Byron De'Vinner

I don't know about leagues, but I kow that Byron coaches the team from West Tennessee (the West Tennessee Xpress). They have tryouts after the kids are done with school football. I don't know the details (when and where) but I will ask.

I don't know about leagues, but I kow that Byron coaches the team from West Tennessee (the West Tennessee Xpress). They have tryouts after the kids are done with school football. I don't know the details (when and where) but I will ask.

Thanks, is there a website?
What was the name of the church? What job are you considering? Do you hate Dooley...

lol j/k. good luck with your boy

I think it was Church of the Advent if I recall it correctly. He left there around 2005-06? I do not hate Dooley. I'll keep the job info private for now. Thanks.
TW Im not gonna quote your last post, its too long as usual. I agree with what you said though. What do you think of Lovely saying Byron would send them all to Alabubba if he could?

At first I cringe but I see him as trying to promote himself and having his players go to a program currently on top promotes his ego. Remember both J Robinson and N Cole had early offers from UA and UA was on them early but all of sudden backed off.
Have you actually been to his camps?! Obviously not, because if you had, you would see for yourself that it is extremely barebones. He has one sponsor that donates t-shirts for the kids, he used to have hook-up at Famous Dave's that donated food for the camp dinner, and another for lunch. That's it, no frills. Players that he has helped along the way volunteer to coach. Thats the draw for the campers, they love the players.

I went to D1 to watch Kimbro run. Byron was a tool then.

If his foundation is a true non profit, I believe he has to be transparent with donations. I'd love to see where they all come from.
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At first I cringe but I see him as trying to promote himself and having his players go to a program currently on top promotes his ego. Remember both J Robinson and N Cole had early offers from UA and UA was on them early but all of sudden backed off.

Y'all are reaching. I said it because he is an Alabama fan, nothing more, nothing less.

He takes all of the kids to visit all of the southeast area schools, some are good enough to attend Alabama, and they get offers. some are not. Jovon was a great prospect and got several offers, if he visited a school, chances are, he got an offer. Alabama isn't the only school in the world (Byron would beg to differ), Jovon slighted other worthy schools too.
I went to D1 to watch Kimbro run. Byron was a tool then.

If his foundation is a true non profit, I believe he has to be transparent with donations. I'd love to see where they all come from.

I believe he has a sponsorship page. Honestly, the money that the kids pay is not very much at all, and it goes right back into the camp or combine. If you have been to a combine, you should know. $25 compared to $50 plus at other camps and combines?! Byron is not getting rich off of these things. You guys are being rediculous.
If true, I'll be really interested to see what his title is. Alabama apparently has all these "quality control assistant" positions that they fill with popular high school coaches and street agents. They're not assistants, so they dobt count against the 9 cap. It's apparently not against any rules. I've often wondered why we don't do it.

Sadly it is legal and Tennessee is behind the 8ball on that. I'm hoping with Sunseri now on board he'll convince Dooley to start doing this. Again it's legal, whether it should be or not is irrelevant. It's become a huge advantage in recruiting for certain schools.
You know SOOO much to just be a sorority volunteer.

As I have stated, I started simply as a "sorority volunteer". I've been a volunteer for just about 4 years now, and I consider him a good friend. Several camps and combines. If you have done as many combines and camps as I have, you start following the players especially the really standout ones. Jovon was a standout, definitely.

The camp at D1 he made a really strong showing, the one in Birmingham, also at D1, I was there too, he had the highest SPARQ score.

I do know a lot, now. And I'm proud of it, i had zero interest in high school or college football, now i love it.
Y'all are reaching. I said it because he is an Alabama fan, nothing more, nothing less.

He takes all of the kids to visit all of the southeast area schools, some are good enough to attend Alabama, and they get offers. some are not. Jovon was a great prospect and got several offers, if he visited a school, chances are, he got an offer. Alabama isn't the only school in the world (Byron would beg to differ), Jovon slighted other worthy schools too.

I will not open that can of worms but Jovon did not slight UA. UA backed off and the reasons are out there if people look. BTW UA was not the only school that backed off of Jovon. Grades were a major issues last spring. Once all the schools backed off of him all of sudden AU became a factor. Just about every major site reported last spring(2011) that both Robinson and Cole would be academic casualties.

You come on here first trying to convince poeple DeVinners is all good, once that did not work you became defensive. You should have posted and then left no matter the response you garnered. Your attempt to promote him and create as moke screen has failed. You have actually made him look worse in your attempt.
As I have stated, I started simply as a "sorority volunteer". I've been a volunteer for just about 4 years now, and I consider him a good friend. Several camps and combines. If you have done as many combines and camps as I have, you start following the players especially the really standout ones. Jovon was a standout, definitely.

The camp at D1 he made a really strong showing, the one in Birmingham, also at D1, I was there too, he had the highest SPARQ score.

I do know a lot, now. And I'm proud of it, i had zero interest in high school or college football, now i love it.

You are a contradiction at best. One minute you are telling us you know nothing about the 7v7 portion because you volunteer only on a limited basis and next you claim to be all knowing with many years involved. Get your story straight. It helps when not telling the truth to convince people.
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You are a contradiction at best. One minute you are telling us you know nothing about the 7v7 portion because you volunteer only on a limited basis and next you claim to be all knowing with many years involved. Get your story straight. It helps when not telling the truth to convince people.


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