California bill to purge Christians from police

Gay marriages can’t procreate. So your argument against incest is not applicable to gay marriage, regardless of its validity. Therefore, gay marriage is not analogous to incest and the whole “what about incest” tangent was a straw man.
You're a hatemonger.

If you don't allow them to conflate a consensual gay relationships between adults engaging in Holy matrimony with non consensual child abuse through incest, they'll just start misrepresenting your argument until you give up.
Too late. I’m hooked. Gotta hear how explaining that gay marriage and incest are not analogous is actually saying they’re the same.
Your opinion is valued. You are brave. That being said, boo boo is homosexual slang for what?


One of two things is happening - either you think I'm being insulted by you implying I'm gay (I'm not.)

Or you're treating this like your Grindr account to see if I'll bite - while I'm flattered, I must inform you that I'm not gay, so please stop hitting on me.
Too late. I’m hooked. Gotta hear how explaining that gay marriage and incest are not analogous is actually saying they’re the same.

My guess is that if you press this, their argument will devolve into and will result in the third pillar in the holy trinity of strawmen.

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One of two things is happening - either you think I'm being insulted by you implying I'm gay (I'm not.)

Or you're treating this like your Grindr account to see if I'll bite - while I'm flattered, I must inform you that I'm not gay, so please stop hitting on me.
Oh. Wow. Would never have guessed from your posting history. Thanks for clearing that up.
Oh. Wow. Would never have guessed from your posting history. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, no one's ever accused you of being particularly bright or inciteful.

I'll let you slide on this one, just try to keep your feet in your own stall next time.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and has been considered one for a bit, and is evidenced by the other borderline/psych diagnoses that go along with it. There's lots of agreement on that throughout the array of psychology, psychiatry, sociology and other such fields.

Again, you didn't answer my question if you believe that an adult male should be able to marry his adult sister and practice incest if they are consenting???
What is the argument against it? We are talking about two consenting adults, right?
The argument against it is because of the societal factors of having incestious children among other things.

I am not surprised that some here would argue that incest is ok though...slippery slope indeed
Gay marriages can’t procreate. So your argument against incest is not applicable to gay marriage, regardless of its validity. Therefore, gay marriage is not analogous to incest and the whole “what about incest” tangent was a straw man.

No mention of gay in reference to the bolded no matter how hard you tried to make it that way.
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No mention of gay in reference to the bolded no matter how hard you tried to make it that way.
Since you went to the trouble to bold the part where he says “again,...” I’ll be generous and assume that even you realize that means there’s more to the conversation and don’t need me to rub your nose in it.

But I’m having to be very generous coming off you saying I said they were the same when what I actually said was that they weren’t analogous... which is not so much “not the same” as it is “not even remotely related”
Since you went to the trouble to bold the part where he says “again,...” I’ll be generous and assume that even you realize that means there’s more to the conversation and don’t need me to rub your nose in it.

But I’m having to be very generous coming off you saying I said they were the same when what I actually said was that they weren’t analogous... which is not so much “not the same” as it is “not even remotely related”
But there wasn't more to my response nor to what you were referencing. If you thought he was equating gay to incest you're a bigger moron than I give you credit for.
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But there wasn't more to my response nor to what you were referencing. If you thought he was equating gay to incest you're a bigger moron than I give you credit for.

Oh excellent, you do want your nose rubbed in it. It’s so much more enjoyable when you ask for it.

The thread became partially centered around “traditional marriage,” because that’s the only way that the premise of the thread could even remotely be true. It starts in post 5. But you already knew that because you left your tramp stamp on post 5.

It comes up again in post 34, 40, 62, and 91. Basically, once or twice per page, a reference is being made to gay marriage by either Ricky or Wafflestomper.

In post 102, Wafflestomper then analogized interracial marriage and gay marriage. He says essentially that they’re two similar acts that were not acceptable to prudes and this delayed the government’s recognition of them. This sparked a discussion that goes on for a while in post 134, 136, 140, 142, 144, 147, and 148.

In 148, Ricky brings up incest as a strawman to these other forms of marriage. It’s supposed to be the bottom of this supposed slippery slope of not restricting marriage between consenting adults. When asked for a reason why it should be illegal, he responds with something that isn’t applicable to a gay marriage, or an interracial marriage. Even if the rationale is valid, it doesn’t apply to the types of marriage that were being discussed.

A reasonably dignified person would now be ashamed and just shut up, a lesser person would become angry and resort to insults, a dishonest person will pretend that’s not what happened.

Can’t wait to find out which one you are.
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You lack imagination. But even if this were true, that doesn't explain why the government should go along with the Bible-thumping prudes and prevent consenting adults from marrying. Like they did with both interracial and gay couples. Hence the comparison.

What exactly am I conflating? I said it was a similar issue and all I got was "nuh uh, that's stupid."

So you think it's appropriate for a police officer to state his support for racial segregation and then go out and police in his community?

What if I was a cop and had been outspoken against Christians. Would you want me providing security for your church?
As long as you can do your job I don’t really care. If my banker is for defunding the police but he can protect my money, I don’t care.
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If you don't allow them to conflate a consensual gay relationships between adults engaging in Holy matrimony with non consensual child abuse through incest, they'll just start misrepresenting your argument until you give up.
Who said anything about non consensual child abuse? Either you think consenting adults can be together all the time or not
Well either your consistent that consenting adults should be allowed to do what they want regardless of circumstance or you think there should be limitations. Pretty cut and dry

Who argued there shouldn't be limitations? You asked whether consenting adult siblings should be able to get married and I answered. Do you think siblings who want to screw each other get a permit from the government first? Or do they adhere to biblical principles and wait until they're married? Why are we talking about this anyway?
Who argued there shouldn't be limitations? You asked whether consenting adult siblings should be able to get married and I answered. Do you think siblings who want to screw each other get a permit from the government first? Or do they adhere to biblical principles and wait until they're married? Why are we talking about this anyway?
Because he didn’t have a reason why the government should be involved with other marriages, so he needed a strawman where he at least could think of a reason.
Because he didn’t have a reason why the government should be involved with other marriages, so he needed a strawman where he at least could think of a reason.
Government shouldn’t be involved in marriage but incest should also not be allowed. Pretty simple concepts for most to grasp
Who argued there shouldn't be limitations? You asked whether consenting adult siblings should be able to get married and I answered. Do you think siblings who want to screw each other get a permit from the government first? Or do they adhere to biblical principles and wait until they're married? Why are we talking about this anyway?
Do you think you are being bigoted to say you don’t agree that consenting adults should be able to practice incest? Pretty much the same hollow argument for homosexual “marriage”. You can disagree with both and not be a “bigot”
Government shouldn’t be involved in marriage but incest should also not be allowed. Pretty simple concepts for most to grasp

Is being a sibling one of the protected classes under this law?
Is incest related to gender? Sexual orientation? Ethnicity? Nationality?

The point being that the only reason to bring it up in this context was to try to justify government intervention in other forms of marriage.
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