Byron De'Vinner

I don't understand why he dodged a simple question yesterday when Withrow asked him how he made money. All he said was that he's a 'normal guy' that has a job like everyone else, but he never said what his job is.

I don't blame him honestly. Some of you guys are lunatics, probably trying to figure out where he works right now.
I don't blame him honestly. Some of you guys are lunatics, probably trying to figure out where he works right now.

As was brought up earlier. Nobody cared about the 'where' he works as much as what he does, profession(carpenter, sandwich maker, sorority caregiver,etc.). And being that his involvement with HS kids and their college recruitment is murky at best, it would seem he would want to silence any rumors if he is on the up and up.
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Ooh burn :clapping:.

You thought that was real cute, didn't you "darlin"? I bet you were just grinning your flat flabby ass off while you were typing, huh? Did you feel a little tingly, in male parts, just a little? Sure you did. "I'm gonna get this little sorority girl real good, put her in her place"...thats what you were thinking huh?


I'm sorry if I am a bit old fashioned, but there's no need to assume that this lady is sleeping with him or his clients. I don't know this lady, which is the same for any of you.
But Ms. Lovely, these guys have been following football just as long as we've both been alive. There are plenty of questionable people in the NCAA who really are handlers of kids. This is no question terrible morally, it's basically selling a kid to the highest bidder. It's a serious problem among the NCAA.
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I don't blame him honestly. Some of you guys are lunatics, probably trying to figure out where he works right now.

Lol trust me I couldn't care less where he works. You need to calm down before you start attacking people on here..I asked one question and thought it was interesting that he didn't say how he made his money.
I'm sorry if I am a bit old fashioned, but there's no need to assume that this lady is sleeping with him or his clients. I don't know this lady, which is the same for any of you.
But Ms. Lovely, these guys have been following football just as long as we've both been alive. There are plenty of questionable people in the NCAA who really are handlers of kids. This is no question terrible morally, it's basically selling a kid to the highest bidder. It's a serious problem among the NCAA.

I appreciate you post, and for the record no, I don't sleep with them. Im exactly what I say, I volunteer for the combines and camps (everyone, male and female, who works the camps volunteer), and I follow high school and college football, as a result.
Over the years, Byron has become a good friend to me, and to my friends who also volunteer for him.

I only stated what I know. Byron doesn't live a lavish lifestyle, he works everyday. Nothing about the way he goes about his day to day life suggests to me, someone who knows him, that he is anything but a good guy. he rubs people the wrong way sometimes, yes he does. He doesn't always filter what he says. But I've never known him to lie, not to me, and not to the parents of the kids he helps.

You all have your opinions, and that is your right. But I'm am simply adding my perspective.

And yes, he does have a job...
Lol trust me I couldn't care less where he works. You need to calm down before you start attacking people on here..I asked one question and thought it was interesting that he didn't say how he made his money.

I didn't say YOU (please read my post again).

I said I can understand why he wouldn't share that over the airwaves. I've seen some of the things people say on these boards, I'd be guarded too.
Well I consider myself his friend, I've been volunteering for a few years now. I see him all the time. If he's getting money, I sure can't tell, his home, his car, his clothes, him always trying to find funding for the team, it just doesn't reflect that.

Believe what you wish, though.

And thanks for the welcome.

If it's any consolation just by you coming in here and taking up for him shows courage. Welcome.
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Ummkay. I guess me saying that he slighted alabama offended you, my bad, I don't know what happened with Alabama, but I know that he got several offers, he said so I his interviews, I think they are still posted. But whether they backed off or whatever, It's neither here not there to me.

I didn't come on here to convince anyone of anything, I simply came on here to tell you al who lied that Byron has a job, and other things I know first hand, because I actually know him. Whether or not you accept what I know as true is all on you ("take it or leave it", I said).

You all are the ones getting all broken up about me "drinking the cool-aid" and calling you nobodies. I told you what I know, and if I didn't know, I said "I don't know".

