CA Store Owner Killed Over Displaying Pride Flag

Aggravate me enough about something and I'm liable to have animosity about it. Doesn't mean I hate someone, just means I want to be left alone and not be subjected to constant bombardment to accept something as perfectly normal I see as a mental disorder.

You're hung up on who/what you're willing to admit you hate. For the third time, I said "hateful attitudes."
He's not wrong. I do think there is greater visibility today than even 5 years ago, so it may seem like a larger increase than it is. However, as a LGBT member in FL I can confirm hostility has ramped up considerably the past couple of years. I'm not talking about violence, to be clear, but much more open disdain, slurs, middle fingers, etc. And this is just the stuff on a personal level. The public comments by state officials and citizens alike calling us groomers and pedophiles is at the highest levels I've seen since the 1990s. You guys don't see it because it is not not directed at you.
And that I cannot argue with that because, as you say, I'm not a member of that group and live in a pretty conservative area where over-top-displays of that behavior are not as accepted as a social norm.

Is it not, however, entirely possible this is pushback against the perceived constant promotion of ideology that these behaviors should be accepted and pushing it on elementary aged children? My kids are long grown, but we have grandkids of that age, some of whom are now being homeschooled partially to avoid this crap in public schools. Another goes to a private school to avoid problems with public schools. The number of teenage girls now identifying as lesbian is approaching 20% and that has happened in the last dozen years. I do not believe for one second that is because almost 20% of the female population is really lesbian.
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Well, the murderer was a Christian nationalist.

I dont remember Christ's teaching on murdering others except that:

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, IF you have love for one another.
If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.

So many people calling themselves Christian without following Christ that He should sue for trademark infringement.

Then John points out:
Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.
Whoever says, “I love God,” but hates his brother is a liar. The one who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love the God whom he has not seen.

Even in Leviticus:
You must not hate your brother in your heart. You must surely reprove your fellow citizen so that you do not incur sin on account of him. You must not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the children of your people, but you must love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

Yet dont think it is all love. We are to hate and utterly abhor evil.

Who will admit to hating them? Maybe a couple people, IDK. Who will say hateful things? Plenty. Doc just explained one reason why he has "animosity" and that's his word

You will note the above is about hating a person - yet Christians are commanded to hate sin (most especially in themselves first) and to call it out where they see it. Saying an action is wrong and sinful does not make someone hateful.

Too often, sinners and those who sin, wanting to keep on sinning, accuse others of hatred for simply pointing out their sin.
You will note the above is about hating a person - yet Christians are commanded to hate sin (most especially in themselves first) and to call it out where they see it. Saying an action is wrong and sinful does not make someone hateful.

Too often, sinners and those who sin, wanting to keep on sinning, accuse others of hatred for simply pointing out their sin.

Who is doing this? You act as if the only opposition LGBTQ sees is Christians calling homosexuality a sin. You're in a thread about murder, FFS. You're in a thread where people are saying they have mental disorders. You're in a thread where people are mad they might go to a swimming pool.
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He's not wrong. I do think there is greater visibility today than even 5 years ago, so it may seem like a larger increase than it is. However, as a LGBT member in FL I can confirm hostility has ramped up considerably the past couple of years. I'm not talking about violence, to be clear, but much more open disdain, slurs, middle fingers, etc. And this is just the stuff on a personal level. The public comments by state officials and citizens alike calling us groomers and pedophiles is at the highest levels I've seen since the 1990s. You guys don't see it because it is not not directed at you.
I Always read your posts. Appreciate your perspective. And I’d still like to see more of your perspective, if you’re ever up for it.
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I agree he was not a follower of Christ's teachings. That said, the Christian Nationalist movement is growing in numbers and influence. They certainly believe themselves to be Christian.
There are people who believe themselves to be lots of things. How many Jesus's are locked up in mental hospitals or roaming the streets of Portland, Oregon?
Maybe stop shoving it in our faces, celebrating perversion, and pushing it on kids?

Just a thought.
My son opted out of class last year (Junior taking German foreign language). A pen was in the floor and one of his classmates said do you know who’s this is, and he stated and point in front of him “it’s hers”. In the first few days of class he used the wrong pronoun and the young lady went ballistic. She chastised him in the class as not knowing what it’s like because he’s a “straight white male”. My son walked up to the teacher and removed himself from the class. My son is a pretty strong conservative and has his own values, being subjected to that isn’t one of them.
Discounting someone's fundamental existence as a mental disorder is probably a good place to start.


Most mental disorders...that is, behaviors/inclinations that fall far outside the statistical norm...are part of the person's "fundamental existence."

Does that mean that people who find members of those groups to be abnormal "hate" those individuals? What if the pity them? What if they will tolerate them but refuse to accept their behavior as "normal?"
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Aggravate me enough about something and I'm liable to have animosity about it. Doesn't mean I hate someone, just means I want to be left alone and not be subjected to constant bombardment to accept something as perfectly normal I see as a mental disorder.

The problem I suspect you feel is not that you must tolerate them, it is that now you are required to agree with them.
That’s an odd way of looking at it. Someone no longer exists if I disagree with them? Feels like someone is being a bit of a drama Queen here.

It's not odd at all, unless you're bring obtuse and willfully ignorant of your own inherent quality of life based on a-priori attributes.

Most mental disorders...that is, behaviors/inclinations that fall far outside the statistical norm...are part of the person's "fundamental existence."

Does that mean that people who find members of those groups to be abnormal "hate" those individuals? What if the pity them? What if they will tolerate them but refuse to accept their behavior as "normal?"

That's hardly tolerating them.
You need to quit providing takes based on your feelings and post empirical data backing up your firsthand experiences as a gay man so the straight people here can be convinced.

Pie charts. Graphs. Diagrams. Numbers.

Look, I am accustomed to being disliked and even hated by some. It's part of life. People don't like each other for numerous reasons, and that's okay. Just so long we don't act on it to diminish others' lives.

Folks can disbelieve my experience, but I've lived it and know it to be true.

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