California governor signs "Dream Act"

I am definitely going to call you a racist; immediately jumping to the "illegal immigrants" do not provide anything of worth (while defending the immigrants from Europe and Asia) other than cleaning a swimming pool in Hollywood.

You are a racist. Live with it.

What do Illegal immigrants these days bring to society bro?

Give me a good example.

I really wanna know because I think your the type of person when you start losing an argument you start calling people names.
Maybe they should pass a law that does not allow African-Americans to use the same facilities as Caucasians. Anyone who does so illegally, should go to jail, since they did something illegally...right?

why does a criticism of illegal immigration inevitably become a civil rights discussion?
Working illegal immigrants are funding that effort as well.

all of them? How much are they taking in return? You can claim they are putting in but it's still right pocket/left pocket with most. Also, are they really putting in or is the person whose SS# they stole doing it for them?
But either they had ancestors who did or they went through the proper channels to earn citizenship. Correct me if I am wrong

Some had ancestors who did; some did not. It matters not though in what that individual has actually done. I should not get some pass because my Grandpa and his brothers fought at Corregidor.

There were plenty that did not go through any proper channels; prior to Ellis Island, there were very few "proper channels" even available. Persons just came, worked, had children, and participated.
I have no problem with cutting ties with Mexico. It would probably help in the long run.

How hard was it for immigrants in the 1920's-1940's? Did we give free handouts then?

According to the premise of this thread, what free handout are you talking about that you (since you used the term we) giving them?
They just need to protect the border and make work permits and citizenship very easy to come by. If we believe in a free market than we must endorse the free exchange of labor. The doomsday arguments against immigration are the same ones they were making 120 years ago.

Some had ancestors who did; some did not. It matters not though in what that individual has actually done. I should not get some pass because my Grandpa and his brothers fought at Corregidor.

And I disagree with you because I think you do.
wondering how many people here arguing that illegals benefit the economy and pay for their services actually have lived in border states?
What do Illegal immigrants these days bring to society bro?

Give me a good example.

I really wanna know because I think your the type of person when you start losing an argument you start calling people names.

Really? They do the jobs entitled Americans are unwilling to do. Look at GM - people who stare at assembly lines are only willing to do so for an exorbitant amount of money. Illegals are happy to do similar jobs for the reasonable amount of money (enough to feed family/make a living).

Much of our blue collar labor force is illegal. Thinking otherwise is ignorant.
What do Illegal immigrants these days bring to society bro?

Give me a good example.

I really wanna know because I think your the type of person when you start losing an argument you start calling people names.

They work in feedyards, on chicken farms, and in processing plants. Their work makes it much more affordable for you to buy beef and poultry.

They sharecrop; by doing so, they pick plenty of fruits and vegetables that you can then consume at an affordable price.

These are the two biggest examples I can think of, aside from the fact that studies have shown a higher percentage of the children of illegal immigrants enlist in the US military than do children of Citizens. I am not sure how much that is worth to you, though.

I call it how I see it, and I see you as a racist. Do not call me "bro", I am not your brother.
They work in feedyards, on chicken farms, and in processing plants. Their work makes it much more affordable for you to buy beef and poultry.

They sharecrop; by doing so, they pick plenty of fruits and vegetables that you can then consume at an affordable price.

These are the two biggest examples I can think of, aside from the fact that studies have shown a higher percentage of the children of illegal immigrants enlist in the US military than do children of Citizens. I am not sure how much that is worth to you, though.

I call it how I see it, and I see you as a racist. Do not call me "bro", I am not your brother.

They only have these jobs because they will work for less money. Which means what for the producers?
the fact that studies have shown a higher percentage of the children of illegal immigrants enlist in the US military than do children of Citizens. I am not sure how much that is worth to you, though.
I would be interested in seeing a study that revealed these results.
They work in feedyards, on chicken farms, and in processing plants. Their work makes it much more affordable for you to buy beef and poultry.

They sharecrop; by doing so, they pick plenty of fruits and vegetables that you can then consume at an affordable price.

ok and then why are we keeping the other 10,000,000 who are sitting on the corner of home depot looking for work that doesn't exist?
all of them? How much are they taking in return? You can claim they are putting in but it's still right pocket/left pocket with most. Also, are they really putting in or is the person whose SS# they stole doing it for them?

They are putting in. Corporations (which dominate Agribusiness) ensure that a W-4 is filed for each and every employer; a W-4 is used to automatically take out estimated tax payments from each paycheck. Most of these companies will not allow their workers, whom they are well aware are illegal immigrants with false documentation, to file the W-4 in a way that nothing will be taken out, because that raises eyebrows with the IRS (the institution that can and will cripple businesses, unlike ICE).
They work in feedyards, on chicken farms, and in processing plants. Their work makes it much more affordable for you to buy beef and poultry.

They sharecrop; by doing so, they pick plenty of fruits and vegetables that you can then consume at an affordable price.

These are the two biggest examples I can think of, aside from the fact that studies have shown a higher percentage of the children of illegal immigrants enlist in the US military than do children of Citizens. I am not sure how much that is worth to you, though.

I call it how I see it, and I see you as a racist. Do not call me "bro", I am not your brother.

Can you back that up with numbers?
They are putting in. Corporations (which dominate Agribusiness) ensure that a W-4 is filed for each and every employer; a W-4 is used to automatically take out estimated tax payments from each paycheck. Most of these companies will not allow their workers, whom they are well aware are illegal immigrants with false documentation, to file the W-4 in a way that nothing will be taken out, because that raises eyebrows with the IRS (the institution that can and will cripple businesses, unlike ICE).

most illegals file as exempt since thier incomes are so low. the irs isnt' going to complain that migrant workers say they aren't making any taxable money.
They work for closer to the realistic amount of money. Don't kid yourself. Americans are too fat and entitled to do what they do.

Tell that to the thousands here in Alabama that cant get work in a chicken plant because it is overrun by illegals.
Maybe they should pass a law that does not allow African-Americans to use the same facilities as Caucasians. Anyone who does so illegally, should go to jail, since they did something illegally...right?

What does race have to do with this thread? Nothing. Illegal immigrants are not always of a different race than Caucasian. My point, since you choose to ignore it, is that being in this country without proper documentation is illegal. The punishment for said crime is deportation. Instead our government decides to reward the crime with benefits that they did not earn, did not pay the first penny toward by working, and certainly do not deserve. I don't care what color your skin is.
If you want to come to the USA, I am all for it. Just do it the right way. Maybe it's too difficult for you. If so, perhaps you don't have the initiative that it would take to succeed here in the first place without government assistance.
If you are intent on coming here to suck on the government teat, we not only don't need you, we don't want you.

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