Bye Bye Louisville

Honest question. How do you pick a grand jury in a case like this? When i did jury duty, one of my questions was "do you have any prior knowledge of this case before arriving here today?"

Grand juries and trial juries are two completely different things.
Tell me how I'm wrong? Cops finding any way to murder black people has been going on since this country's foundation. Now they were just given another way of doing it.
I know you are trolling, but honestly...
You are wrong because they would've done the same exact thing to someone of any race in a similar circumstance, especially getting shot at.
The drug dealer had been monitored and watched for months, it had nothing to do with him being black, they were trying to get a violent felon off the street
Again, it's not even close to murder, it's self defense....the only reason the one officer got charged with a minor crime, is he broke one of the main rules of firearms in knowing your target. and again this had NOTHING to do with race.
Cops can go into the wrong house, looking for a suspect already in custody, and murder someone with few repercussions. The sad thing is a lot of y'all want this.
I think they were at the right house, but here are my issues:

1. This was all over some drugs... fighting this drug war is a waste of time
2. They had apparently tracked down the package through the mail. So instead of safely engaging the suspect or package at some point along the route of tracking the package, they chose to serve a warrant at night on their home turf. Sounds like super genius police work... or this gave the cops the opportunity to play with their toys and justify their existence. They get to go pew pew pew and dress up in their special forces/SWAT gear.
I think they were at the right house, but here are my issues:

1. This was all over some drugs... fighting this drug war is a waste of time
2. They had apparently tracked down the package through the mail. So instead of safely engaging the suspect or package at some point along the route of tracking the package, they chose to serve a warrant at night on their home turf. Sounds like super genius police work... or this gave the cops the opportunity to play with their toys and justify their existence. They get to go pew pew pew and dress up in their special forces/SWAT gear.

Quote of the thread, close it down.
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Since the warrant wasn't a no-knock how long are the cops obligated to wait for someone to open the door?
They dont have to wait, that is the point of the no-knock.

I am not a fan of no-knock warrants except for serious threats to human life (they came about originally because of cases where police knocked on the doors and people were raped/killed by their captors)
I think they were at the right house, but here are my issues:

1. This was all over some drugs... fighting this drug war is a waste of time (this is a discussion we have discussed previously, I'm not arguing for or against it)
2. They had apparently tracked down the package through the mail. So instead of safely engaging the suspect or package at some point along the route of tracking the package, they chose to serve a warrant at night on their home turf. Sounds like super genius police work... or this gave the cops the opportunity to play with their toys and justify their existence. They get to go pew pew pew and dress up in their special forces/SWAT gear. (They served the warrant to try to find things inside the home, they likely did it at night because that's usually a more likely time for drug dealing to occur and for people to be home, and you have a different definition of "toys" that I would. Glocks and simple rifles are not that big a deal, unless you are talking about the battering ram)
So along the same vein as tracking a package of drugs, how hard is it to track down Uhaul rentals? No, that would be too easy. Why go after the big money people organizing the riots?
Probably because their mayor or congressman or someone else has told them to leave it alone
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They dont have to wait, that is the point of the no-knock.

I am not a fan of no-knock warrants except for serious threats to human life (they came about originally because of cases where police knocked on the doors and people were raped/killed by their captors)
My understanding that the police did not have a no knock warrant, are you saying they did?
I think that's his point. If someone busts your front door down I'm thinking it's kill or be killed. What possible crime could local police be investigating that they need a "no knock" warrant and apparently they didn't have one. Now if they didn't allow someone to answer the door and then broke the door down the cops are screwed.
But they did knock and announced. They had every legal right to do what they did to enter the house. They also had every right to return fire. Is anyone in a lather over the fact that had he not shot first she would still ,in all likelihood, be alive? Are her parents filing a wrongful death suit against him?
It doesn't make the warrant less valid, the drug dealer guy had picked the package up a day or two before....and they were looking for the money as well
I bet they were more concerned about the money than the drugs... which explains why they didn't intercept the drugs while in transit.
My understanding that the police did not have a no knock warrant, are you saying they did?
no i was answering the general question about no-knock warrants...the police usually will give a knock or two with our without them, but with a no-knock, they are not required by law to
They dont have to wait, that is the point of the no-knock.

I am not a fan of no-knock warrants except for serious threats to human life (they came about originally because of cases where police knocked on the doors and people were raped/killed by their captors)

I thought that warrant was not a no-knock warrant? So a knock first warrant how long do they have to wait before breaking down the door?

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