like is available in the UK. The less you drive, the less you pay. One of my friends pays under £15 a month on average.
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EXCLUSIVE: Pete Buttigieg accepted $250,000 and gifts from mayoral campaign donors who were later awarded $33 million in city contracts, raising concerns of 'pay to play' as Transportation Secretary doles out $210 billion in infrastructure plan

  • Documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg's campaign took a total of $253,750 from 23 companies
Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg's top political donors received millions of dollars in city contracts after giving thousands to his campaigns while he was mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg's political action committees took money from 23 companies who then got jobs from South Bend's Board of Public Works on which he was seated, documents obtained by DailyMail.com reveal.

On two occasions, the former presidential candidate received donations the same day the companies were awarded contracts.

The companies, their executives and spouses donated a total $253,750 to Buttigieg's campaigns, and received a total of at least $33,310,426 in city contracts between 2011 and 2019.

Pete Buttigieg took $250k from donors who were then awarded $33M in city contracts when he was mayor | Daily Mail Online
Daily Mail needs new material. They are late to the party; this was floated by some angry Berniebros at the Young Turks and quickly debunked back in December 2020 when Pete was nominated to DOT.

Daily Mail needs new material. They are late to the party; this was floated by some angry Berniebros at the Young Turks and quickly debunked back in December 2020 when Pete was nominated to DOT.

So they just gave the little “guy” money out of the goodness in their hearts and the awarded contracts were just coincidence? 🤣

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