Caitlyn Jenner announces run for governor of California: 'I'm in!'

I glanced at this thread title and the one below it and thought I read that Caitlyn Jenner had been shot by the police. I was weirder out by a potential transgendered riot brigade.

IF (big if) Jenner was a legit threat to win that state as a republican then he probably would get shot. Gavin Newsome undercover sniper ninja incognito gunned down mode.
IF (big if) Jenner was a legit threat to win that state as a republican then he probably would get shot. Gavin Newsome undercover sniper ninja incognito gunned down mode.
Jenner would just some Wheaties and emerge as a trans-transgendered.
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It dont matter. I wasn't born until he was a dying senile man so I won't bust on him
Of course another assumption post made out of ignorance and not even having a clue about actual reality and facts due to youth, inexperience, and believing party line BS.

Doesn't the Valley girl routine ever get old with you? Wouldn't you like to at least TRY to educate yourself past watching and getting your opinions from Grey's Anatomy?
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Are you suggesting some Republicans aren't as liberal as Democrats? The Left encompasses many unintelligent, emotional trainwrecks. It's an illness that infects all genders and political parties
Not suggesting anything other than she is a lifelong Republican and a very vocal supporter of Trump.
Of course another assumption post made out of ignorance and not even having a clue about actual reality and facts due to youth, inexperience, and believing party line BS.

Doesn't the Valley girl routine ever get old with you? Wouldn't you like to at least TRY to educate yourself past watching and getting your opinions from Grey's Anatomy?
People still watch Grey's Anatomy??

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