Caitlyn Jenner announces run for governor of California: 'I'm in!'

Tax cut. Tax cut and tax cut. First President to meaningfully increase the deficit

Hi tax cut together with W’s subsequently, were a big part of 2007
Are you in favor of reinstituting the SALT deductions to the federal tax structure?
There was nothing redeeming about that show from the very first episode. All chippy politics. Stupid.
Yeah, but the racist white people can't dominate now since half of the contestants will be gay and black or American Indian and gay maybe a few Hispanic gays and "undocumented" gay non-citizens.
CBS is requiring shows like Survivor to have 50% of the contestants to be black, indigenous or people of color, so I expect viewers to soar.
So how do they verify this? The latest black Bachelor had a white mom, would he count as 50% or as a black contestant. Where would someone with Egyptian heritage fall? How would Rachel Dolezal count? What if a straight white male still wins?

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