Why are y'all mad, though? That's what I'm not understanding. If I think he's a good guy, and you don't, oh well. Why are you guys so salty about it?
Because there are some Vol fans who have a level of narcissism and believe that everything they say no matter how ridiculous is right. Some fans can never be wrong because they thought it up so therefore it must be true. It's called irrational. Not all Vol fans are like that, they just voice there opinions and have good lively debate about topics. Then there are those who believe they know it all because somebody told them or they googled it so therefore it must be true. Half of them never played a sport but know who should start.
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I appreciate you post, and for the record no, I don't sleep with them. Im exactly what I say, I volunteer for the combines and camps (everyone, male and female, who works the camps volunteer), and I follow high school and college football, as a result.
Over the years, Byron has become a good friend to me, and to my friends who also volunteer for him.

I only stated what I know. Byron doesn't live a lavish lifestyle, he works everyday. Nothing about the way he goes about his day to day life suggests to me, someone who knows him, that he is anything but a good guy. he rubs people the wrong way sometimes, yes he does. He doesn't always filter what he says. But I've never known him to lie, not to me, and not to the parents of the kids he helps.

You all have your opinions, and that is your right. But I'm am simply adding my perspective.

And yes, he does have a job...

You can only be fair to people you associate with. If he is doing anything bad, he will be exposed for it within time. If he's not, then people should apologize to him. I trust you are telling the truth, but I'm also a decently smart person, who sees the world from a fair perspective.
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Lovely, in all seriousness, what college do you go to and what year in school did you start working at his camps?
I've gone to his combines and wondered which ones you went to.
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Lovely, in all seriousness, what college do you go to and what year in school did you start working at his camps?
I've gone to his combines and wondered which ones you went to.

I'm a bit nervous now about sharing my school with you, i hope you undertand. I will say that I attend school in Nashville, and we don't have a football team, ironically, so I had no reason to follow college football before I started volunteering. I started working the combines and camps just about 4 years ago, 2009, at his youth camp in Murfreesboro.

But his volunteers come from all the local schools, and also former players and parents of players.
dude is a *** if i never seen one. he blantantly bashed my university, The University of Tennessee, on facebook to me not knowing who i was. next when myself along with Buck Fitzgerald held our 1st combine we told kids we would sent their film to Rivals, Scout, and 24/7 this fool called the NCAA and told them we had UT coaches coming by the combine. so i see him at MTSU and he recognizes my face and gets scared. Little did I know he told them not to fool with me or Buck because we only wanted money from them. so i confront him in front of the coaches and they banned him from being around their program. I told him if i ever see him in public I'd whoop his ********* ass. Then we put our 7 0n 7 tm together Buck leaves and BD doesn't know my vehicle, he tries to lure our 2014 kids to his car and ask them to play for him. I got out and he pulled off. This fool claims to work in the school system, well it ain't Davidson or Rutherford because he's banned from both. dude is a complete joke and all he is out to do is get paid. in our program IFM we help with grades, ACT prep, etc he does nothing but football and prey on kids for his own financial gain.
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The can drive was last Saturday, sorry you missed it. You all are the ones getting all butthurt over a sorority girl's postings.

Everything I say is truth, not conjecture, not hearsay. I say only what I know. I'm good with everything I said.

I don't feel like I'm sticking my neck out, because I havent lied once. I simply stated what I know.

Can you say the same?

You do realize that your opinion is not a fact or the truth. Just because you say something is the truth does not make it the truth. All you are saying on here is exactly conjecture and nothing more. As you have stated you have no dealings with the 7v7 but yet make claims that DeVinners does it out of the goodness of his heart. How do you know he is not dirty if you are not involved. The truth would be at best in this situation you being an intricate part of all his operations but you are not. Like you said you are a volunteer that only participates in part of what he deos. And from the sound of it with very little access.

So in short you have lied by stating that your opinion is the truth.
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I guess bashing UT is a crime around these parts, but he has a right to bash if wants, I believe. Like I said, I don't know anything about 7on7 except that it exists, and Byron coaches.

If your salty about him attempting to get you kids, that's your right. And the whole visual of the scenario you describe is hilarious to me, but not criminal.

