Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

I really love the place the GOP is at. Very fitting. They're made up of good, God fearing folks.


WATCH: Things Get Really Awkward During Steve Bannon Interview With Nancy Mace and Matt Gaetz​


Rep. Kevin McCarthy is no longer Speaker of the House, and those who delivered the knock-out blow are taking their victory laps.

One especially awkward scene played out on Wednesday when Steve Bannon invited Rep. Nancy Mace and Rep. Matt Gaetz to appear on his show. It would be hard to find two more polar opposite Republican congressional members, but things got even weirder when Bannon noted that Mace voted to send him to federal prison.

You have to love her response that she's a "constitutionalist" when Bannon presses her. I'm not sure what the U.S. Constitution has to do with voting to hold Bannon in contempt of Congress given that's a judgment call, but Mace was entitled to her vote.

Regardless, it does show how incredibly weird the current dynamic is within the GOP. At the end of the day, Mace is a pro-abortion politician who has long pitted herself against the wing of the party that Matt Gaetz inhabits. Now, she's on War Room allied with Bannon, whom she previously recommended by charged with a crime. Politics certainly makes strange bedfellows.

In the clip, Gaetz goes on to say that Mace joined his fight because she's a "fiscal hawk." That's not the reported reason she was so upset with McCarthy, though. Rather, if you look at her tweet storm following her vote for the motion the vacate, she mentioned a broken promise over "women's issues," and there have been rumblings about her discontent in that area for months.

I really love the place the GOP is at. Very fitting. They're made up of good, God fearing folks.

Probably ought to look at the plank in the Dems eye. Never forget the excuse making for a POTUS sexually harassing an intern and lying about it during a sexual harassment deposition. And Gaetz is POS too
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In ten years I think we will have racially dedicated seats. X number of seats will be reserved for indigenous, x number for “Latinx”, and x number for black. Maybe even x number of trans or alphabet people seats

Almost like in the old days before desegregation ... only the accommodations cost more now ... and different people decide who is at the back of the bus. The more things change ...
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Exxxxxxxactly!! You and I know and admit that...but some in the GOP can't admit this.

The sad fact is that once one person running for office offers to provide people benefits from the treasury in exchange for their votes, then all running for office will be forced to do the same. Let's pretend the GOP is actually fiscally conservative. There will always be those who consider themselves a GOP voter but want what other representatives are promising for their own states and districts. There will also be the independents who will side with dems rather than the GOP if the dem candidate is promising free stuff. It would be abnormal for any taxpayer not to resent his taxes being used for funding projects everywhere else but in his district. The GOP could play the game of self annihilation, but then they wouldn't get to play the rich and powerful or make millions on congressional salaries that don't stretch that far. Think about it; campaigns and campaign promises are largely what someone "will do for you" if elected.
You are correct. We don't have a revenue problem. But it is fool's gold to think we would ever get a bipartisan consensus on spending cuts without some form or fashion of increasing revenue.

Because at the end of the day to truly enforce spending cuts without touching revenue, you will need a White House, House of Representatives, and Senate on your side and the political will to make those spending cuts.... For the party of crying about spending problems, Republicans had the opportunity to do in from January 2017 - January 2019 and ran far from it.

I firmly believe you could get agreement for a spending cut ... if you agree to so and so's new bridge, and to a new plant for somebody else, and to a new missile contract for a manufacturer in somebody else's district, and so on. In the end the cost would far outstrip the savings in the spending cut. Until congress is actually forced to produce legislation to do one thing with no attachments of any kind, there will never be fiscal responsibility, and that would still only lead to "I'll vote for your bridge, if you vote for my highway." Some states have voted for balanced budgets; no way in hell the feds are going to do the same.
The sad fact is that once one person running for office offers to provide people benefits from the treasury in exchange for their votes, then all running for office will be forced to do the same. Let's pretend the GOP is actually fiscally conservative. There will always be those who consider themselves a GOP voter but want what other representatives are promising for their own states and districts. There will also be the independents who will side with dems rather than the GOP if the dem candidate is promising free stuff. It would be abnormal for any taxpayer not to resent his taxes being used for funding projects everywhere else but in his district. The GOP could play the game of self annihilation, but then they wouldn't get to play the rich and powerful or make millions on congressional salaries that don't stretch that far. Think about it; campaigns and campaign promises are largely what someone "will do for you" if elected.
An absolute truth.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
― Alexander Fraser Tytler

Lauren Boebert says she would ‘ditch’ motion to vacate rules if Jim Jordan becomes speaker​

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) signaled she would be willing to repeal House rules on motions to vacate but only if House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is selected as the next House speaker to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).


So, his ego will allow him to have everyone applaud him for being a unifier, short term.

What a guy.

Lauren Boebert says she would ‘ditch’ motion to vacate rules if Jim Jordan becomes speaker​

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) signaled she would be willing to repeal House rules on motions to vacate but only if House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is selected as the next House speaker to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Jim Jordan as Speaker would be a disaster. Epic.
The level to which some go to suck up to Trump is weird. “He’s the only speaker I’ll vote for!”
Jim Jordan as Speaker would be a disaster. Epic.

Liz Cheney Jumps Into the Speaker Fight to Deliver a Desperate Warning​


Liz Cheney is jumping into the fight over who will be the next Speaker of the House, and she's brought with her desperate warning: Don't elect Rep. Jim Jordan to the position.

The disgraced former Republican congressional member who was ousted after losing her primary race by 40 points, has been trying to remain relevant for the last year. That's been a mostly unsuccessful endeavor, with Cheney rarely even drawing broadcast and cable news appearances anymore.


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