Byron De'Vinner

I'm sure he does ALL of this out of the goodness of his heart.

Who does he get to donate to his camps? You think they could be boosters of schools? Does he then push players to certain schools based on these "donations"?

This gets funnier by the post.

Have you actually been to his camps?! Obviously not, because if you had, you would see for yourself that it is extremely barebones. He has one sponsor that donates t-shirts for the kids, he used to have hook-up at Famous Dave's that donated food for the camp dinner, and another for lunch. That's it, no frills. Players that he has helped along the way volunteer to coach. Thats the draw for the campers, they love the players.
TW Im not gonna quote your last post, its too long as usual. I agree with what you said though. What do you think of Lovely saying Byron would send them all to Alabubba if he could?

Byron is a HUGE Alabama fan...I know him, so I know this....
What is his normal job? Not where.. what, like precisely how does he make his meager wage and help the kids, make rent, car payments, EAT?

Why do you want to know? So you crazy UT fans can hunt him down and harass him at his job? No way, I'm not going to share that unless he tells me it's okay.
Hitler, for real? You're going there? Wow. Ummkay.

Anyways, if you knew Byron, you couldn't begin to make that comparison. He's not a slick talker, he's not eloquent, but he is sincere. And he goes above and beyond to help those kids. I'm telling you what I know. Seems like you would rather believe conjucture from people who don't know him.

Whatever floats your boat.

The 'conjecture' is due to all of the surrounding scandals that involve kids at his camp. And like TW mentioned, if Byron is on the up and up why direct these kids to coaches who are known to have smoke coming off of their fire pit. (Trooper 'Don't call me Cam chest bump' Taylor, & Mr. Freeze, disciple of Red Bull Orgeron-biggest cheater in the nation). Seems like he would want to steer these kids, who the parents trust him with, away from such unsavory types.

I mean, if I was worried about my name getting drug through the mud(as he obviously is with his presence on here and now yours), I would be working feverishly to dispel any myths that may torpedo what my true purpose for running a foundation and these camps are. I mean that is what's most important to him, right?

FYI, I know he's not Hitler. Just making the point that people buy into dishomest people. Besides, Hitler was out in the open about his intentions.
Have you actually been to his camps?! Obviously not, because if you had, you would see for yourself that it is extremely barebones. He has one sponsor that donates t-shirts for the kids, he used to have hook-up at Famous Dave's that donated food for the camp dinner, and another for lunch. That's it, no frills. Players that he has helped along the way volunteer to coach. Thats the draw for the campers, they love the players.

If all this stuff is no frills and all the food and shirts are donated, where is the $25/per kids registration fee's going for his camps?
Why do you want to know? So you crazy UT fans can hunt him down and harass him at his job? No way, I'm not going to share that unless he tells me it's okay.

Because I dont believe him or you. I didnt ask where I asked what. LIKE hes a trucker or he works in a sporting goods store. Hes said he was in "education" Im guessing this is false.
If all this stuff is no frills and all the food and shirts are donated, where is the $25/per kids registration fee's going for his camps?

It's not all donated, he has to pay for food, at a discount, sometimes. He has to pay for facilities, he has to pay on site trainers and emergency staff. Don't be daft. $25 is not a lot of money, think about what other camps charge and do the math.

Mind you, it's not always enough, and sometimes he comes out of pocket, I've see it.
Can anyone tell me what camps and 7 on 7 leagues we're talking about? I have a 16 year old just entering his sophomore year. He is 5'11" and 230lbs of solid muscle. Squats well over 400 and runs about a 4.6 40. I have a job offer in the Nashville area and am considering making the move, but am concerned about getting my boy some advanced training. I wouldn't mind getting some good info/research on these if they are indeed true.
Time to close thread. NCAA only interviewed him to learn the ins and outs of 7 on 7 camps because they have no idea how those work and chose him as the special interviewee. A gentle bear that is a victim of
Can anyone tell me what camps and 7 on 7 leagues we're talking about? I have a 16 year old just entering his sophomore year. He is 5'11" and 230lbs of solid muscle. Squats well over 400 and runs about a 4.6 40. I have a job offer in the Nashville area and am considering making the move, but am concerned about getting my boy some advanced training. I wouldn't mind getting some good info/research on these if they are indeed true.

D1 in Franklin,TN(suburb of Nashville) is excellent for one-on-one training.
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Can anyone tell me what camps and 7 on 7 leagues we're talking about? I have a 16 year old just entering his sophomore year. He is 5'11" and 230lbs of solid muscle. Squats well over 400 and runs about a 4.6 40. I have a job offer in the Nashville area and am considering making the move, but am concerned about getting my boy some advanced training. I wouldn't mind getting some good info/research on these if they are indeed true.

I don't know about leagues, but I kow that Byron coaches the team from West Tennessee (the West Tennessee Xpress). They have tryouts after the kids are done with school football. I don't know the details (when and where) but I will ask.
I hear he's killing it in the Murfreesboro girl's summer league...


Thanks, I'm familiar with the area. Used to live at Fort Campbell, a few years back my dad had a church in the Brentwood area. I'll check it out.
What was the name of the church? What job are you considering? Do you hate Dooley...

lol j/k. good luck with your boy

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