Caitlyn Jenner announces run for governor of California: 'I'm in!'

I used to like the show. I didn't hate trump ever until a bunch of fools thought he was worthy enough to be president. When he was a reality TV guy, I thought he was funny.

I imagine its similar to how you feel about the Survivor host or whatever. He does a good job acting but ... nuclear codes? come on now.
EDIT- oh- I'm a dog person though :cool:
I nailed it.
Yeah, but the racist white people can't dominate now since half of the contestants will be gay and black or American Indian and gay maybe a few Hispanic gays and "undocumented" gay non-citizens.
Gotcha. That is on par with the GAS factor I have for anything Peking James has to say about anything
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Oh wow. Choose to keep the elitist out of touch rich white guy who is bankrupting them but willing to pander to their personal wealth theft and wealth distribution agenda or switch to the transgender popular former athlete whom supports the whole woke LBGTQABCDEFGH far left progressive agenda but identifies as a former Republican whom is now fiscally conservative but socially progressive and has stated will NOT pander to their wealth redistribution theft agenda. Decisions decisions! Oh who are we kidding they keep the rich out of touch elitist white guy who panders to them and it won’t even be close.

Also whom was it that used that exact same description of themselves here? Fiscally conservative but socially progressive.... aha! Admit it @Septic you’re really Caitlyn Jenner!!


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