Buttigieg wants to tax how much you drive

Yep. American allegedly put 'feelz' over prosperity.

Or they realized he was a terrible leader and was clueless. Trump could have easily run away with that election with a few adult decisions. Instead he decided rallies and social media fights were more important. He evidently surrounded himself with yes men idiots
That's the same with every politician.

And I didn't realize he hurt your feelz that much.
I see you're taking posting cues from Trump. Cute

He didn't hurt my feelings he enabled Biden to get in the WH. That's about as crappy a thing as he could do.
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I see you're taking posting cues from Trump. Cute

He didn't hurt my feelings he enabled Biden to get in the WH. That's about as crappy a thing as he could do.

Everybody on the right was too busy yucking it up to realize Trump didn't fix anything and was ensuring total defeat in 2020.
Or they realized he was a terrible leader and was clueless. Trump could have easily run away with that election with a few adult decisions. Instead he decided rallies and social media fights were more important. He evidently surrounded himself with yes men idiots
yeah those minority unemployment rates were just terrible leadership. But saying mean things was his downfall. Truly sad.

American idol it is.
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I see you're taking posting cues from Trump. Cute

He didn't hurt my feelings he enabled Biden to get in the WH. That's about as crappy a thing as he could do.

Which posting cues are that? The fact that every single politician has someone coming in behind them to clean up their "mess" and clarify?

And you're really being dishonest if you think Biden would have had a snowball's chance if we didn't have the fake overreaction to Covid.
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Which posting cues are that? The fact that every single politician has someone coming in behind them to clean up their "mess" and clarify?

And you're really being dishonest if you think Biden would have had a snowball's chance if we didn't have the fake overreaction to Covid.

Does this belief soften the butthurt?
When it is addressed by both sides, it is worth discussing. Blaming one side is idiotic.
Denying responsibility, or trying to minimize a sides involvement, while focusing on the other side keeps you from ever addressing from both sides would you say?
Not all states have emissions testing or any kind of testing. This tax would be like doubling up on the states that already have vehicle property taxes. It’s an overreaching money grab.
This is definitely the year for that.
Denying responsibility, or trying to minimize a sides involvement, while focusing on the other side keeps you from ever addressing from both sides would you say?

Read my post again. You two are the ones that seem to be making it about one side. I specifically said "both" parties.

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