But unless you know that he is gaining financially from his team, I happen to believe otherwise, I would refrain from accusing him of wrong doing. One could easily do the same to you, and all other 7on7 team organizers if they wanted. It's easy to do.
I guess bashing UT is a crime around these parts, but he has a right to bash if wants, I believe. Like I said, I don't know anything about 7on7 except that it exists, and Byron coaches.

If your salty about him attempting to get you kids, that's your right. And the whole visual of the scenario you describe is hilarious to me, but not criminal.

But unless you know that he is gaining financially from his team, I happen to believe otherwise, I would refrain from accusing him of wrong doing. One could easily do the same to you, and all other 7on7 team organizers if they wanted. It's easy to do.

Welcome to the board. I'm not shocked that Byron would have a woman here fighting his battles for him. Don't act like you just came across this either. Did he call you crying about this thread?
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Because there are some Vol fans who have a level of narcissism and believe that everything they say no matter how ridiculous is right. Some fans can never be wrong because they thought it up so therefore it must be true. It's called irrational. Not all Vol fans are like that, they just voice there opinions and have good lively debate about topics. Then there are those who believe they know it all because somebody told them or they googled it so therefore it must be true. Half of them never played a sport but know who should start.

You're lobbying for her number aren't you? (whispering) Go ahead and ask her for it.

By the way, a lot of us have played sports and played them well. And it has nothing to do with 'narcissism' as much as it has to do with a smoking gun theory(let alone multiple smoking guns as is the case here) which is subject to debate and discussion on an internet message board which affects the program.

I would think irrational and illogical thought would be more in the way of spending an insane amount of time overanalyzing a potential problem and getting blindsided by it(kinda like your take on Bourque), as opposed to shining a light on it and getting to the truth.
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dude is a *** if i never seen one. he blantantly bashed my university, The University of Tennessee, on facebook to me not knowing who i was. next when myself along with Buck Fitzgerald held our 1st combine we told kids we would sent their film to Rivals, Scout, and 24/7 this fool called the NCAA and told them we had UT coaches coming by the combine. so i see him at MTSU and he recognizes my face and gets scared. Little did I know he told them not to fool with me or Buck because we only wanted money from them. so i confront him in front of the coaches and they banned him from being around their program. I told him if i ever see him in public I'd whoop his ********* ass. Then we put our 7 0n 7 tm together Buck leaves and BD doesn't know my vehicle, he tries to lure our 2014 kids to his car and ask them to play for him. I got out and he pulled off. This fool claims to work in the school system, well it ain't Davidson or Rutherford because he's banned from both. dude is a complete joke and all he is out to do is get paid. in our program IFM we help with grades, ACT prep, etc he does nothing but football and prey on kids for his own financial gain.

I'm surprised this thread got through so many posts before somebody brought this up. Not many 7v7 coaches besides dewiener can claim that they have been banned from two school systems.
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You do realize that your opinion is not a fact or the truth. Just because you say something is the truth does not make it the truth. All you are saying on here is exactly conjecture and nothing more. As you have stated you have no dealings with the 7v7 but yet make claims that DeVinners does it out of the goodness of his heart. How do you know he is not dirty if you are not involved. The truth would be at best in this situation you being an intricate part of all his operations but you are not. Like you said you are a volunteer that only participates in part of what he deos. And from the sound of it with very little access.

So in short you have lied by stating that your opinion is the truth.

Oh Ive stated much more that opinions. List one thing I said that was a lie. So far, I have stated:

Fact. Byron has a full time job.
Fact. He doesn't live lavishly
Fact. Nothing about his lifestyle suggests that he is on the make, and living high on the hog.

I can go on, but I have stated facts. I did tell you that
EYE (for emphasis) believe that he is a good guy. And that is also a FACT. I do believe that.

Same as you, I have opinions about Byron.

But I have also given you facts. And I stand by them.
Lovely, how big of a girl are ye? I only ask because the entire board is trying to hook grizz up with a lady under 250
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