CA Store Owner Killed Over Displaying Pride Flag

It's not odd at all, unless you're bring obtuse and willfully ignorant of your own inherent quality of life based on a-priori attributes.

No, it’s odd for sure. You’re taking a very negative approach to mental healthcare by attempting to claim it’s a denial of another persons existence to acknowledge their need for care.
Acknowledging that a gay person needs treatment for being gay is as insulting as it is absurd.

Perhaps. I’m speaking specifically of trans. Instead of helping these people we celebrate them all the way to their early grave
The problem I suspect you feel is not that you must tolerate them, it is that now you are required to agree with them.
Oh, yes. Tolerance has never been a problem; I've had plenty of employees of that persuasion and one that worked for me in the 90s remains to this day a best friend. I do not begrudge her anything related to her lifestyle, but she is not insisting on teaching Lesbian Lifestyles to seven year olds. Knowing her, a lot of the mess going on probably pisses her off.
Left: Drag queens should read to toddlers!
Right: that kinda sounds like grooming
Left: hate speech!

I will say, I’m envious. It must be nice to just have that card in your back pocket, ready to go at all times
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Left: Drag queens should read to toddlers!
Right: that kinda sounds like grooming
Left: hate speech!

I will say, I’m envious. It must be nice to just have that card in your back pocket, ready to go at all times
The term fascist, bigot, homophobic etc. Lost its luster when it was used freely to try to silence someone who disagreed. The card gets flimsy getting used so often.
Maybe stop shoving it in our faces, celebrating perversion, and pushing it on kids?

Just a thought.

@Vol8188 might suggest what is being "shoved into your face" is simply a manifestation of your viewing habit algorithm or that you're otherwise seeking it out. Would you agree?
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@Vol8188 might suggest what is being "shoved into your face" is simply a manifestation of your viewing habit algorithm or that you're otherwise seeking it out. Would you agree?

Without a doubt there’s in increase in lgbt content for kids. 20 years ago drag queen story time didn’t exist and no one was trying to teach gender is on a spectrum in elementary schools. That’s the difference in the two things. One is real (increased targeting of kids) and the other is a product of your algorithm (false perception of increased lgbtqia hate crimes)
Without a doubt there’s in increase in lgbt content for kids. 20 years ago drag queen story time didn’t exist and no one was trying to teach gender is on a spectrum in elementary schools. That’s the difference in the two things. One is real (increased targeting of kids) and the other is a product of your algorithm (false perception of increased lgbtqia hate crimes)

There's an increase in content of EVERYTHING, literally.
There's an increase in content of EVERYTHING, literally.

Sure. We all have increased access to info which can make anything feel like it’s increased even when it’s not. The difference is there’s no real significant increase in lgbt hate crimes, but there is an increase in pushes for lgbt education in elementary school.

Not sure how you can deny that.
Not sure how you can deny that.

Lmao. Flabbergasted by the notion that there's much more hateful rhetoric and "pedo" BS thrown at LGBTQ+ people, which is extremely obvious, but "undeniable" and "real" that LGBTQ+ people are "targeting kids." Even more lost and dumb than you usually are
Lmao. Flabbergasted by the notion that there's much more hateful rhetoric and "pedo" BS thrown at LGBTQ+ people, which is extremely obvious, but "undeniable" and "real" that LGBTQ+ people are "targeting kids." Even more lost and dumb than you usually are

Is drag queen story hour not “targeting kids”? And is the blowback from things such as that not where the pedo/groomer rhetoric comes from?
Sure. We all have increased access to info which can make anything feel like it’s increased even when it’s not. The difference is there’s no real significant increase in lgbt hate crimes, but there is an increase in pushes for lgbt education in elementary school.

Not sure how you can deny that.

I can deny it because the data I presented you literally supports it.

You asked for data, you were given supporting data.

Citing the latest FBI hate crime report from 2021, it shows almost a 12% increase over the prior year.
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Is drag queen story hour not “targeting kids”? And is the blowback from things such as that not where the pedo/groomer rhetoric comes from?

Reading a book to kids is targeting them? For what? How many people participate in that?
Oddly, no one mentions race as a factor here, which would surely be mentioned if he were white. I wonder why that is?

Sad for this poor woman and her family because this man let his hatred for his LEO father spill into everything else.

Why do you think it was hatred of his LEO father and not his hatred of gays.
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Reading a book to kids is targeting them? For what? How many people participate in that?

It’s obviously targeting them. Who is the desired demographic of drag queen story hour? Young kids, obviously. They even openly state such. So I’m not sure why you’d even ask that question other than to troll.

To teach them about queer ways is the short of “for what”.

As far as 3, I’m not sure. But the goal is attention as much as it is participation. And it started in 2017 and even warranted academic papers on its merits, so I’d imagine over 6 years there’s been a large number attend

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