Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

Franklin must be from Louisiana. Such a proud day. Johnson is an extremist and was a very prominent election denier, and an abortion christian crazy
of the first rank. Nothing he and his ilk push will ever get passed by the Senate, so there is that. Clearly, the GOP freak show got tired of the embarrassment and dysfunction and just elected somebody.
After Jim Jordan didn't make it I was wanting Donalds but the more I hear from democrats speaking of Mike Johnson's past the more I'm liking the guy and the Republicans may have found their diamond in the rough.
After Jim Jordan didn't make it I was wanting Donalds but the more I hear from democrats speaking of Mike Johnson's past the more I'm liking the guy and the Republicans may have found their diamond in the rough.
Thanks for providing us with real proof as to why our political and ideological differences have become a product of the effects of social media on the weakest of minds
Cobbvol: Lets go live to our Cobbvol Media Services reporter on the hill for reaction of the new SoH from the radical marxist democrat party. Is that lawgator or turbovol Ms. Buttercup?

Ms. Buttercup: Well, they are pretty much the same Mr. Cobbvol. As everyone knows, if you seen one radical cult member you have seen them all so here you go ...

Fascists? Have you seen the news of the liberal campus protesting, the members of congress openly against Israel? That fringe is clearly on your side.

Israel deserves plenty of criticism. Dumb gullible Americans--many of them religious types--don't know the first thing about Israel's actions in Palestine. Or don't care. It's been stealing Palestinian land for decades, just for starters, and essentially runs a system of apartheid on the West Bank and Gaza. Here's the racket: It oppresses the Palestinians, and then when they erupt in anger and frustration, Israel points at them and screams: "look at those militants who want to hurt us! We're just poor, sweet Israelis trying to live peacefully among these savages." It's all a big echo to the days of slavery and those instances when there'd be a slave uprising. "Oh, lordy, Uncle Fester, look at what those savages have done to our plantation! Horrors! And we give them corn meal to eat every night and all they have to do is pick tobacco and cotton dawn till dusk. So ungrateful!"
Israel deserves plenty of criticism. Dumb gullible Americans--many of them religious types--don't know the first thing about Israel's actions in Palestine. Or don't care. It's been stealing Palestinian land for decades, just for starters, and essentially runs a system of apartheid on the West Bank and Gaza. Here's the racket: It oppresses the Palestinians, and then when they erupt in anger and frustration, Israel points at them and screams: "look at those militants who want to hurt us! We're just poor, sweet Israelis trying to live peacefully among these savages." It's all a big echo to the days of slavery and those instances when there'd be a slave uprising. "Oh, lordy, Uncle Fester, look at what those savages have done to our plantation! Horrors! And we give them corn meal to eat every night and all they have to do is pick tobacco and cotton dawn till dusk. So ungrateful!"

"erupt in anger and frustration"

calm down everyone - Hamas was just letting off a little steam they didn't want to hurt Israelis...
Uh, I believe it's the Republicans who've been doing that by continuing to disgracefully listen to the UnAmerican criminal
who used to stink up the White House.

The Democrats will do what they think is right and won't pay much attention to right-wing crazies like Johnson.
So "bipartisanship" is just talk, huh?
So "bipartisanship" is just talk, huh?

Bipartisanship means meeting in the middle. Mitchell is a christian freak and notable extremist. So we'll see to what degree he and the rest of the GOP far-right crazies will modifiy their views. The Dems certainly will oppose any attempts to pass far-right nonsense.
"erupt in anger and frustration"

calm down everyone - Hamas was just letting off a little steam they didn't want to hurt Israelis...

It is what is, and it's not going to stop until there is a settlement. The attack was shocking, but the situation has been violent for 70
years and will continue to be.
Bipartisanship means meeting in the middle. Mitchell is a christian freak and notable extremist. So we'll see to what degree he and the rest of the GOP far-right crazies will modifiy their views. The Dems certainly will oppose any attempts to pass far-right nonsense.

How are the Democrats demonstrating a willingness to "meet in the middle" on social issues such as abortion, parental rights re: school curriculum and child rearing decisions, affirmative action, etc.?

How are the Democrats demonstrating a willingness to "meet in the middle" on social issues such as abortion, parental rights re: school curriculum and child rearing decisions, affirmative action, etc.?


It’s hard to overlook the irony of a guy who regularly rages like an unstable lunatic wagging his finger at others for not seeking out common ground. It’s hilarious.
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The irony is Johnson only got elected by the Dems ousting McCarthy..LOL
Nobody wanted me saying the Dems were responsible a month ago.

The Dems didn't oust him--7 or 8 Republicans did, led by that uber-a$$hole Gaetz. You've got it wrong, as usual. The Democrats simply
chose not to bail him out.
The Dems didn't oust him--7 or 8 Republicans did, led by that uber-a$$hole Gaetz. You've got it wrong, as usual. The Democrats simply
chose not to bail him out.
Dems voted him out and didn’t abstain. Life choices have consequences, but I know you liberals struggle with that concept.
How are the Democrats demonstrating a willingness to "meet in the middle" on social issues such as abortion, parental rights re: school curriculum and child rearing decisions, affirmative action, etc.?


On abortion, there's always been a 12- or 15-week threshold--that ipso facto is a compromise. Many of the GOP's christian crazies like Mitchell want a total ban and think women who've been raped or whose life is endangered by the pregnancy should be forced to have the baby anyway. They're sick--disgusting.

Parental rights? To do what? Check a school's curriculum? Please be serious. First, we're talking MAGA parents who aren't even educated in the first place. They don't know the first thing about school cirriculums. They're just crazy reactionaries. And some crazy red states already do try to manage what their students read. Texas is notorious for its ultra-conservative school boards either ordering their own history books or demanding that history textbook publishers change content when they don't think there is enough religious nonsense included in American history, or too much is written about slavery. They want American history to be all shining, god-centered citadel. Other red states are doing the same thing now--no content on sexuality of LGBT issues, etc. But there could be compromise on textual controversies if the right people are put in charge of reviewing textbooks.
Dems voted him out and didn’t abstain. Life choices have consequences, but I know you liberals struggle with that concept.

You're wrong, Earl. Gaetz was responsible for his ouster---period. Stop distorting the facts. The Dems were simply happy to show Americans what dysfunctional mess the GOP House is. Johnson will be in for rude awakening when he confronts the reality that his crazy views will not go anywhere.

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